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Language Word Chinese Translit Transliteration Purposes Usages Examples Pinyin Translation Level
0 中文 爱情 Ai4qing2 Noun Romantic love 被爱情蒙住眼睛 Bei4 ai4qing2 meng1zhu yan3jing Be blinded by love 4
1 中文 安排 An1pai2 Noun Arrangement, plan schedule 明天你有什么安排? Ming2tian1 ni3 you3 shen2me an1pai2? What are your plans for tomorrow? 4
2 中文 安排 An1pai2 Noun Disposal 我完全听后你的安排 Wo3 wan2quan2 ting1hou3 ni3 de an1pai2 I am entirely under your disposal 4
3 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To assign 给新来的人安排任务 Gei3 xin1lai2 de ren2 an1pai2 ren4wu Assign new duties to newcomers 4
4 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To arrange (matters) 安排系列讲座 An1pai2 xi4lie4 jiang3zuo4 Arrange a series of lectures 4
5 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To deploy 合理安排人力 He2li3 an1pai2 ren2li4 Deploy available manpower rationally 4
6 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To set aside 每周安排一个下午开会 Mei3 zhou1 an1pai2 yi1 ge xia4wu3 kai1hui4 Set aside one afternoon a week for meetings 4
7 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To manage 妥善安排时间 Tuo3shan4 an1pai2 shi2jian1 Manage one’s time well 4
8 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To plan 安排版面 An1pai2 ban3mian4 Plan the layout 4
9 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To set up 明天的工作都安排好了 Ming2tian1 de gong1zuo4 dou1 an1pai2 hao3le Tomorrow’s work is all set up 4
10 中文 安排 An1pai2 Verb To schedule 日程安排得太紧了 Ri4cheng2 an1pai2 de tai4 jin3 le Schedule is too tight 4
11 中文 另行安排 Ling4xing2 an1pai2 Verb To make separate arrangements
12 中文 通盘安排 Tong1pan2 an1pai2 Noun Comprehensive arrangement
13 中文 妥善安排 Tuo3shan4 an1pai2 Verb To make appropriate arrangements
14 中文 安全 An1quan2 Noun Safety, security 交通安全 Jiao1tong1 an1quan2 Road safety 4
15 中文 安全 An1quan2 Adjective Safe, secure 安全起飞 An1quan2 qi3fei1 Safe takeoff 4
16 中文 安全保卫 An1quan2 bao3wei4 Noun Safety and security
17 中文 安全掣 An1quan2che4 Noun Emergency stop
18 中文 安全措施 An1quan2 cuo4shi1 Noun Safety measures
19 中文 安全地带 An1quan2 di4dai4 Noun Safety place
20 中文 按时 An4shi2 Adverb On time, on schedule 按时到达 An4shi2 dao4da4 Arrive on time 4
21 中文 按时间先后 An4shi2 jian1xian1hou4 Adjective Chronological
22 中文 按照 An4zhao4 Preposition According to, based on 按照贡献大小给以奖励 An4zhao4 gong4xian4 da4xiao3 gei3yi3 jiang3li4 Give awards according to size of contribution 4
23 中文 按照字面 An4zhao4 zi4mian4 Adverb Literally
24 中文 百分之 Bai3fen1zhi1 Math Percent (put number behind) 4
25 中文 百分之百 Bai3fen1zhi1bai3 Idiom 100%, absolutely 他百分之百回应 Ta1 bai3fen1zhi1bai3 hui4 ying2 He will certainly win
26 中文 Bang4 Noun Stick, club 4
27 中文 Bang4 Adjective Excellent, strong 4
28 中文 棒球 Bang4qiu2 Sports Baseball
29 中文 棒冰 Bang4bing1 Noun Popsicle
30 中文 棒极了 Bang4ji2le Adjective Super, excellent 你干的棒极了 Ni3gan4 de bang4 ji2le You did an excellent job
31 中文 棒棒哒 Bang4bang4da1 Adjective Amazing
32 中文 好棒 Hao3bang4 Interjection Excellent
33 中文 一级棒 Yi1ji2bang4 Adjective Top-grade
34 中文 棒槌 Bang4chui Noun Novice, amateur, fool 弹钢琴我可是个棒槌 Tan2gang1qin2 wo3 ke3shi4 ge bang4chui I am an amateur at piano
35 中文 仙女棒 Xian1nv3bang4 Noun Sparkler
36 中文 炭棒 Tan4bang4 Noun Crayon
37 中文 电棒 Dian4bang4 Noun Torchlight
38 中文 磁棒 Ci2bang4 Noun Bar magnet
39 中文 记忆棒 Ji4yi4bang4 Noun USB
40 中文 包子 Bao1zi Noun Bao
41 中文 Bao1 Noun Packet, bag 书包 Shu1bao1 School bag 4
42 中文 Bao1 Noun Swelling 腿上起了个包 Tui3shang4 qi3le ge bao1 Leg swelling 4
43 中文 Bao1 Verb To wrap 包书 Bao1shu1 Wrap book 4
44 中文 Bao1 Verb To surround, to engulf 浓雾包住了群山 Nong2wu4 bao1 zhu4 le qun2shan1 Dense fog enveloped the hills 4
45 中文 Bao1 Verb To include, to encompass 4
46 中文 Bao1 Verb To undertake the whole thing 这事儿包在我身上 Zhe4 shi4rbao1 zai4 wo3 shen1shang Leave this entire matter to me 4
47 中文 Bao1 Verb To assure, to guarantee 包你满意 Bao1 ni3 man3yi4 Satisfaction guaranteed 4
48 中文 Bao1 Verb To hire 包一条船 Bao1 yi1 tiao2 chuan2 Hire a boat 4
49 中文 包括 Bao1kuo4 Verb To consist of 他的报告包括三个方面 Ta1 de bao4gao4 bao1kuo4 san1 ge fang1mian4 His report consists of 3 aspects
50 中文 包裹 Bao1guo3 Noun Parcel
51 中文 包裹 Bao1guo3 Verb To wrap up
52 中文 包含 Bao1han2 Verb To contain, to include 这句话包含好几层意思 zhe4 ju4 hua4 bao1han2 hao3ji3 ceng2 yi4si This statement includes a few implications
53 中文 包围 Bao1wei2 Verb To surround, to encircle 被敌人团团包围 Bei4 di2ren2 tuan2tuan2 bao1wei2 Surrounded by enemies
54 中文 包容 Bao1rong2 Verb To pardon, to forgive 大度包容 Da4du4 bao1rong2 Generous
55 中文 包容 Bao1rong2 Verb To contain, to hold 礼堂颗包容五千人 Li3tang2 ke3 bao1rong2 wu3qian1 ren2 The hall can hold 5000 people
56 中文 爱护 Ai4hu4 Verb To cherish, to treasure 爱护公物 Ai4hu4 gong1wu4 Take care of public property
57 中文 爱惜 Ai4xi1 Verb To value highly, to treasure 爱惜人才 Ai4xi1 ren2cai2 Treasure the talented
58 中文 爱慕 Ai4mu4 Verb To admire
59 中文 爱怜 Ai4lian2 Noun Affection
60 中文 爱怜 Ai4lian2 Adjective Affectionate
61 中文 爱——不—— Ai4…bu4… Conjunction Used when reduplicating verbs. It is used to indicate a do-as-you-like attitude. 你爱信不信 Ni3 ai4 xin4 bu4 xin4 Believe it or not
62 中文 爱不释手 Ai4bu4shi4shou3 Idiom Love so much until can’t let go
63 中文 爱不忍释 Ai4bu4ren3shi4 Idiom Love so much until can’t let go
64 中文 Ai4 Verb To habitually do 爱晕车 Ai4 yun4che1 Often get carsick
65 中文 Qing2 Noun Favour, kindness 求情 Qiu2qing2 Ask for a favour
66 中文 Qing2 Noun Circumstance, situation
67 中文 情况 Qing2kuang4 Noun Circumstances, condition, state of affairs 在许多情况下 Zai4 xu3duo1 qing2kuang4 xia4 In many cases 4
68 中文 情绪 Qing2xu4 Noun Morale, mood 情绪不高 Qing2xu4 bu4 gao1 Spirits are low
69 中文 情绪 Qing2xu4 Noun Depression 有点儿情绪 You3 dian3r qing2xu4 A little depressed
70 中文 情形 Qing2xing Noun Circumstances, situation
71 中文 情报 Qing2bao4 Noun Intelligence, information
72 中文 情景 Qing2jing3 Noun Scene, circumstances 感人的情景 Gan3ren2 de qing2jing3 Emotionally moving scene
73 中文 情感 Qing2gan3 Noun Emotion, feeling
74 中文 情节 Qing2jie2 Noun Plot, circumstances
75 中文 情人 Qing2ren2 Noun Lover
76 中文 情意 Qing2yi4 Noun Affection
77 中文 情理 Qing2li3 Noun Reason, sense
78 中文 情愿 Qing2yuan4 Verb To be willing to 他很情愿付这个价钱 Ta1 hen3 qing2yuan4 fu4 zhe4 ge jia4qian He’s willing to pay the price
79 中文 Pai2 Noun Row 前排 Qian2pai2 Front row
80 中文 Pai2 Verb To arrange, to line up 排座位 Pai2 zuo4wei4 Arrange seats
81 中文 Pai2 Counter A row of things
82 中文 Pai2 Noun Raft
83 中文 Pai2 Verb To eject, to discharge 把水排出去 Ba3shui3 pai2 chu1qu4 Drain the water away
84 中文 Pai2 Verb To discriminate against (anti) 排花行动 Pai2 hua2 xing2dong4 Anti-chinese activities
85 中文 Pai2 Verb To push
86 中文 排队 Pai2dui4 Verb To queue up
87 中文 排球 Pai2qiu2 Sports Volleyball
88 中文 排除 Pai2chu2 Verb To eliminate, to get rid of
89 中文 排列 Pai2lie4 Noun Combinations and permutations
90 中文 排列 Pai2lie4 Verb To align, to configure, to put in order, to arrange
91 中文 排斥 Pai2chi4 Verb To repel, to reject 同种电荷互相排斥 Tong2zhong3 dian4he4 hu4xiang1 pai2chi4 Like electric charges repel
92 中文 排练 Pai2lian4 Verb To rehearse
93 中文 排序 Pai2xu4 Verb To sort, to arrange in a sequence
94 中文 排行 Pai2hang2 Verb To be ranked (第# put behind) 在中国排行第三 Zai4 zhong1guo2 pai2hang2 di4san1 Rank third in China
95 中文 排查 Pai2cha2 Verb To troubleshoot, to check in sequence
96 中文 并排 Bing4pai2 Adverb Side-by-side
97 中文 编排 Bian1pai2 Verb To lay out-arrange
98 中文 An1 Verb To find a suitable place for 被按在重要岗位 Bei4 an1 zai4 zhong4yao4 gang3wei4 Be placed in a key position
99 中文 An1 Verb To set up, to install, to fix 安电灯 An1 dian4deng1 Install electric lighting
100 中文 An1 Verb To harbour (intentions/emotions) 按坏心 An1 huai4xin1 Have malicious intent
101 中文 An1 Adjective Peaceful, quiet, calm 心神不安 Xin1shen2 bu4an1 Worried
102 中文 安装 An1zhuang1 Verb To install, to mount, to set up 安装电话 An1zhuang1 dian4hua4 Install a telephone 5
103 中文 安慰 An1wei4 Verb To comfort, to console 5
104 中文 安慰 An1wei4 Adjective Encouraged (feeling) 5
105 中文 安逸 An1yi4 Adjective Easy and comfortable
106 中文 安逸 An1yi4 Noun Ease and comfort
107 中文 安拉 An1la1 Noun Allah s.w.t.
108 中文 An4 Verb To press, to push down 按电钮 An4 dian4niu3 Press a button
109 中文 An4 Verb To leave aside 按下此时不提 An4xia4 ci3 shi4 bu4ti2 Leave this aside for the moment
110 中文 An4 Verb To restrain, to control
111 中文 An4 Verb To grasp, to keep one’s hand on
112 中文 An4 Preposition According to
113 中文 按摩 An4mo2 Verb To massage
114 中文 按期 An4qi1 Adverb On time, on schedule
115 中文 按钮 An4niu3 Noun Key, button
116 中文 按键 An4jian4 Noun Key, button
117 中文 按压 An4ya1 Verb To push down (with hand)
118 中文 按捺 An4na4 Verb To restrain, to control
119 中文 按说 An4shuo1 Adverb Normally, ordinarily
120 中文 按理 An4li3 Adverb Logically, ordinarily
121 中文 按成 An4cheng2 Adverb According to percentage
122 中文 按下葫芦浮起瓢 An4xia4 hu2lu fu2qi3 piao2 Idiom Solve one problem only to find another
123 中文 Quan2 Adjective Complete 全频道 Quan2pin2dao4 Complete channel
124 中文 Quan2 Adjective Entire, whole, full, total 全人类 Quan2ren2lei4 All of mankind
125 中文 Quan2 Adverb Completely, entirely 全错了 Quan2cuo4le Completely wrong
126 中文 全面 Quan2mian4 Adjective All-angle completely
127 中文 全体 Quan2ti3 Adjective Entire set (people) 全体演员 Quan2ti3 yan3yuan2 Entire cast
128 中文 时刻 Shi2ke4 Adverb Constantly, always 时刻准备保卫祖国 Shi2ke4 zhun3bei4 bao3wei4 zu3guo2 Always ready to defend the country
129 中文 时机 Shi2ji1 Noun Opportunity
130 中文 时光 Shi2guang1 Noun Time 时光不早了 Shi2guang1 bu4 zao3le It’s getting late
131 中文 时尚 Shi2shang4 Noun Fashion
132 中文 时而 Shi2er2 Adverb Sometimes (reduplicated) 时而晴天,时而下雨 Shi2er2 qing2tian1, shi2er2 xia4yu3 Sometimes it is sunny, sometimes it is raining
133 中文 时——时—— Shi2…shi2 Conjunction Sometimes… sometimes 时起时伏 Shi2qi3 shi2fu2 Ups and downs
134 中文 时时 Shi2shi2 Adverb Often, constantly
135 中文 时疫 Shi2yi4 Noun Epidemic
136 中文 时至今日 Shi2zhi4jin1ri4 Idiom Even to this day, even now
137 中文 时装 Shi2zhuang1 Noun Fashion
138 中文 暂时 Zan4shi2 Adjective Temporary, for the moment 暂时现象 Zan4shi2 xian4xiang4 Temporary phenomenon 4
139 中文 一时 Yi1shi2 Noun Period of time
140 中文 顿时 Dun4shi2 Adverb Suddenly, immediately, at once
141 中文 费时 Fei4shi2 Verb To be time-consuming
142 中文 一时一刻 Yi1shi2yi1ke4 Idiom Every moment
143 中文 一时三刻 Yishi2san1ke4 Idiom A short period of time
144 中文 一时半刻 Yishi2ban4ke4 Idiom A little while
145 中文 Zhao4 Noun Picture
146 中文 Zhao4 Noun Licence, permit
147 中文 Zhao4 Verb To shine, to illuminate, to light up 拿手电照路 Na2shou3 dian4 zhao4 lu4 Light the way with a torch
148 中文 Zhao4 Verb To take a photo
149 中文 Zhao4 Verb To notify
150 中文 Zhao4 Preposition In the direction of, towards 照这个方向走 Zhao4 zhe4ge fang1xiang4zou3 Go in that direction
151 中文 照应 Zhao4ying Verb To take care of, to look after
152 中文 照常 Zhao4chang2 Adverb As usual
153 中文 保护 Bao3hu4 Verb To protect, to defend, to safeguard
154 中文 保护 Bao3hu4 Noun Protection 4
155 中文 保持 Bao3chi2 Verb To maintain, to preserve, to keep
156 中文 保证 Bao3zheng4 Verb To guarantee, to pledge, to ensure, to promise 4
157 中文 保证 Bao3zheng4 Noun Assurance, guarantee 4
158 中文 保x险 Bao3xxian3 Noun X insurance 保火险 Bao3huo3xian3 Fire insurance
159 中文 保卫 Bao3wei4 Verb To guard, to defend
160 中文 保存 Bao3cun2 Verb To keep, to safekeep, to conserve
161 中文 报名 Bao4ming2 Verb To sign up, to enrol, to enlist, to apply, to register 4
162 中文 Bao4 Verb To report, to announce, to declare 爆竹报春 Bao4zhu3 bao4chun1 Firecrackers exploded, declaring Spring
163 中文 Bao4 Verb To reply, to respond, to reciprocate 报友人书 Bao4 you3ren2 shu1 Reply letter to a friend
164 中文 Bao4 Noun Newspaper, journal
165 中文 Bao4 Noun Judgment, retribution
166 中文 报告 Bao4gao4 Noun Lecture, report, speech, talk 动员报告 Dong4yuan2 bao4gao4 Pep talk
167 中文 报道 Bao4dao4 Noun News report, story
168 中文 报导 Bao4dao3 Verb To report on (news), to cover (story)
169 中文 报酬 Bao4chou Noun Remuneration, compensation, reward
170 中文 报仇 Bao4chou2 Verb To take revenge, to avenge
171 中文 君子报仇,十年不晚 Jun1zi bao4chou2, shi2nian2 bu4wan3 Idiom It’s never too late for revenge
172 中文 Bao4 Verb To hold in arms, to hug, to embrace 4
173 中文 Bao4 Verb To have the first grandchild 4
174 中文 Bao4 Verb To adopt a child 4
175 中文 Bao4 Verb To harbour emotion 抱很大希望 Bao4 hen3da4 xi1wang4 Harbour high hopes 4
176 中文 抱怨 Bao4yuan Verb To complain about 抱怨天气 Bao4yuan tian1qi4 Complain about the weather
177 中文 抱歉 Bao4qian4 Adjective Apologetic, sorry, regretful 4
178 中文 抱负 Bao4fu4 Noun Aspiration, ambition
179 中文 抱有 Bao4you3 Verb To have, to possess
180 中文 Bei4 Math How many times the quantity (put behind verb/adjective) 大一倍 Da4 yi1bei4 Twice as big 4
181 中文 Bei4 Math How many times the quantity (put behind noun 的) 4
182 中文 Bei4 Adverb Even more, especially 4
183 中文 倍增 Bei4zeng1 Verb To be doubled 勇气倍增 Yong3qi4 bei4zeng1 Doubled courage
184 中文 倍加 Bei4jia1 Adverb Extremely, doubly
185 中文 加倍 Jia1bei4 Verb To double
186 中文 事倍功半 Shi4bei4 gong1ban4 Idiom Inefficient (half the result with twice the effort)
187 中文 事半功倍 Shi4ban4 gong1bei4 Idiom Efficient (twice the result with half the effort)
188 中文 本来 Ben3lai2 Adjective Original 本来的意思 Ben3lai2 de yi4si Original meaning 4
189 中文 Ben3 Noun Root, stem of plant 木有本 Mu4 you3 ben3 Tree have roots
190 中文 Ben3 Noun Foundation, basis, origin 健康是幸福生活之本 Jian4kang1 shi4 xing4fu2 sheng1huo2 zhi1ben3 Health is the foundation of a happy life
191 中文 Ben3 Adverb Originally
192 中文 Ben3 Pronoun Ownself 本单位 Ben3 dan1 wei4 Own work unit
193 中文 Ben3 Pronoun Current, this, present 本周 Ben3zhou1 This week
194 中文 Ben3 Preposition According to, in line with
195 中文 本来 Ben3lai2 Adverb It goes without saying, of course 本来就该这样办 Ben3lai2 jiu4 gai1 zhe4yang4 ban4 Of course it should be handled that way 4
196 中文 本身 Ben3shen1 Pronoun Itself 条约本身 Tiao2yue1 ben3shen1 The treaty itself
197 中文 本人 Ben3ren2 Pronoun In person, ownself 必须你本人来 Bi3xu1 ni3 ben3ren2lai2 You must come in person
198 中文 本人 Ben3ren2 Pronoun I
199 中文 本质 Ben3zhi4 Noun Innate characteristic, intrinsic quality, nature
200 中文 本领 Ben3ling3 Noun Skill, ability, capability
201 中文 本届 Ben3jie4 Adjective Current 本届毕业生 Ben3jie4 bi4ye4sheng1 Current graduates
202 中文 来得 Lai2de2 Verb To obtain, to get, to come by 这差事来得不容易 Zhe4 chai1shilai2 de2 bu4rong2yi4 This job is hard to get
203 中文 Lai2 Verb Use as a substitute for some other verb 你来块糖 Ni3 lai2 kuai4 tang2 Have some candy
204 中文 得来 De2lai2 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate that it is possible
205 中文 不来 Bu4lai2 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate that it is impossible
206 中文 Lai2 Verb Attach before verb to indicate intended or suggested action
207 中文 Lai2 Verb Place between two verbs to indicate ‘in order to’ 想办法来解决问题 Xiang3 ban4fa3 lai2 jie3ju2 wen4ti2 Think of a way to solve the problem
208 中文 Lai2 Auxiliary Attach behind time expression to mean ‘ever since’ 几天来 Ji3 tian1 lai2 For the past few days
209 中文 Lai2 Auxiliary Attach behind nice number to mean ‘around’ 二十来个 Er4shi2 lai2ge4 About 20
210 中文 Lai2 Auxiliary Attach behind 一二三 to indicate points in an explanation 一来我不喜欢,二来我也没钱 Yi1lai2 wo3 bu4 xi3huan4, er4lai2 wo3 ye3 mei2qian2 Firstly, I don’t like, secondly, I don’t have money
211 中文 Lai2 Adjective Next-coming 来月 Lai2yue4 Next month
212 中文 Lai2 Verbish Attach behind verb to indicate motion to speaker
213 中文 Lai2 Verbish Attach behind verb to indicate completeness or finality
214 中文 来自 Lai2zi4 Verb To come from 熟练来自经验 Shu2lian4 lai2zi4 jing1yan4 Dexterity comes from experience
215 中文 来源 Lai2yuan2 Noun Source 经济来源 Jing1ji4 lai2yuan2 Source of income
216 中文 来源于 Lai2yuan2yu2 Verb To originate, to stem from 来源于传染 Lai2yuan2 yu2 chuan2ran3 Stems from infection
217 中文 来往 Lai2wang3 Verb To have contact, to have business 来往甚密 Lai2wang3 shen4mi4 Be on intimate terms with sb
218 中文 来临 Lai2lin2 Verb To approach, to arrive
219 中文 Ben4 Adjective Stupid, clumsy, cumbersome 4
220 中文 笨拙 Ben4zhuo1 Adjective Clumsy, awkward, stupid
221 中文 笨伯 Ben4bo2 Noun Fool
222 中文 笨重 Ben4zhong4 Adjective Heavy, cumbersome
223 中文 Bi3 Verb To gesture 连说带比 Lian2 shuo1 dai4 bi3 Gesture while talking
224 中文 Bi3 Verb To aim at, to direct towards 警察用枪比着罪犯 Jing3cha2 yong4 qiang1 bi3 zhe zui4fan4 The policeman pointed his gun at the criminal
225 中文 比如 Bi3ru2 Conjunction For example, for instance 4
226 中文 比例 Bi3li4 Noun Proportion, scale 按比例发展 An4 bi3li4 fa1zhan3 Develop according to proportion
227 中文 比喻 Bi3yu4 Noun Metaphor, analogy, figure of speech
228 中文 比起 Bi3qi3 Conjunction Compared to 比起南方 Bi3qi3 nan2fang1 Compared to the South
229 中文 比照 Bi3zhao4 Verb To compare
230 中文 比萨 Bi3sa4 Noun Pizza
231 中文 比一比 Bi3yi1bi3 Conjunction To make a comparison
232 中文 Ru2 Verb Like, as 如你所说 Ru2 ni3 suo3 shuo1 Like you said
233 中文 Ru2 Preposition According to
234 中文 Ru2 Conjunction If, in case, in the event that
235 中文 如何 Ru2he2 Pronoun How, what 进展如何 Jin4zhan3 ru2he2 How are things going?
236 中文 如此 Ru2ci3 Pronoun Liddat, damn 如此勇敢 Ru2ci3 yong3gan3 So brave
237 中文 如今 Ru2jin1 Noun Nowadays
238 中文 如下 Ru2xia4 Verb To follow suit
239 中文 如同 Ru2tong2 Verb Use like simile
240 中文 Bi4 Verb To finish, to accomplish, to conclude
241 中文 毕业 Bi4ye4 Verb To graduate 4
242 中文 毕竟 Bi4jing4 Adverb All in all, after all
243 中文 毕生 Bi4sheng1 Adverb Life-longly
244 中文 毕典 Bi4dian3 Noun Graduation ceremony
245 中文 今日事今日毕 Jin1ri4shi4 jin1ri4bi4 Idiom Don’t procrastinate
246 中文 Ye4 Noun Line of business, line of study 矿业 Kuang4ye4 Mining industry
247 中文 业务 Ye4wu4 Noun Business
248 中文 业余 Ye4yu2 Adjective Spare (time) 业余学习 Ye4yu2 xue2xi2 Study in free time
249 中文 业余 Ye4yu2 Adjective Amateur
250 中文 Bian4 Counter Measure word for number of occurrences of action 4
251 中文 Bian4 Verb To be found all over something 4
252 中文 遍布 Bian4bu4 Verb To be found everywhere, to be found all over
253 中文 遍体鳞伤 Bian4ti3 lin2shang1 Idiom Bruised all over
254 中文 普遍 Pu3bian4 Adjective Universal, general, widespread, common
255 中文 传遍 Chuan2bian4 Verb To spread everywhere
256 中文 Biao1 Noun Mark, sign
257 中文 Biao1 Noun Symptom
258 中文 Biao1 Noun Award, prize
259 中文 Biao1 Verb To mark, to label
260 中文 标准 Biao1zhun3 Noun Standard, criterion 4
261 中文 标志 Biao1zhi4 Noun Sign, mark, symbol
262 中文 标志 Biao1zhi4 Verb To indicate, to symbolise
263 中文 标题 Biao1ti2 Noun Title, headline, caption
264 中文 标本 Biao1ben3 Noun Specimen, sample
265 中文 标点 Biao1dian3 Noun Punctuation
266 中文 标语 Biao1yu3 Noun Poster, slogan
267 中文 标签 Biao1qian1 Noun Label, tag
268 中文 标榜 Biao1bang3 Verb To flaunt, to boast
269 中文 Zhun3 Verb To allow, to permit, to grant
270 中文 准确 Zhun3que4 Adjective Accurate, exact, precise 4
271 中文 准则 Zhun3ze2 Noun Standard, criterion
272 中文 准时 Zhun3shi2 Adjective Punctual, on time, on schedule
273 中文 准许 Zhun3xu3 Verb To permit, to allow
274 中文 准予 Zhun3yu3 Verb To grant, to approve, to permit
275 中文 Biao3 Noun Meter, gauge 水表 Shui3biao3 Water meter
276 中文 Biao3 Noun Surface, outside, external 月表 Yue4biao3 Moon surface
277 中文 表示 Biao3shi4 Noun Expression, indication 友好的表示 You3hao3 de biao3shi4 Friendly expression 4
278 中文 表示 Biao3shi4 Verb To show, to express, to indicate 4
279 中文 表现 Biao3xian4 Noun Manifestation, display, performance
280 中文 表现 Biao3xian4 Verb To display, to show off, to manifest
281 中文 表演 Biao3yan3 Noun Performance, exhibition 4
282 中文 表扬 Biao3yang2 Verb To praise, to commend 4
283 中文 表格 Biao3ge2 Noun Table, form 4
284 中文 表演 Biao3yan3 Verb To perform, to act, to demonstrate 4
285 中文 表明 Biao3ming2 Verb To make clear, to make known, to state clearly
286 中文 表达 Biao3da2 Verb To express, to convey, to voice out
287 中文 表态 Biao3tai4 Verb To declare own position, to take a stand
288 中文 Ge2 Noun Squares in checkerish pattern
289 中文 Ge2 Noun Division 四格儿的书架 Si4 ge2r de shu1jia4 Bookcase with 4 shelves
290 中文 Ge2 Noun Standard, pattern, style
291 中文 Ge2 Noun Character, manner, style
292 中文 格外 Ge2wai4 Adverb Especially, particularly
293 中文 格外 Ge2wai4 Adjective Additional
294 中文 格局 Ge2ju2 Noun Pattern, setup, structure 外交格局 Wai4jiao1 ge2ju2 Structure of foreign affairs
295 中文 格调 Ge2diao4 Noun Artistic quality, style of work 格调优雅 Gediao4 you1ya3 Elegant style
296 中文 Shi4 Verb To state, to indicate 明示 Ming2 shi4 To state explicitly
297 中文 示范 Shi4fan4 Verb To set an example, to demonstrate
298 中文 示意 Shi4yi4 Verb To hint, to motion, to signal 示意他出去 Shi4yi4 ta1 chu1qu4 Signal him to come out
299 中文 示例 Shi4li4 Verb To give an example, to give a demonstration
300 中文 Yan3 Verb To develop, to evolve
301 中文 Yan3 Verb To practise
302 中文 演出 Yan3chu1 Verb To perform, to put on a show
303 中文 演讲 Yan3jiang3 Verb To give a lecture
304 中文 演习 Yan3xi2 Noun Exercise, drill, practice
305 中文 演奏 Yan3zou4 Verb To perform using music instrument
306 中文 演变 Yan3bian4 Verb To evolve, to develop
307 中文 Yang2 Verb To raise 扬手 Yang2shou3 To raise hand
308 中文 扬言 Yang2yan2 Verb To threaten to do something (add 要) 扬言要进行报复 Yang2yan2 yao4 jin4xing2 bao4fu Threaten to retaliate
309 中文 扬扬 Yang2yang2 Adjective Triumphant, complacent
310 中文 扬名 Yang2ming2 Verb To become famous
311 中文 Bing3 Noun Round flat cake
312 中文 饼干 Bing3gan4 Noun Biscuit 4
313 中文 Bing3 Verb To merge to become something else 几个小厂并成一个大厂 Ji3 ge xiao3 chang3 bing4 cheng2 yi1 ge da4 chang3 Several factories merged into a big one
314 中文 Bing3 Verb To place side-by-side
315 中文 Bing3 Adverb Simultaneously, side-by-side, equally
316 中文 Bing3 Adverb Actually, definitely (reinforce negative)
317 中文 并且 Bing4qie3 Conjunction And, besides, moreover, furthermore
318 中文 并非 Bing4fei1 Adverb But not
319 中文 并列 Bing4lie4 Verb To tie (in terms of importance) 并列第二名 Bing4lie4 di4er4ming2 Tie for second place
320 中文 一并 Yi1bing4 Adverb Along with the others
321 中文 Qie3 Adverb Just, for the time being 你且等一下 Ni3qie3deng3 yi1xia4 Just wait a little
322 中文 Qie3 Conjunction Both…and
323 中文 Qie3 Conjunction Even, to the extent that
324 中文 况且 Kuang4qie3 Conjunction Besides, in addition, moreover
325 中文 姑且 Gu1qie3 Adverb For the moment, tentatively
326 中文 暂且 Zan4qie3 Adverb For the moment, for the time being
327 中文 尚且 Shang4qie3 Conjunction Even, to the extent that (followed by a phrase that no make sense) 你尚且不行,更不必说我 If you can’t do it, how can I
328 中文 且慢 Qie3man4 Verb Wait a moment
329 中文 且——且—— Qie3…qie3… Conjunction Use with monosyllabic verbs to indicate that the actions are done simultaneously
330 中文 Zheng4 Noun Evidence, proof, testimony, certificate 以此为证 Yi3ci3 wei2 zheng4 Use this as evidence
331 中文 Zheng4 Verb To prove, to demonstrate
332 中文 证名 Zheng4ming2 Noun Certificate, identification 4
333 中文 证名 Zheng4ming2 Verb To prove, to testify 4
334 中文 签证 Qian1zheng4 Noun Visa
335 中文 证实 Zheng4shi2 Verb To confirm, to verify
336 中文 Hu4 Verb To protect, to guard, to shield 护厂 Hu4chang3 Guard a factory
337 中文 维护 Wei2hu4 Verb To safeguard, to defend, to stick up for, to uphold 维护团结 Wei2hu4 tuan2jie2 Uphold unity
338 中文 拥护 Yong4hu4 Verb To support, to uphold, to endorse
339 中文 Qian4 Noun Apology
340 中文 道歉 Dao4qian4 Verb To apologise 4
341 中文 歉意 Qian4yi4 Noun Apology, regret
342 中文 歉疚 Qian4jiu4 Adjective Feel guilty
343 中文 博士 Bo2shi4 Noun Doctor PHD 4
344 中文 Bo2 Adjective Rich, abundant, plentiful
345 中文 赌博 Du3bo2 Verb To gamble
346 中文 博客 Bo2ke4 Noun Blog
347 中文 博得 Bo2de2 Verb To win, to gain 博得好评 Bo2de2 hao3ping2 Gain a good reception
348 中文 博大 Bo2da4 Adjective Broad-minded, extensive
349 中文 Shi4 Noun Respectable person
350 中文 人士 Ren2shi4 Noun Public figure
351 中文 战士 Zhan4shi4 Noun Soldier
352 中文 院士 Yuan4shi4 Noun Academician
353 中文 不过 Bu4guo4 Adverb Attach behind adjective to intensify it 那就再好不过了 It couldn’t be better 4
354 中文 不过 Bu4guo4 Adverb Merely, only 塔山大学的时候不过17岁 She wan merely 17 when she entered college 4
355 中文 不过 Bu4guo4 Conjunction However, but 4
356 中文 Guo4 Verb To cross, to pass 过河 Guo4he2 Cross a river
357 中文 Guo4 Verb To spend time doing something 过生日 Guo4sheng1ri4 Spend time during birthday
358 中文 Guo4 Verb To transfer to somewhere, to move to somewhere
359 中文 Guo4 Verb To go over, to review 咱们把稿子再过一遍 Zan2men ba3 gao3zi zai4 guo4 yi1bian4 Let’s go over the draft once again
360 中文 Guo4 Adverb After a certain amount of time (attach before a period of time) 我过两天再来 Wo3 guo4 liang3 tian1 zai4 lai2 I’ll come again in a couple of days
361 中文 Guo4 Verb To exceed 雪深过膝 Xue3 shen1 guo4 xi1 Snow is beyond knee
362 中文 Guo4 Adverb Excessively 过长 Too long
363 中文 Guo4 Adverb Attach behind 不 or 得 to indicate that deserving
364 中文 Guo4 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate motion of going across
365 中文 Guo4 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate change in direction
366 中文 通过 Tong1guo4 Verb To get through, to pass through, to traverse 电流通过导线 Dian4liu2 tong1guo4 dao3xian4 Electricity passes through the wires 4
367 中文 通过 Tong1guo4 Verb To adopt (not child), to execute
368 中文 通过 Tong1guo4 Verb To ask for approval 这个问题要通过哦群众才能做出决定 No decision can be made until the people have been asked for approval
369 中文 通过 Tong1guo4 Preposition By means of, through, by way of
370 中文 经过 Jing1guo4 Noun Course (of events)
371 中文 经过 Jing1guo4 Verb To undergo, to go through
372 中文 经过 Jing1guo4 Preposition As a result of, after 经过讨论,取得了一致意见 Jin1guo4 tao3lun4, qu3de2 le yi1zhi4 yi4jian After discussion, unanimity was achieved
373 中文 过程 Guo4cheng2 Noun Process 制作过程 Zhi4zuo4 guo4cheng2 Manufacturing process 4
374 中文 过来 Guo4lai2 Verb Attach behind 不 or 得 to indicate that there is(n’t) enough time to do something 简直看不过来 Jian3zhi2 kan4 bu4 guo4lai2 Simply not enough time to read
375 中文 过来 Guo4lai2 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate motion to speaker
376 中文 过来 Guo4lai2 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate return to normal state
377 中文 超过 Chao1guo4 Verb To exceed, to surpass 超过限度 Chao1guo4 xian4du4 Exceed the limit 4
378 中文 什么——不—— Shen2me…bu4… Adverb Attach between reduplicated verbs to indicate ‘no matter’ 什么难学不难学 No matter how hard it is to learn
379 中文 不——就—— Bu4…jiu4… Adverb Either…or…
380 中文 不断 Bu4duan4 Verb To continue
381 中文 不断 Bu4duan4 Adverb Continuously
382 中文 不得不 Bu4de2bu4 Adverb No choice 我不得不去 I no choice have to go 4
383 中文 不仅 Bu4jin3 Conjunction Not only 4
384 中文 不管 Bu4guan3 Verb To not care about something 从来不管孩子 Has never cared for child 4
385 中文 不管 Bu4guan3 Conjunction Regardless of, no matter (what who etc) 4
386 中文 不但 Bu4dan4 Conjunction Not only
387 中文 不久 Bu4jiu3 Adjective Soon
388 中文 不足 Bu4zu2 Adjective Not enough
389 中文 不如 Bu4ru2 Verb To be not equal to 今天不如昨天暖和 Jin1tian1 bu4ru2 zuo2tian1 nuan3huo Today is not as warm as yesterday
390 中文 不如 Bu4ru2 Verb It would be better to
391 中文 不得 Bu4de2 Auxiliary Attach behind verb or adjective to indicate ‘must not’ 去不得 Must not go
392 中文 Bu4 Noun Part, section 上部 Shang4bu4 Upper part
393 中文 Bu4 Noun Unit, ministry, department, headquarters
394 中文 Bu4 Counter Measure word for number of books and films etc
395 中文 Bu4 Counter Measure word for number of machines and vehicles
396 中文 部门 Bu4men2 Noun Department, branch
397 中文 部分 Bu4fen Noun Part, section 自己的那部分工作 Zi4ji3 de na4 bu4fen gong1zuo4 Own section of the work 4
398 中文 部队 Bu4dui4 Noun Army, armed forces, troops
399 中文 全部 Quan2bu4 Adjective Entire, whole, complete 他们全部是学生 Ta1men2 quan2bu4 shi4 xue2sheng1 All of them are students 4
400 中文 Fen1 Verb To divide, to separate 一年分四季 Yi1nian2 fen1 si4ji4 The year is divided into 4 seasons
401 中文 Fen1 Verb To distribute, to assign 他分到了一套新房子 Ta1 fen1dao4 le yi1tao4xin1fang2zi She has been assigned a new flat
402 中文 Fen1 Verb To distinguish, to differentiate
403 中文 分之 Fen1zhi1 Math A分之B means B over A
404 中文 Fen1 Math Marks, points 六十分 60 marks
405 中文 Fen1 Math 10 percent 七分 70 percent
406 中文 Fen4 Noun Component 盐分 Yan2fen4 Salt content
407 中文 Fen4 Noun Duty 本分 Ben3fen4 Own duty
408 中文 Fen4 Noun Affection
409 中文 充分 Chong1fen4 Adjective Ample, full, abundant 充分的证据 Chon1fen4 de zheng4ju4 Ample evidence
410 中文 分子 Fen4zi Noun Member
411 中文 过分 Guo4fen4 Adjective Excessive, too much, more than enough
412 中文 成分 Cheng2fen4 Noun Component, ingredient, element
413 中文 分别 Fen1bie2 Verb To part, to leave each other
414 中文 分别 Fen1bie2 Noun Difference
415 中文 分别 Fen1bie2 Adverb Differently 对他们两人应该分别对待 Dui4 ta1men2 liang3 ren2 ying1gai1 fen1bie2 dui4dai4 You should treat the two of them differently
416 中文 分别 Fen1bie2 Adverb Separately 你还是分别跟他们谈谈的好 Ni3 hai2 shi4 fen1bie2 gen1 ta1men2 tan2tan2 de hao3 You’d better have a talk with each of them separately
417 中文 分析 Fen1xi1 Verb To analyse
418 中文 分布 Fen1bu4 Verb To scatter, to disperse, to spread 分布区 Fen1bu4 qu1 Distribution region
419 中文 分配 Fen1pei4 Verb To distribute, to assign 分配任务 Fen1pei4 ren4wu Distribute tasks
420 中文 划分 Hua4fen1 Verb To divide up, to partition
421 中文 Ca1 Verb To rub, to scratch, to wipe, to erase, to spread sth on sth 擦药膏 Ca1yao4gao1 Apply ointment 4
422 中文 Ca1 Verb To brush past, to touch lightly 飞机擦着山顶飞过 Fei1ji1 ca1zhe shan1ding3 fei1guo4 The plane just brushed past the hilltops 4
423 中文 摩擦 Mo2ca1 Noun Friction, discourse
424 中文 擦拭 Ca1shi4 Noun To wipe clean
425 中文 擦掉 Ca1diao4 Verb To wipe off
426 中文 擦亮 Ca1liang4 Verb To polish
427 中文 擦伤 Ca1shang1 Verb To scrape
428 中文 擦伤 Ca1shang1 Noun Abrasion, graze
429 中文 Cai1 Verb To guess, to conjecture, to speculate 4
430 中文 Cai1 Verb To suspect 4
431 中文 猜测 Cai1ce4 Verb To guess, to surmise
432 中文 猜测 Cai1ce4 Noun Guess, conjecture
433 中文 猜想 Cai1xiang3 Verb To think, to guess, to suspect
434 中文 猜疑 Cai1yi2 Verb To harbour suspicion
435 中文 猜中 Cai1zhong4 Verb To guess correctly
436 中文 Cai2 Noun Material 教材 Jiao4cai2 Teaching material
437 中文 Cai2 Noun Ability, talent, aptitude
438 中文 Cai2 Noun Capable person
439 中文 Liao4 Verb To expect, to anticipate 料他不敢 Liao4 ta1 bu4 gan3 I expect him to not dare
440 中文 Liao4 Verb To take care of
441 中文 Liao4 Noun Material, fodder, stuff
442 中文 资料 Zi1liao4 Noun Means 生产资料 Sheng1chan3 zi1liao4 Means of production
443 中文 资料 Zi1liao4 Noun Data, material 参考资料 Can1kao3 zi1liao4 Reference material
444 中文 材料 Cai2liao4 Noun Material 防火材料 Fang2huo3 cai2liao4 Fire-resistant material 4
445 中文 原料 Yuan2liao4 Noun Raw material
446 中文 塑料 Su4liao4 Noun Plastic
447 中文 饮料 Yin3liao4 Noun Beverage
448 中文 燃料 Ran2liao4 Noun Fuel
449 中文 预料 Yu4liao4 Noun Expectation, prediction
450 中文 预料 Yu4liao4 Verb To expect, to predict, to anticipate
451 中文 不料 Bu4liao4 Conjunction Unexpectedly, to one’s surprise
452 中文 养料 Yang3liao4 Noun Nutrition
453 中文 题材 Ti2cai2 Noun Theme, subject matter
454 中文 器材 Qi4cai2 Noun Equipment
455 中文 棺材 Guan1cai4 Noun Coffin
456 中文 Can1 Verb To join, to take part in
457 中文 Can1 Verb To understand
458 中文 参与 Can1yu4 Verb To participate in, to involve oneself in
459 中文 参观 Can1guan1 Verb To visit, to have a look around 参观工厂 Can1guan1 gon1chang3 Visit a factory 4
460 中文 参考 Can1kao3 Verb To consult, to refer to 参考历史文献 Can1kao3 li4shi3 wen2xian4 Refer to historical documents
461 中文 参数 Can1shu4 Noun Parameter
462 中文 Guan1 Noun Sight, view 奇观 Qi2guan1 Marvellous view
463 中文 Guan1 Noun Outlook, view 生死观 Sheng1si3guan1 Views on life and death
464 中文 Guan1 Noun Appearance
465 中文 观察 Guan1cha2 Verb To observe, to watch
466 中文 观念 Guan1nian4 Noun Sense, idea, concept 纪律观念 Ji4lv4 guan1nian4 Sense of discipline
467 中文 观众 Guan1zhong4 Noun Spectator, audience, viewer 4
468 中文 观点 Guan1dian3 Noun Point of view, viewpoint
469 中文 客观 Ke4guan1 Adjective Objective, unbiased
470 中文 主观 Zhu3guan1 Adjective Subjective, biased
471 中文 乐观 Le4guan1 Adjective Optimistic
472 中文 悲观 Bei1guan1 Adjective Pessimistic
473 中文 观光 Guan1guang1 Verb To go sightseeing
474 中文 观赏 Guan1shang3 Verb To view and admire
475 中文 餐厅 Can1ting1 Noun Dining hall 4
476 中文 餐饮 Can1yin3 Noun Food and drink
477 中文 Ting1 Noun Great hall
478 中文 Ting1 Noun Government department
479 中文 客厅 Ke4ting1 Noun Living room 4
480 中文 舞厅 Wu3ting1 Noun Ballroom
481 中文 展厅 Zhan3ting1 Noun Exhibition hall, showroom
482 中文 过厅 Guo4ting1 Noun Corridor, lobby
483 中文 厕所 Ce4suo3 Noun Toilet 4
484 中文 Suo3 Noun Place 住所 Zhu4suo3 Place of residence
485 中文 Suo3 Noun Office 指挥所 Zhi3hui1suo3 Command office
486 中文 Suo3 Counter Measure word for buildings 两所学校 Liang3 suo3 xue2xiao4 Two schools
487 中文 N 所 V 的 N Suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice 我所认识的人 Wo3 suo3 ern4shi de ren2 The people that I know
488 中文 N 所 V 的 Suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice (的 becomes the pseudonoun) 我所知道的就这些 Wo3 suo3 zhi1dao de jiu4 zhe4xie1 That’s all I know
489 中文 N 所 V Suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice (monosyllabic verb) 所到之处 Suo3dao4 zhi1chu4 Wherever one goes
490 中文 所 V 的 N Suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice 所需的费用 Suo3 xu1 de fei4yong Necessary expenses
491 中文 所 V 的 Suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice (的 becomes the pseudonoun) 所需的并不多 Suo3 xu1 de bing4 bu4 duo1 What is needed is not much
492 中文 所 V Suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice (monosyllabic verb) 各尽所能 Ge4jin4suo3neng2 According to his ability
493 中文 (为/被)N 所 V Wei2/bei4…suo3 Auxiliary Indicates a passive voice (by sth else) 为人所笑 Wei2ren2 suo3xiao4 Be laughed at by other people
494 中文 (有/无)所 V You3/wu2 Suo3 Auxiliary Used as the false object 有所准备 You3suo3 zhun3bei4 Got prepare some things
495 中文 是——所以——的原因 Shi4…suo3yi3…deyuan2yin1 Auxiliary Attach to ‘effect’ clause to indicate ‘that’s why’ 这就是我所以对他比较熟悉的原因 That’s why I know him well
496 中文 所以 Suo3yi3 Auxiliary Used to indicate the ‘effect’ clause of a cause-and-effect pair 我们所以没有去,是因为我们得到通知太晚了 The reason why we didn’t go was because we were notified too late
497 中文 所有 Suo3you3 Noun Possessions
498 中文 所有 Suo3you3 Verb To own, to possess 这些乐器属学校所有 Zhe4xie1 yue4qi4 shu3 xue2xiao4 suo3you3 These instruments belong to the school
499 中文 所有 Suo3you3 Adjective All
500 中文 所谓 Suo3wei4 Adjective So-called, AKA 他所谓的’朋友’ Ta1 suo3wei4 de peng2you His so-called friends
501 中文 有所 You3suo3 Adverb Somewhat, to some extent 有所保留 You3suo3 bao3liu2 Have reservations about sth
502 中文 所在 Suo3zai4 Noun Place, location
503 中文 Cha1 Noun Difference 时差 Shi2cha1 Jetlag
504 中文 差距 Cha1ju4 Noun Gap, disparity 弥合差距 Mi2h2 cha1ju4 Fill in the gap
505 中文 误差 Wu4cha1 Noun Error (numeric)
506 中文 Cha4 Verb To differ from, to fall short of 姐妹俩爱好相差很大 Jie3mei4 lia3 ai4hao4 xiang1 cha4 hen3 da4 The sisters’ hobbies differ by a lot
507 中文 Cha4 Verb To be less than, to be short of 差十分四点 Cha4 shi2fen1 si4dian3 Ten minutes to four
508 中文 相差 Xiang1cha4 Verb To differ 两者相差无几 Liang3zhe3 xiang1cha4wu2ji3 There’s hardly any difference between the two
509 中文 差点 Cha4dian3 Adjective Not good enough 他的技术还差点 Ta1de ji4shu4 hai2 cha4dian3 Her technique is not good enough
510 中文 差点 Cha4dian3 Adverb Almost, nearly
511 中文 差不多 Cha4buduo1 Adjective About there 4
512 中文 差不多 Cha4buduo1 Adverb Almost, nearly 你比我差不多高一头 Ni3 bi3 wo3 cha4buduo1 gao1 yi1 tou2 You’re about a head taller than me 4
513 中文 多么 Duo1me Adverb To what extent (questions) 他多么大年纪了 Ta1 duo1 da4 nian2ji4 le How old is he
514 中文 多么 Duo1me Adverb To an unspecified extent 走出不多么远 Zou3chu1 bu4 suo1 yuan3 Didn’t walk far
515 中文 许多 Xu3duo1 Math Many, much, a lot of
516 中文 多少 Duo1shao3 Adverb Rather, somewhat
517 中文 多数 Duo1shu4 Noun Majority, most
518 中文 多余 Duo1yu2 Adjective Unnecessarily alot
519 中文 大多 Da4duo1 Adverb For the most part, mostly
520 中文 多亏 Duo1kui1 Adverb Wah lucky 多亏你的帮助 Duo1kui1 ni3 de bang1zhu4 Wah lucky you help
521 中文 多元 Duo1yuan2 Adjective Multiple
522 中文 Chang2 Verb To taste, to try the flavour 来尝尝 Lai2 chang2chang2 Come taste 4
523 中文 Chang2 Verb To experience 尝到甜头 Chang2dao4 tian2tou Experience the benefits 4
524 中文 尝试 Chang2shi4 Verb To attempt, to try 最后一次尝试成功了 Zui4hou4 yi1ci4 chang2shi4 cheng2gong1 le The last try was successful
525 中文 品尝 Pin3chang2 Verb To taste, to sample
526 中文 何尝 He2chang2 Adverb Add to rhetorical question
527 中文 未尝 Wei4chang2 Adverb Attach before negative statement to make a guarded assertion
528 中文 Shi4 Verb To try, to test 试产 Shi4chan3 Trial production
529 中文 试验 Shi4yan4 Verb To experiment, to test out 进行化学实验 Jin4xing2 hua4xue2 shi4yan4 Carry out a chemical experiment
530 中文 面试 Mian4shi4 Verb To interview
531 中文 Chang2 Noun Strong point, forte
532 中文 长城 Chang2cheng2 Name Great Wall 4
533 中文 延长 Yan2chang2 Verb To extend, to lengthen, to prolong, to postpone
534 中文 延伸 Yan2shen1 Verb To extend, to stretch, to elongate
535 中文 延续 Yan2xu4 Verb To last for however long, to continue, to go on 不能让这种状况延续下去 Bu4 neng2 rang4 zhe4zhong3 zhuang4kuang4 yan2xu2 xia4qu This state of affairs must not continue
536 中文 拖延 Tuo1yan2 Verb To delay, to procrastinate
537 中文 长江 Chang2jiang1 Name Yangtze River
538 中文 漫长 Man4chang2 Adjective Very long, endless
539 中文 擅长 Shan4chang2 Verb To be good at, to be an expert in 擅长歌舞 Shan4chang2 ge1wu3 Good at singing and dancing
540 中文 城堡 Cheng2bao3 Noun Castle
541 中文 Tao4 Noun Sheath, case, cover 沙发套 Sha1fa1tao4 Sofa cover
542 中文 Tao4 Noun River bend
543 中文 Tao4 Noun Harness, knot, loop, noose
544 中文 Tao4 Noun Trap 下套儿 Xia4tao4r Set a trap
545 中文 Tao4 Verb To cover with sth, to encase sth 套上毛衣 Tao4shang4 mao2yi1 Slip on a pullover
546 中文 Tao4 Verb To overlap, to interlink
547 中文 Tao4 Verb To copy, to apply 套公式 Tao4 gong1shi4 Apply a formula
548 中文 Tao4 Verb To coax a secret out of sb 拿话套她 Na2 hua4 tao4 ta1 Coax the secret out of him
549 中文 Tao4 Verb To win someone over
550 中文 Tao4 Counter Measure word for books furniture rooms, set, suit, suite 一套书 Yi1tao4 shu1 A set of books
551 中文 配套 Pei4tao4 Verb To form a complete set 就地生产,就地配套 Jiu4di4 sheng1chan3, jiu4di4 pei4tao4 Manufacture complete sets of equipment locally
552 中文 圈套 Quan1tao4 Noun Trap
553 中文 外套 Wai4tao4 Noun Overcoat, outer garment
554 中文 成套 Cheng2tao4 Verb To form a complete set
555 中文 Chang3 Noun Field (physics) 4
556 中文 Chang3 Noun Stage 4
557 中文 Chang3 Counter Measure word for recreational sports activities 4
558 中文 市场 Shi4chang3 Noun Marketplace, bazaar, market
559 中文 现场 Xian4chang3 Noun Scene (of an incident), site, spot 工作现场 Gong1zuo4 xian4chang3 Worksite
560 中文 立场 Li4chang3 Noun Viewpoint, standpoint, position 立场坚定 Li4chang3 jian1ding4 Take a firm stand
561 中文 当场 Dang1chang3 Adverb On the spot
562 中文 Chao1 Verb To transcend 超现实 Chao1 xian4shi2 Transcend reality
563 中文 超级 Chao1ji2 Adjective Super
564 中文 超越 Chao1yue4 Verb To transcend, to exceed, to surpass, to surmount 超越时空 Chao1yue4 shi2kong1 Transcend space and time
565 中文 高超 Gao1chao1 Adjective Superb, excellent
566 中文 超前 Chao1qian2 Verb Be ahead of the times
567 中文 超脱 Chao1tuo1 Adjective Unconventional, original
568 中文 超脱 Chao1tuo1 Verb To be detached from sth, to untether
569 中文 超群 Chao1qun2 Verb To be very very good
570 中文 Cheng2 Verb To ride 乘公共汽车 Cheng2 gong1gong4 qi4che1 Ride in a bus
571 中文 Cheng2 Verb To take advantage of 乘夜出击 Cheng2 ye4 chu1ji1 Take advantage of night to attack
572 中文 Cheng2 Math To multiply 无乘三 Wu3 cheng2 san1 5 times 3
573 中文 乘坐 Cheng2zuo4 Verb To ride 4
574 中文 乘机 Cheng2ji1 Verb To seize the opportunity 乘机反攻 Cheng2ji1 fan3gong1 Seize the opportunity to counter attack
575 中文 Zuo4 Verb To have its back facing towards (building) 这所房子坐北朝南 Zhe4suo3 fang2zi zuo4 bei3chao2nan2 This house faces south
576 中文 坐落 Zuo4luo4 Verb To be located (building) 工厂坐落在山脚下 Gong1chang3 zuo4luo4 zai4 shan1jiao3xia4 The factory is located at the foot of the hill
577 中文 端坐 Duan1zuo4 Verb To sit up straight
578 中文 Cheng2 Verb To accomplish, to succeed 事成之后 Shi4cheng2 zhi1hou4 After this is achieved
579 中文 Cheng2 Verb To become, to turn into 雪化成水了 Xue3 hua4 cheng2 shui3 le The snow melted into water
580 中文 Cheng2 Adjective Ready-made, established 现成的衣服 Xian4 cheng2 de yi1fu Ready-made clothes
581 中文 Cheng2 Adjective In considerable amounts 成排的心房 Cheng2 pai2 de xin1fang2 Row after row of new houses
582 中文 Cheng2 Adjective OK
583 中文 Cheng2 Adjective Capable 他可真成 Ta1 ke3 zhen1cheng2 He’s really capable
584 中文 成为 Cheng2wei2 Verb To become, to turn into 成为工程师 Cheng2wei2 gong1cheng2shi1 Become an engineer 4
585 中文 成功 Cheng2gong1 Verb To succeed, to be a success 试验成功了吗 Shi4yan4 cheng2gong1 le ma Is the experiment successful 4
586 中文 形成 Xing2cheng2 Verb To take shape, to form 形成风气 Xing2cheng2 feng1qi4 Become a common practice
587 中文 成立 Cheng2li4 Verb To found, to establish, to set up 成立一所学校 Cheng2li4 yi1suo3 xue2xiao4 Establish a school
588 中文 造成 Zao4cheng2 Verb To create, to cause, to give rise to, to bring about 造成假象 Zao4cheng2 jia3xiang4 To put up a facade
589 中文 变成 Bian4cheng2 Verb To change into, to turn into, to become 把理想变成现实 Ba3 li3xiang3 bian4cheng2 xian4shi2 Turn ideas into reality
590 中文 成就 Cheng2jiu4 Noun Achievement, success
591 中文 成熟 Cheng2shu2 Verb To mature, to ripen
592 中文 成熟 Cheng2shu2 Adjective Mature
593 中文 Cheng2 Adjective Sincere, honest, genuine
594 中文 Cheng2 Adverb Really, actually, indeed 成非易事 Cheng2fei1 yi4shi4 It is by no means easy
595 中文 诚恳 Cheng2ken3 Adjective Sincere, heartfelt 态度诚恳 Tai4du cheng2ken3 Sincere attitude
596 中文 真成 Zhen1cheng2 Adjective Sincere, genuine, true 真诚合作 Zhen1cheng2 he2zuo4 Sincere cooperation
597 中文 忠诚 Zhong1zheng2 Adjective Loyal, faithful
598 中文 诚信 Cheng2xin4 Adjective Honest, trustworthy
599 中文 诚实 Cheng2shi Adjective Honest 4
600 中文 Shi2 Noun Reality
601 中文 Shi2 Noun Fruit, seed 开花结实 Kai1hua1 jie1shi2 Blossom and bear fruit
602 中文 Shi2 Adjective Solid 里面是实的 Li3mian4 shi4 shi2 de The inside is solid
603 中文 实现 Shi2xian4 Verb To realise, to fulfil, to carry out, to bring about 实现理想 Shi2xian4 li3xiang3 Realising one’s ideal
604 中文 其实 Qi2shi2 Adverb Actually, in fact, as a matter of fact 其实情况不是那样 Qi2shi2 qing2kuang4 bu4 shi4 na4yang4 Actually, that is not the case 4
605 中文 实际 Shi2ji4 Noun Reality, practice 理论和实际 Li3lun4 he2 shi2ji4 Theory and practice
606 中文 实际 Shi2ji4 Adjective Practical, realistic, real, actual, concrete 实际生活水平 Shi2ji4 sheng1huo2 shui3ping2 Real standard of living
607 中文 实施 Shi2shi1 Verb To implement, to put into effect, to carry out
608 中文 实行 Shi2xing2 Verb To put into practice, to carry out, to implement 实行民主 Shi2xing2 min2zhu3 Practice democracy
609 中文 事实 Shi4shi2 Noun Fact
610 中文 实践 Shi2jian4 Noun Practice 实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Shi2jian4 shi4 jian3yan4 zhen1li3 de wei2yi1 biao1zhun3 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth
611 中文 检验 Jian3yan4 Verb To test, to examine, to inspect 商品检验 Shang1pin3 jian3yan4 Commodity inspection
612 中文 Jian3 Verb To restrain oneself
613 中文 检查 Jian3cha2 Verb To inspect, to examine 检查工作 Jian3cha2 gong1zuo4 Check up on work
614 中文 检查 Jian3cha2 Verb To self-criticise
615 中文 检讨 Jian3tao4 Verb To make a self-criticism
616 中文 检疫 Jian3yi4 Verb To quarantine
617 中文 Yan4 Verb To examine, to check, to test, to verify
618 中文 经验 Jing1yan4 Noun Experience 经验丰富 Jing1yan4 feng1fu4 Very experienced 4
619 中文 体验 Ti3yan4 Verb To learn through experience
620 中文 考验 Kao3yan4 Verb To test out, to try out
621 中文 Chi1 Verb To live on sth 吃利息 Chi1 li4xi1 Live on interest
622 中文 Chi1 Preposition Attach before phrase to convert into passive form 吃笑 Chi1xiao4 Be laughed at
623 中文 吃惊 Chi1jing1 Verb To be startled, to be shocked, to be amazed, to be taken aback
624 中文 吃惊 Chi1jing1 Adjective Amazing 4
625 中文 吃苦 Chi1ku3 Verb To face hardships
626 中文 吃亏 Chi1kui1 Verb To suffer losses
627 中文 吃掉 Chi1diao4 Verb To consume, to eat up
628 中文 Jing1 Verb To be startled, to be frightened
629 中文 Jing1 Verb To be shy, to stampede
630 中文 惊讶 Jing1ya4 Adjective Amazing, surprising, astonishing, astounding 她的去指令人惊讶 Ta1de wu2zhi1 ling4 ren2 jing1ya4 His ignorance is astonishing
631 中文 惊动 Jing1dong4 Verb To alert, to alarm, to disturb
632 中文 惊人 Jing1ren2 Adjective Astonishing, amazing, alarming
633 中文 惊奇 Jing1qi2 Adjective Wondering, surprised, amazed
634 中文 Chong2 Verb To repeat, to duplicate 书买重了 Shu1 mai3 chong2 le The book was bought again
635 中文 Chong2 Counter Measure word for layers
636 中文 Chong2 Adverb Again, once more
637 中文 重点 Chong2dian3 Verb To reevaluate
638 中文 重新 Chong2xin1 Adverb Again, anew, afresh 重新考虑 Chong2xin1 kao3lv4 Reconsider 4
639 中文 重复 Chong2fu4 Verb To repeat
640 中文 重复 Chong2fu4 Noun Repetition, duplication
641 中文 重申 Chong2shen1 Verb To reassure, to reiterate
642 中文 重建 Chong2jian4 Verb To rebuild, to reestablish
643 中文 重重 Chong2chong2 Adjective Layer after layer 克服重重困难 Ke4fu2 chong2chong kun4nan Overcome difficulty after difficulty
644 中文 Zhong4 Verb To stress on, to attach importance
645 中文 Zhong4 Adjective Deep, heavy, serious, strong
646 中文 严重 Yan2zhong4 Adjective Serious, grave, critical 4
647 中文 重点 Zhong4dian3 Verb Key point, emphasis
648 中文 重视 Zhong4shi4 Verb To pay attention to, to attach importance to sth
649 中文 尊重 Zun1zhong4 Verb To respect, to value, to esteem 4
650 中文 沉重 Chen2zhong4 Adjective Heavy, serious, critical
651 中文 创新 Chuang4xin1 Verb To bring forth new ideas, to innovate 在艺术上不断创新 Zai4 yi4shu4 shang4 bu4duan4 chuang4xin1 Constantly innovate
652 中文 更新 Geng1xin1 Verb To update, to renew, to replace
653 中文 新型 Xin1xing2 Adjective Modern
654 中文 崭新 Zhan3xin1 Adjective Brand-new, completely new
655 中文 新兴 Xin1xing2 Adjective Rising, new and developing
656 中文 新增 Xin1zeng1 Adjective Newly added
657 中文 Chou1 Verb To take out from a collection 把它抽出来管仓库 Ba3 ta1 chou1 chu1lai guan3 cang1ku4 Release him from his job and put him in charge of the warehouse
658 中文 Chou1 Verb To shrink
659 中文 抽象 Chou1xiang4 Adjective Abstract
660 中文 抽烟 Chou1yan1 Verb To smoke 4
661 中文 抽出 Chou1chu1 Verb To extract
662 中文 抽查 Chou1cha2 Verb To make spot-check
663 中文 Yan1 Noun Smoke, vapour
664 中文 香烟 Xiang1yan1 Noun Incense smoke
665 中文 烟火 Yan1huo Noun Fireworks
666 中文 Chu1 Counter Measure word for plays
667 中文 Chu1 Verbish Attach behind verb to indicate outward direction
668 中文 Chu1 Verbish Attach behind verb to indicate completion
669 中文 Chu1 Verbish Attach between adjective and numerical measure word to indicate higher degree 她高出我一头了 Ta1 gao1 chu1 wo3 yi1 tou2 le She’s a head taller than me
670 中文 出现 Chu1xian4 Verb To appear
671 中文 提出 Ti2chu1 Verb To put forward, to propose
672 中文 指出 Zhi3chu1 Verb To point out
673 中文 出席 Chu1xi2 Verb To attend, to be present 出席会议 Chu1xi2 hui4yi4 Attend a meeting
674 中文 推出 Tui1chu1 Verb To present
675 中文 出差 Chu1chai1 Verb To go on business trip 4
676 中文 Chai1 Noun Errand, job, mission
677 中文 Chai1 Verb To send on a mission 差他去办件事 Chai1 ta1 qu4 ban4 jian4 shi4 Send him on an errand
678 中文 差使 Chai1shi3 Verb To dispatch, to send
679 中文 交差 Jiao1chai1 Verb To give a mission report
680 中文 出于 Chu1yu2 Preposition Out of, from 出于自愿 Chu1yu2 zi4yuan4 Out of voluntary basis
681 中文 出发 Chu1fa1 Verb To start off, to set out 医疗队今天就要出发了 Yi1liao2 dui4 jin1tian1 jiu4 yao4 chu1fa1le The medical team is leaving tonight 4
682 中文 出发 Chu1fa1 Verb Take as a point of consideration 从长远的观点出发 Cong2 chang2yuan3 de guan1 dian3 chu1fa1 Taking a long-term point of consideration 4
683 中文 发展 Fa1zhan3 Verb To develop, to expand, to advance 发展组织 Fa1zhan3 zu3zhi1 Expand an organisation 4
684 中文 发展 Fa1zhan3 Verb To recruit 4
685 中文 开发 Kai1fa1 Verb To open for development, to tap into
686 中文 发表 Fa1biao3 Verb To publish, to make a statement, to announce
687 中文 发挥 Fa1hui1 Verb To elaborate
688 中文 发挥 Fa1hui1 Verb To give free rein 发挥专长 Fa1hui1 zhuan1chang2 To give free rein to skill
689 中文 发布 Fa1bu4 Verb To issue, to release
690 中文 Fa1 Verb To express 发一通议论 Fa1 yi1 tong4 yi4lun4 Speak at length
691 中文 Fa1 Verb To become, to come to be 脸色发白 Lian3se4 fa1bai2 Face become pale
692 中文 Fa1 Verb To have a feeling, to feel (physical)
693 中文 出生 Chu1sheng1 Verb To be born 4
694 中文 Sheng1 Verb To grow
695 中文 Sheng1 Verb To be afflicted with, to get, to have 生疑 Sheng1yi2 To get suspicious
696 中文 Sheng1 Adjective Unripe, raw
697 中文 Sheng1 Adjective Unfamiliar
698 中文 Sheng1 Adverb Attach before feelings or perceptions to intensify it 生疼 Sheng1teng2 Very painful
699 中文 生产 Sheng1chan3 Verb To produce, to manufacture
700 中文 卫生 Wei4sheng1 Noun Hygiene, sanitation
701 中文 生态 Sheng1tai4 Noun Behaviour, habits
702 中文 生意 Sheng1yi4 Noun Life and vitality
703 中文 生存 Sheng1cun2 Verb To exist, to survive
704 中文 一生 Yi1sheng1 Noun All of life
705 中文 天生 Tian1sheng1 Adjective Inherent, born with, innate
706 中文 陌生 Mo4sheng1 Adjective Strange, unfamiliar
707 中文 生涯 Sheng1ya2 Noun Career
708 中文 出现 Chu1xian4 Verb To appear, to emerge, to arise 出现了新情况 Chu1xian4 le xin1 qing2kuang4 A new situation arose 4
709 中文 Xian4 Noun Cash, ready money
710 中文 Xian4 Verb To appear, to become visible
711 中文 Xian4 Adjective Current, present, existing 现况 Xian4kuang4 Present situation
712 中文 Xian4 Adverb Recently
713 中文 现代 Xian4dai4 Noun Modern times
714 中文 厨房 Chu2fang2 Noun Kitchen
715 中文 Chuan2 Verb To pass on, to hand down 把技术传给徒弟 Ba3 ji4shu4 chuan2 gei3 tu2di Pass one’s skills to apprentice
716 中文 Chuan2 Verb To spread sth 消息很快传开了 Xiao1xi hen3 kuai4 chuan2 kai1 le The news spread quickly
717 中文 Chuan2 Verb To transmit, to conduct 传热 Chuan2re4 Transmit heat
718 中文 Chuan2 Verb To convey, to express 难以言传 Nan2yi3 yan2 chuan2 Hard to express in words
719 中文 Chuan2 Verb To summon
720 中文 Chuan2 Verb To infect 小心别让孩子们转上流感 Xiao3xin1 bie2 rang4 hai2zimen chuan2 shang4liu2 gan3 Make sure that the children don’t get infected
721 中文 传真 Chuan2zhen1 Noun Fax
722 中文 传统 Chuan2tong3 Noun Tradition
723 中文 传统 Chuan2tong3 Adjective Traditional
724 中文 传授 Chuan2shou4 Verb To pass on, to impart, to teach
725 中文 传神 Chuan2shen1 Adjective Vivid
726 中文 传媒 Chuan2mei2 Noun The media
727 中文 真正 Zhen1zheng4 Adjective Genuine, real 4
728 中文 认真 Ren4zhen1 Adjective Conscientious, earnest, serious 4
729 中文 认真 Ren4zhen1 Verb To take seriously 你怎么就认起真来了? Why take it seriously? 4
730 中文 天真 Tian1zhen1 Adjective Innocent, naive
731 中文 逼真 Bi1zhen1 Adjective Lifelike
732 中文 果真 Guo3zhen1 Conjunction If indeed, if really 果真如此 Guo2zhen1 ru2ci3 If really like that
733 中文 窗户 Chuang1hu Noun Window 4
734 中文 窗帘 Chuang1lian2 Noun Curtain
735 中文 Hu4 Noun Door, household
736 中文 用户 Yong4hu4 Noun User, consumer
737 中文 客户 Ke4hu4 Noun Client, customer
738 中文 词语 Ci2yu3 Noun Terms, words and expressions 4
739 中文 词典 Ci2dian3 Noun Dictionary
740 中文 词汇 Ci2hui4 Noun Vocabulary
741 中文 语法 Yu3fa3 Noun Grammar
742 中文 语气 Yu3qi4 Noun Tone, manner of speaking
743 中文 语音 Yu3yin1 Noun Pronunciation
744 中文 谜语 Mi2yu3 Noun Riddle, conundrum
745 中文 标语 Biao1yu3 Noun Poster
746 中文 Cong2 Verb To follow, to comply with, to obey 从大流 Cong2 da4liu2 Follow the general public
747 中文 Cong2 Adjective Secondary, not primary
748 中文 Cong2 Preposition Via, through
749 中文 Cong2 Adverb Attach before a negative to indicate ‘never’ness 从没听说过 Cong2mei2 ting1shuo1 guo4 Never hear before
750 中文 从事 Cong2shi4 Verb To undertake, to be engaged in 从事文学创作 Cong2shi4 wen2xue2 chuang4zuo4 To take up writing as a profession
751 中文 从来 Cong2lai2 Adverb From the start, always, all the time
752 中文 从而 Cong2er2 Conjunction Thus
753 中文 从此 Cong2ci3 Adverb From that time on, from now on
754 中文 自从 Zi4cong2 Preposition From, since 自从去年秋天 Zi4cong2 qu4nian2 qiu1tian1 Since last autumn
755 中文 服从 Fu2cong2 Verb To obey
756 中文 Cu1 Adjective Coarse, rough, gruff, husky
757 中文 Cu1 Adjective Thick
758 中文 粗心 Cu1xin1 Adjective Careless, thoughtless 4
759 中文 粗暴 Cu1bao4 Adjective Rude, rough, crude, brutal
760 中文 粗壮 Cu1zhuang4 Adjective Thick and sturdy
761 Music Mad Piano Party i-V-V-i
762 Music Mad Piano Party I-iv-II-V
763 Music Mad Piano Party iv-i-V-i
764 Music Mad Piano Party iv-iii-II-V
765 Music Mad Piano Party i-V-I-iv
766 Music Mad Piano Party V-i-II-V
767 中文 中心 Zhong1xin1 Noun Centre, heart, core, hub
768 中文 心情 Xin1qing2 Noun State of mind, mood
769 中文 担心 Dan1xin1 Verb To worry
770 中文 放心 Fang4xin1 Verb To feel relieved, to be at ease
771 中文 决心 Jue2xin1 Verb To make a decision at heart
772 中文 决心 Jue2xin1 Noun Determination
773 中文 信心 Xin4xin1 Noun Confidence, faith
774 中文 核心 He2xin1 Noun Core, kernel
775 中文 心脏 Xin1zang4 Noun Heart
776 中文 心灵 Xin1ling2 Adjective Clever, intelligent, quick-witted
777 中文 心灵 Xin1ling2 Noun Heart, soul, spirit
778 中文 耐心 Nai4xin1 Adjective Patient 4
779 中文 伤心 Shang1xin1 Adjective Broken-hearted
780 中文 热心 Re4xin1 Adjective Enthusiastic, ardent
781 中文 精心 Jing1xin1 Adjective Meticulous, elaborate, careful, painstaking 精心护理 Jing1xin1 hu4li3 Careful nursing
782 中文 恶心 E3xin1 Verb To feel sick, to feel nauseated
783 中文 心态 Xin1tai4 Noun Psychology, mentality
784 中文 心思 Xin1si Noun Thought, idea
785 中文 当心 Dang1xin1 Verb To be careful, to look out
786 中文 甘心 Gan1xin1 Verb To do sth willingly
787 中文 灰心 Hui1xin1 Verb To be discouraged
788 中文 成心 Cheng2xin1 Adverb Intentionally, on purpose
789 中文 Cun2 Verb To live, to survive, to exist 父母俱存 Fu4mu3 ju4cun2 Both parents are still alive 4
790 中文 Cun2 Verb To store, to keep, to deposit 4
791 中文 Cun2 Verb To accumulate, to collect 4
792 中文 Cun2 Verb To cherish, to harbour 存着很大的希望 Cun2zhe hen3 da4 de xi1wang4 Cherish high hopes 4
793 中文 存在 Cun2zai4 Verb To exist, to be
794 中文 存在 Cun2zai4 Noun Existence
795 中文 库存 Ku4cun2 Noun Stored items, stock, reserve
796 中文 储存 Chu3cun2 Verb To store, to deposit
797 中文 并存 Bing4cun2 Verb To exist side-by-side, coexist 两说可以并存 Liang3 shuo1 ke3yi3 bing4cun2 The two statements coexist
798 中文 Cuo4 Verb To be interlocked 交错 Jiao1cuo4 Interlock
799 中文 Cuo4 Verb To grind
800 中文 Cuo4 Verb To move out of the way, to make way
801 中文 Cuo4 Verb To stagger 把时间错一下 Ba3shi2jian1 cuo4 yi1xia4 Stagger the timings
802 中文 Cuo4 Verb To be out of alignment
803 中文 错误 Cuo4wu4 Noun Error, mistake, blunder 4
804 中文 错误 Cuo4wu4 Adjective Wrong, mistaken 4
805 中文 错过 Cuo4guo4 Verb To let slip, to miss 错过机会 Cuo4guo4 ji1hui4 Miss an opportunity
806 中文 认错 Ren4cuo4 Verb To admit mistake
807 中文 错觉 Cuo4jue2 Noun Misconception
808 中文 Wu4 Verb To miss 误了火车 Wu4 le huo3che1 Miss a train
809 中文 Wu4 Verb To hinder, to impede, to harm
810 中文 误会 Wu4hui4 Noun Misunderstanding
811 中文 耽误 Dan1wu Verb To delay, to waste time
812 中文 误解 Wu4jie3 Noun Misunderstanding
813 中文 答案 Da2an4 Noun Answer, solution
814 中文 Da2 Verb To answer, to reply, to return
815 中文 方案 Fang1an4 Noun Scheme, plan, programme
816 中文 打扮 Da3ban Noun Style of dressing 学生打扮 Xue2sheng1 da3ban Student style of dressing 4
817 中文 打扮 Da3ban Verb To dress up, to deck out 4
818 中文 Da3 Verb To strike, to hit, to knock 中大了时下 Zhong1 da3 le shi2xia4 The clock struck ten
819 中文 Da3 Verb To break, to smash 我打了一个碗 Wo3 da3 le yi1 ge wan3 I broke a bowl
820 中文 打击 Da3ji1 Verb To strike, to hit, to attack
821 中文 打破 Da3po Verb To smash, to break
822 中文 打扰 Da3rao3 Verb To disturb, to bother, to trouble 4
823 中文 打针 Da3zhen1 Verb To give an injection, to have an injection 4
824 中文 打折 Da3zhe2 Verb To give a discount
825 中文 打印 Da3yin4 Verb To print, to seal, to stamp
826 中文 Da3 Preposition From, since 答门缝里 Da3 men2feng4 li3 From a crack in the door
827 中文 打招呼 Da3zhao1hu Verb To greet sb, to notify, to remind
828 中文 扮演 Ban4yan3 Verb To act, to play the part
829 中文 扮酷 Ban4ku4 Verb To act cool, to play cool
830 中文 假扮 Jia3ban4 Verb To disguise, to dress up as
831 中文 Rao3 Verb To disturb, to harrass, to trouble 扰烦 Rao4fan4 Bother
832 中文 干扰 Gan1rao3 Verb To disturb, to interfere, to obstruct
833 中文 扰乱 Rao3luan4 Verb To upset, to harrass, to disturb, to perturb
834 中文 困扰 Kun4rao3 Verb To perplex, to puzzle, to confuse
835 中文 骚扰 Sao1rao3 Verb To molest
836 中文 Zhen1 Noun Needle, injection
837 中文 针对 Zhen1dui4 Verb To counter, to aim at, to direct against 本条约不针对任何第三国 Ben3 tiao2 yu1 bu4 zhen1dui4 ren4he2 di4 san1guo2 This treaty is not directed against any third country
838 中文 方针 Fang1zhen1 Noun Guideline, policy, guiding principle
839 中文 针织 Zhen1zhi1 Verb To knit
840 中文 印象 Yin4xiang4 Noun Impression 4
841 中文 印度 Yin4du4 Name India
842 中文 印刷 Yin4shua1 Verb To print
843 中文 印尼 Yin4ni2 Name Indonesia
844 中文 复印 Fu4yin4 Verb To duplicate, to photocopy 4
845 中文 Zhe2 Noun Discount
846 中文 折磨 Zhe2mo Verb To cause suffering, to torment
847 中文 挫折 Cuo4zhe2 Noun Setback 屡遭挫折 Lv3 zao1 cuo4zhe2 Suffer repeated setbacks
848 中文 转折 Zhuan3zhe2 Noun A turn in the course of events 世界历史上的急剧转折 Shi4ji4 li4shi3 shang4 de ji2ju4 zhuan3zhe2 Abrupt turn in world history
849 中文 曲折 Qu1zhe2 Noun Complication
850 中文 曲折 Qu1zhe2 Adjective Winding, tortuous, complicated 河道曲折 He2dao4 qu1zhe2 The river takes a winding course
851 中文 折断 Zhe2duan4 Verb To break, to snap
852 中文 Zhao1 Verb To beckon, to enlist, to enrol, to recruit 学校下学期招二百人 Xue2xiao4 xia4 xue2qi1 zhao1 er4bai3 ren2 Next term the school will enrol 200 students
853 中文 Zhao1 Verb To attract, to incur
854 中文 Zhao1 Verb To provoke
855 中文 Zhao1 Verb To confess
856 中文 招待 Zhao1dai4 Verb To receive guests, to serve customers 招待客人 Zhao1dai4 ke4ren Entertain guests
857 中文 Hu1 Verb To breathe out, to exhale 呼出二氧化碳 Hu1 chu1 er4 yang3 hua4 tan4 Exhale CO2
858 中文 Hu1 Verb To shout, to cry out
859 中文 呼吁 Hu1yu4 Verb To appeal, to call on 呼吁团结 Hu1yu4 tuan2jie2 Appeal for unity
860 中文 呼吸 Hu1xi1 Verb To breathe, to respire
861 中文 呼吸 Hu1xi1 Adverb In a short time
862 中文 呼啸 Hu1xiao4 Verb To whistle past 子弹呼啸而过 Zi3dan4 hu1xiao4 er2guo4 A bullet whistled past
863 中文 呼呼 Hu1hu1 Onomatopoeia Whistling noises
864 中文 大概 Da4gai4 Adjective Approximate, rough, general 4
865 中文 大概 Da4gai4 Adverb Briefly, generally, probably, most likely 4
866 中文 大陆 Da4lu4 Noun Continent
867 中文 扩大 Kuo4da4 Verb To enlarge, to extend, to expand
868 中文 伟大 Wei3da4 Adjective Great, grand, mighty 伟大的胜利 Wei3da4 de sheng4li4 Mighty victory
869 中文 广大 Guang3da4 Adjective Vast, expansive, extensive
870 中文 巨大 Ju4da4 Adjective Huge, tremendous, immense 巨大的工程 Ju4da4 de gong1cheng2 Huge project
871 中文 大型 Da4xing2 Adjective Large-scale
872 中文 大约 Da4yue1 Adverb Approximately, about 4
873 中文 大使馆 Da4shi3guan3 Noun Embassy 4
874 中文 Gai4 Noun General idea, broad outline, gist
875 中文 Gai4 Adverb No exception 概不退换 Gai4bu4 tui4 huan4 No returns
876 中文 概念 Gai4nian4 Noun Concept, idea, notion
877 中文 概括 Gai4kuo4 Verb To summarise, to generalise
878 中文 概括 Gai4kuo4 Adverb Briefly 概括地说 Dai4kuo4 de shuo1 To put it breifly
879 中文 概论 Gai4lun4 Noun Outline, introduction 地质学概论 Di4zhi4xue2 gai4lun4 Introduction to Geology
880 中文 概率 Gai4lv4 Noun Probability, chance
881 中文 使 Shi3 Verb Send sb to do sth 使人去打听消息 Shi3ren2 qu4 da3ting xiao1xi Send sb to make inquiries
882 中文 使 Shi3 Verb To use, to employ the use of 这支笔好使 Zhe4zhi1 bi3hao3 shi3 This pen good to use
883 中文 使 Shi3 Verb To enable, to make, to cause 要使群众满意 Yao4shi3 qun2zhong4 man3yi4 Satisfy the public
884 中文 使用 Shi3yong4 Verb To use, to employ, to apply 使用种种手段 Shi3yong4 zhong3zhong3 shou3 duan4 Use many kinds of means 4
885 中文 使得 Shi3de Verb To render, to make, to cause
886 中文 使得 Shi3de Adjective Feasible 这个注意到还使得 Zhe4ge zhu3yi dao4 hai2 shi3de That’s a feasible idea
887 中文 促使 Cu4shi3 Verb To urge, to impel
888 中文 使命 Shi3ming4 Noun Mission
889 中文 致使 Zhi4shi3 Verb To cause, to result in
890 中文 假使 Jia3shi3 Conjunction If, in case, in the event that 假使他不同意 Jia3shi3 ta1 bu4 tong2yi4 In the case that he doesn’t agree
891 中文 Yue1 Noun Agreement, appointment
892 中文 Yue1 Adjective Frugal, economical
893 中文 条约 Tiao2yue1 Noun Treaty, pact
894 中文 节约 Jie2yue1 Verb To practice thrift, to economise 节约用电 Jie2yue1 yong4dian4 Save electricity 4
895 中文 制约 Zhi4yue1 Verb To restrict, to curb
896 中文 约定 Yue1ding4 Noun Arrangement, engagement
897 中文 约定 Yue1ding4 Verb To agree on sth
898 中文 大夫 Dai4fu1 Noun Doctor, physician 4
899 中文 功夫 Gong1fu Noun Skill 4
900 中文 Dai4 Verb To put on, to wear, to respect, to honour 4
901 中文 爱戴 Ai4dai4 Verb To adore
902 中文 戴上 Dai4shang Verb To put on
903 中文 穿戴 Chuan1dai4 Verb To get dressed
904 中文 拥戴 Yong1dai4 Verb To support (as leader0
905 中文 Dang1 Verb To work as, to serve as 选他当组长 Xuan3 ta1 dang1 zu3zhang3 Elect him as group leader 4
906 中文 Dang1 Verb To bear, to accept, to deserve 敢做敢当 Gan3zuo4 gan3dang1 Dare to act and dare to take consequence 4
907 中文 Dang1 Auxiliary Should, must, ought to 4
908 中文 Dang1 Preposition In sb’s presence, to sb’s face 咱当着大家谈一谈 Zan2dang1 zhe da4jia1 tan2yi1tan2 Let’s speak out in the presence of everyone 4
909 中文 Dang1 Preposition When 4
910 中文 Dang1 Onomatopoeia Bell noises 4
911 中文 当时 Dang1shi2 Noun At the time 4
912 中文 相当 Xiang1dang1 Verb To balance, to match, to about equal to 两队实力相当 Liang3 dui4 shi2li4 xiang1dang1 The two teams are about equal in strength
913 中文 相当 Xiang1dang1 Adjective Suitable, appropriate 他一时想不出相当的字眼来 Ta1 yi1shi2 xiang3bu4chu1 xiang1dang1 de zi4yan3 lai2 At the time he couldn’t think of a suitable word for it
914 中文 相当 Xiang1dang1 Adverb Quite, considerably
915 中文 应当 Ying1dang1 Auxiliary Should, ought to
916 中文 当前 Dang1qian2 Noun Present time
917 中文 当前 Dang1qian2 Verb To be faced with 困难当前 Kun4nan dang1qian2 Faced with difficulty
918 中文 开刀 Kai1dao1 Verb To operate, to have an operation
919 中文 Dao1 Noun Knife 4
920 中文 剪刀 Jian3dao1 Noun Scissors
921 中文 Dao3 Verb To lead, to guide, to transmit
922 中文 领导 Ling2dao3 Noun Leadership, leader
923 中文 领导 Ling2dao3 Verb To lead
924 中文 指导 Zhi3dao3 Verb To give directions to
925 中文 导致 Dao3zhi4 Verb To lead to, to result in, to cause
926 中文 引导 Yin3dao3 Verb To guide, to lead, to show around, to give guidance
927 中文 导游 Dao3you2 Noun Tour guide 4
928 中文 主导 Zhu3dao3 Adjective Leading, dominant
929 中文 You2 Verb To tour, to travel, to roam around
930 中文 游览 You2lan3 Verb To go sight-seeing, to tour
931 中文 Dao4 Verb To move backwards, to turn upside down 火车倒回去了 Huo3che1 dao4 hui2qu4le The train reversed 4
932 中文 Dao4 Adjective Upside down, inverted, inverse 4
933 中文 Dao4 Adverb Indicate unexpectedness 我倒要听听 Wo3 dao4 yao4 ting1ting1 I actually want to hear what you have to say 4
934 中文 Dao4 Adverb Indicate contrast 4
935 中文 Dao4 Adverb Indicate concession 我跟他认识到认识 I may know him 4
936 中文 Dao4 Adverb Indicate urgency for answer 你倒去不去呀 You want go or not? 4
937 中文 倒是 Dao4shi4 Adverb Indicate contrast 今天倒是挺乖 Jin1tian1 dao4shi4 ting3guai1 But has behaved well
938 中文 倒是 Dao4shi4 Adverb Indicate turn in meaning 他人不富,倒是挺大方的 Ta1ren2 bu4fu4, dao4shi4 ting3 da4fang de He's not rich, but very generous
939 中文 倒是 Dao4shi4 Adverb Indicate concession 这本书倒是不错 Zhe4ben3shu1 dao4shi4 bu4cuo4 It may be a good book
940 中文 倒是 Dao4shi4 Adverb Deintensifying previous statement 我不同意你的意思,但你这么想倒是可理解 I don’t agree, but it’s understandable why you think that
941 中文 倒退 Dao4tui4 Verb To go backwards, to fall back 倒退三十年 Dao4tui4 san1shi2nian2 Thirty years ago
942 中文 倾倒 Qing1dao4 Verb To empty out, to dump
943 中文 达到 Da2dao4 Verb To achieve, to reach, to attain 达到目的 Da2dao4 mu4di4 Achieve the goal
944 中文 到底 Dao4di3 Adverb To the end, to the finish 进行到底 Jin4xing2 dao4di3 Carry through to the end 4
945 中文 到底 Dao4di3 Adverb Finally, at last 4
946 中文 到底 Dao4di3 Adverb Emphasise a question 4
947 中文 到底 Dao4di3 Adverb After all, besides 他到底是新手 Ta1 dao4di3 shi4 xin1shou3 After all, he’s new 4
948 中文 到处 Dao4chu4 Adverb At all places, everywhere 4
949 中文 等到 Deng3dao4 Preposition By the time
950 中文 Chu3 Verb To get along
951 中文 Chu3 Verb To be situated in 武汉地处华中 Wuhan is situated in central China
952 中文 处理 Chu3li3 Verb To handle, to deal with, to dispose of 处理日常事务 Chu3li3 ri4chang2 shi4wu4 Handle daily matters
953 中文 处理 Chu3li3 Noun Treatment, disposal, processing 数据处理 Shu4ju4 chu3li3 Data processing
954 中文 处于 Chu3yu2 Verb To be in a certain condition 处于高潮 Chu3yu2 gao1chao2 Be at high tide Important
955 中文 相处 Xiang1chu3 Verb To get along with each other
956 中文 处罚 Chu3fa2 Verb To punish, to penalise
957 中文 Di3 Noun Bottom, base 4
958 中文 Di3 Noun Heart of a matter 4
959 中文 Di3 Noun Copy kept as a record 4
960 中文 Di3 Noun End of year, end of month 4
961 中文 Di3 Noun Background, ground 4
962 中文 彻底 Che4di3 Adjective Thorough
963 中文 底细 Di3xi4 Noun Exact details
964 中文 Dao4 Noun Method, way 养生之道 Yan3sheng1 zhi1dao4 Way to stay healthy
965 中文 Dao4 Verb To talk, to chat
966 中文 Dao4 Verb To think, to suppose 我倒是老周呢 Wo3dao4 shi4 lao3 zhou1 ne I thought it was Lao Zhou
967 中文 Dao4 Counter Measure word for long and narrow objects
968 中文 Dao4 Counter Measure words for doors and wallish stuff
969 中文 Dao4 Counter Measure word for questions and orders
970 中文 Dao4 Counter Measure word for parts of a process
971 中文 难道 Nan2dao4 Adverb Emphasise rhetorical question
972 中文 道德 Dao4de2 Noun Morals, this
973 中文 轨道 Gui3dao4 Noun Orbit, trajectory
974 中文 一道 Yi1dao4 Adverb Together, side by side, hand in hand, along with
975 中文 De2 Auxiliary Attach behind verb or adjective to indicate possibility or capability 吃不得 Chi1bude Inedible 4
976 中文 显得 Xian3de Verb To seem, to appear 他显得有点儿紧张 Ta1 xian3de you3dian3r jin3zhang1 He seems a little nervous Important
977 中文 值得 Zhi2de Verb To be worth 值得买 Zhi2de mai3 Worth buying
978 中文 不得 Bu4de Auxiliary Attach behind verb of adjective to mean ‘must not’ 去不得 Qu4 bu4de Must not go
979 中文 免得 Mian3de Conjunction So as to avoid, so as not to 免得招致怀疑 Mian3de zhao1zhi4 huai2yi2 So as to not raise suspicion
980 中文 省得 Sheng3de Conjunction So as to avoid, so as not to
981 中文 亏得 Kui1de Adverb Luckily, fortunately
982 中文 得意 De2yi4 Adjective Complacent
983 中文 Yi4 Noun Meaning, idea, thought
984 中文 Yi4 Noun Wish, intention, desire
985 中文 Yi4 Verb To anticipate
986 中文 注意 Zhu4yi4 Verb To pay attention to 4
987 中文 Dao3 Verb To fall, to topple
988 中文 Dao3 Verb To move around
989 中文 Dao3 Verb To speculate
990 中文 倒霉 Dao3mei2 Adjective Unlucky
991 中文 颠倒 Dian1dao3 Verb To reverse, to turn upside down
992 中文 倒闭 Dao3bi4 Verb To close down
993 中文 压倒 Ya1dao3 Verb To overpower
994 中文 晕倒 Yun1dao3 Verb To faint
995 中文 摔倒 Shuai1dao3 Verb To fall over
996 中文 意见 Yi4jian4 Noun Idea, opinion, suggestion
997 中文 愿意 Yuan4yi4 Verb To be willing to
998 中文 意义 Yi4yi4 Noun Meaning, significance
999 中文 意识 Yi4shi Noun Consciousness, awareness 法律意识 Fa3lv4 yi4shi Law awareness
1000 中文 意识到 Yi4shidao4 Verb To be aware of, to realise 他意识到了自己的责任 Ta1 yi4shi dao4liao3 zi4ji3 de ze2ren4 He has become aware of his responsibilities Important
1001 中文 故意 Gu4yi4 Adverb Purposely, intentionally 4
1002 中文 意外 Yi4wai4 Noun Accident
1003 中文 意味 Yi4wei4 Noun Significance, implication
1004 中文 意志 Yi4zhi4 Noun Willpower, determination
1005 中文 任意 Ren4yi4 Adverb Anyhowly
1006 中文 Deng1 Verb To ascend, to mount
1007 中文 Deng1 Verb To publish, to enter, to record 登广告 Deng1 guang3gao4 Publish advertisement
1008 中文 登记 Deng1ji4 Verb To register, to check in
1009 中文 登陆 Deng1lu4 Verb To disembark, to land
1010 中文 刊登 Kan1deng1 Verb To publish
1011 中文 登时 Deng1shi2 Adverb Immediately
1012 中文 Ji1 Noun Machine, aircraft 农机 Nong2ji1 Farming machine
1013 中文 Ji1 Noun Crucial point
1014 中文 Ji1 Noun Chance, opportunity, occasion
1015 中文 Ji1 Noun Important affairs
1016 中文 Ji1 Noun Intention
1017 中文 机构 Ji1gou4 Noun Mechanism, organisation, institution 国家机构 Guo2jia1ji1gou4 State institution
1018 中文 机关 Ji1guan1 Noun Mechanism, gear, office, organ, body
1019 中文 机关 Ji1guan1 Adjective Machine-operated
1020 中文 危机 Wei1ji1 Noun Crisis
1021 中文 机制 Ji1zhi4 Noun Mechanism
1022 中文 机遇 Ji1yu4 Noun Favourable circumstances
1023 中文 机密 Ji1mi4 Adjective Secret
1024 中文 机灵 Ji1ling Adjective Smart, clever, intelligent
1025 中文 登机牌 Deng1ji1pai2 Noun Boarding pass 4
1026 中文 Pai2 Noun Plate, tablet 车牌 Che1pai2 Number plate
1027 中文 Pai2 Noun Billboard
1028 中文 Pai2 Noun Brand 什么牌的 Shen2me pai2de What brand?
1029 中文 Pai2 Noun Cards, dominoes
1030 中文 金牌 Jin1pai2 Noun Gold medal
1031 中文 品牌 Pin3pai2 Noun Brand
1032 中文 Deng3 Noun Class, grade, rank 4
1033 中文 Deng3 Noun Kind, sort 此等人 Ci3 deng3 ren2 This kind of person 4
1034 中文 Deng3 Auxiliary Attach behind name or pronoun to indicate plurality 我等 Wo3deng3 We 4
1035 中文 平等 Ping2deng3 Adjective Equal
1036 中文 等于 Deng3yu2 Verb To be equivalent to 一公里等于二华里 1km is same as 2 li
1037 中文 等候 Deng3hou4 Verb To await
1038 中文 Di1 Adjective Low 低工资 Di1gong1zi1 Low pay 4
1039 中文 Di1 Verb To droop, to sag 4
1040 中文 降低 Jiang4di1 Verb To reduce, cut down, to drop, to lower 降低标准 Jiang4di1 biao1zhun3 Reduce the standards 4
1041 中文 贬低 Bian3di1 Verb To belittle, to depreciate
1042 中文 Di4 Noun Distance 我家里广场只有两站地 My home is only 2 bus stops away from the square
1043 中文 Di4 Noun State of mind
1044 中文 地位 Di4wei4 Noun Position, place, status
1045 中文 地球 Di4qiu2 Name Earth 4
1046 中文 基地 Ji1di4 Noun Base 军事基地 Jun1shi4 ji1di4 Military base
1047 中文 地址 Di4zhi3 Noun Address 4
1048 中文 地震 Di4zhen4 Noun Earthquake
1049 中文 地点 Di4dian3 Noun Location, place, site, spot 4
1050 中文 地理 Di4li3 Academic Geography
1051 中文 地质 Di4zhi4 Academic Geology
1052 中文 地毯 Di4tan3 Noun Carpet
1053 中文 特点 Te4dian3 Noun Characteristic, distinguishing feature
1054 中文 缺点 Que1dian3 Noun Shortcoming, weakness 4
1055 中文 点头 Dian3tou2 Verb To nod
1056 中文 优点 You1dian3 Noun Advantage, merit, virtue
1057 中文 弱点 Ruo4dian3 Noun Weakness, weak point
1058 中文 点缀 Dian3zhui4 Verb To embellish, to use just for show
1059 中文 网球 Wang3qiu2 Sports Tennis
1060 中文 球队 Qiu2dui4 Sports Team
1061 中文 气球 Qi4qiu2 Sports Balloon
1062 中文 球台 Qiu2tai2 Noun Pingpong table
1063 中文 垒球 Lei3qiu2 Sports Softball
1064 中文 台球 Tai2qiu2 Sports Billiards
1065 中文 板球 Ban3qiu2 Sports Cricket
1066 中文 Zhi3 Noun Address
1067 中文 Diao4 Verb To fall, to drop, to come off 4
1068 中文 Diao4 Verb To fall behind 4
1069 中文 Diao4 Verb To lose, to become missing 4
1070 中文 Diao4 Verb To reduce, to drop, to lessen 4
1071 中文 Diao4 Verb To wag, to swing 4
1072 中文 Diao4 Verb To turn around 4
1073 中文 Diao4 Verb Attach behind verb to indicate removal 擦掉 Ca1diao4 Wipe off 4
1074 中文 失掉 Shi1diao4 Verb To lose, to miss 失掉联系 Shi1diao4 lian2xi4 To lose contact
1075 中文 丢掉 Diu1diao4 Verb To lose, to meet away 丢掉幻想 Diu1diao4 huan4xiang3 To cast away illusions
1076 中文 调查 Diao4cha2 Verb To investigate, to look into 4
1077 中文 Diao4 Verb To transfer, to shift 他调到这个小组来了 He has been transferred to this group
1078 中文 Diao4 Noun Accent
1079 中文 Diao4 Noun Music key, melody, tone
1080 中文 强调 Qiang2diao4 Verb To stress, to emphasise, to underline
1081 中文 Cha2 Verb To check, to examine, to look into, to investigate
1082 中文 检查 Jian3cha2 Verb To check up on, to examine
1083 中文 搜查 Sou1cha2 Verb To search, to rummage
1084 中文 Diu1 Verb To lose 这套书丢了一本 Zhe4 tao4 shu1 diu1 le yi1ben3 There's a book missing from the set 4
1085 中文 Diu1 Verb To throw, to cast, to toss 4
1086 中文 Diu1 Verb To set aside 丢在脑后 Diu1zai4nao3hou4 Insane (cast brain aside) 4
1087 中文 丢人 Diu1ren2 Verb To be embarrassed
1088 中文 丢弃 Diu1qi4 Verb To abandon, to give up on
1089 中文 丢开 Diu1kai1 Verb To forget for a while, to cast aside
1090 中文 丢三落四 Diu1san1la4si4 Idiom Forgetful
1091 中文 动作 Dong4zuo4 Noun Movement, action 4
1092 中文 激动 Ji1dong4 Verb To excite, to agitate 4
1093 中文 激动 Ji1dong4 Adjective Excited 4
1094 中文 主动 Zhu3dong4 Verb To take the initiative 主动帮助人 Zhu3dong4 bang1zhu4 ren2 Willingly help others 4
1095 中文 移动 Yi2dong4 Verb To move, to shift 冷气团正向南移动 Cold air is moving southward
1096 中文 动态 Dong4tai4 Noun Trends, developments 科技新动态 Ke1ji4 xin1 dong4tai4 Recent S&T developments
1097 中文 震动 Zhen4dong4 Verb To vibrate
1098 中文 互动 Hu4dong4 Verb To interact
1099 中文 浮动 Fu2dong4 Verb To fluctuate
1100 中文 动机 Dong4ji1 Noun Intention, motive
1101 中文 作为 Zuo4wei2 Noun Conduct, behaviour, actions 4
1102 中文 作用 Zuo4yong4 Noun Action, function, effect 化学作用 Hua4xue2 zuo4yong4 Chemical action 4
1103 中文 作品 Zuo4pin3 Noun Works (of art)
1104 中文 创作 Chuang4zuo4 Verb To create, to produce
1105 中文 创作 Chuang4zuo4 Noun Creation, creative work
1106 中文 作风 Zuo4feng1 Noun Style, style of work 推广民主作风 Tui1guang3 min2zhu3 zuo4feng1 Promote a democratic way
1107 中文 堵车 Du3che1 Noun Traffic jam 4
1108 中文 Du3 Verb To block up 我鼻子堵了 Wo3 bi2zi du3le My nose blocked
1109 中文 Du3 Adjective Suffocated, stifled 心里堵的难受 Xin1li du3 de nan2shou4 Have a lot on mind
1110 中文 堵塞 Du3se4 Verb To block up
1111 中文 堵截 Du3jie2 Verb To intercept
1112 中文 堵死 Du3si3 Verb To block out completely
1113 中文 列车 Lie4che1 Noun Train
1114 中文 卡车 Ka3che1 Noun Truck, lorry
1115 中文 车厢 Che1xiang1 Noun Train carriage
1116 中文 肚子 Du3zi Body Stomach 4
1117 中文 短信 Duan3xin4 Noun Text message 发一条短信给他 Fa1yi1tiao2 duan3xin4 gei3ta1 Send him a text 4
1118 中文 Duan3 Verb To lack, to be short 一个月短两天 Yi1ge yue4 duan3 liang3 tian1 Two days short of a month Important
1119 中文 缩短 Suo1duan3 Verb To shorten, to cut down, to cut short 缩短距离 Suo1duan3 ju4li2 Reduce the distance
1120 中文 短暂 Duan3zan4 Adjective Short duration
1121 中文 短促 Duan3cu4 Adjective Short duration 短促的一生 Duan3cu4 de yi1sheng1 A brief life
1122 中文 Xin4 Noun Confidence, faith, trust
1123 中文 Xin4 Noun Evidence, sign
1124 中文 信息 Xin4xi1 Noun Information, news, message 4
1125 中文 通信 Tong1xin4 Verb To communicate by letter
1126 中文 信任 Xin4ren4 Noun Trust 得到人民的信任 De2dao4 ren2min2 de xin4ren4 Obtain the trust of the people
1127 中文 信封 Xin4feng1 Noun Envelope
1128 中文 自信 Zi4xin4 Verb To firmly believe, to feel convinced 他自信能赢 He is confident in winning
1129 中文 自信 Zi4xin4 Adjective Self-confident
1130 中文 信赖 Xin4lai4 Verb To trust, to entrust 他是个值得信赖的人 Ta1shi4ge zhi2de xin4lai4 de ren2 He is a trustworthy person
1131 中文 Dui4 Verb To answer, to reply 无言以对 Wu2yan2 yi3dui4 Have nothing to say
1132 中文 Dui4 Verb To treat, to cope with, to counter 上海队对北京队 Shanghai team vs Beijing team
1133 中文 Dui4 Counter Measure word for pairs
1134 中文 Dui4 Verb To adjust, to set
1135 中文 对于 Dui4yu2 Preposition Regarding, concerning 4
1136 中文 反对 Fan3dui4 Verb To combat, to fight against, to be against 4
1137 中文 面对 Mian4dui4 Verb To confront, to face 面对现实 Mian4dui4 xian4shi2 Face reality
1138 中文 对象 Dui4xiang4 Noun Target, object 研究的对象 Yan2jiu1 de dui4 xiang4 Object of study
1139 中文 绝对 Jue2dui4 Adjective Absolute
1140 中文 绝对 Jue2dui4 Adverb Absolutely
1141 中文 对面 Dui4mian4 Noun Opposite 他家就在我家对面 His house is opposite mine 4
1142 中文 对面 Dui4mian4 Adverb Face-to-face, in person 4
1143 中文 对话 Dui4hua4 Noun Dialogue 4
1144 中文 对待 Dui4dai4 Verb To treat, to handle
1145 中文 Dui4 Verb To identify, to verify 对号码 Dui4 hao4ma3 Verify numbers
1146 中文 对付 Dui4fu Verb To deal with, to cope with 那人好对付 That person is easy to deal with
1147 中文 应对 Ying4dui4 Verb To reply, to answer, to respond
1148 中文 神话 Shen2hua4 Noun Myth, fairy tale
1149 中文 Mian4 Noun Overall, entire area (as opposed to individual points) 面上的工作 Mian4 shang4 de gong1zuo4 Overall business
1150 中文 Mian4 Noun Extent, range, scale, scope
1151 中文 Mian4 Counter Measure word for flat things
1152 中文 Mian4 Counter Measure word for number of times people meet
1153 中文 方面 Fang1mian4 Noun Aspect, side 4
1154 中文 全面 Quan2mian4 Adjective Overall, all-round 全面经验 Quan2mian4 jing1yan4 Overall experience
1155 中文 面前 Mian4qian2 Verb To be in the face of, to confront 在事实面前 Zai4 shi4shi2 mian4qian2 In the face of truth
1156 中文 面积 Mian4ji1 Noun Area
1157 中文 局面 Ju2mian4 Noun Situation, phase 出现了崭新的局面 The situation has completely changed
1158 中文 一面——一面 Yi1mian4…yi1mian4 Adverb Simultaneously, at the same time
1159 中文 面貌 Mian4mao4 Noun Appearance
1160 中文 片面 Pian4mian4 Adjective One-sided
1161 中文 Er2 Affix Attach after noun to indicate smallness 小猫儿 Xiao3mao1er2 Kitten
1162 中文 Er2 Affix Attach behind verbs to form nouns 吃儿 Chi1er2 Something to eat
1163 中文 Er2 Affix Attach behind adjectives to form nouns 热闹儿 Re4naoer2 Thrilling sight, fun
1164 中文 Er2 Affix Attach behind concrete nouns to form abstract nouns 门儿 Men2er2 Way to do something
1165 中文 儿童 Er2tong2 Noun Children 4
1166 中文 童年 Tong2nian2 Noun Childhood
1167 中文 Er2 Conjunction And, as well as 4
1168 中文 Er2 Conjunction And yet, but, while on the other hand 有其名而无其实 In name but not in reality 4
1169 中文 Er2 Conjunction In order to, so that 不要失败而灰心 Bu4yao4 yin1shi1bai4 er2 hui1xin1 Don’t let failure cause discouragement 4
1170 中文 (由,从,自)——而 You2/cong2/zi4…er2 Conjunction From that to that 由南而北 You2nan2er2bei3 From south to north 4
1171 中文 Er2 Conjunction Attach between adverb and verb 匆匆而去 Cong1cong1 er2qu4 Leave hastily 4
1172 中文 Er2 Conjunction Attach between subject and predicate to indicate condition clause If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good writings 4
1173 中文 反而 Fan3er2 Adverb Instead, contrarily 风不但没听,反而更大了 Feng1 bu4dan4 mei2ting2, fan3er2 geng4 da4 le Instead of stopping, the wind blew even harder
1174 中文 而已 Er2yi3 Auxiliary That’s all 我不过是个学生而已 I’m merely a student, that’s all
1175 中文 进而 Jin4er2 Conjunction And then, after that
1176 中文 而后 Er2hou4 Conjunction And then, after that, afterwards
1177 中文 而外 Er2wai4 Adverb Besides, in addition to, apart from (goes with 除了) 他除了打乒乓而外 Besides table tennis
1178 中文 发生 Fa1sheng1 Verb To happen, to occur 4
1179 中文 开展 Kai1zhan3 Verb To launch, to develop
1180 中文 展开 Zhan3kai1 Verb To spread out, to open up, to unfold 把地图展开 Ba3 di4tu2 zhan3kai1 Unfold the map
1181 中文 展览 Zhan3lan3 Verb To put on display, to exhibit 工业展览 Gong1ye4 zhan3lan3 Industrial exhibition
1182 中文 进展 Jin4zhan3 Verb To make progress 进展神速 Jin4zhan3 shen2su Advance at an amazing pace
1183 中文 展示 Zhan3shi4 Verb To reveal, to show 展示人物的内心世界 Reveal the character’s inner world
1184 中文 展现 Zhan3xian4 Verb To emerge, to unfold before eyes
1185 中文 扩展 Kuo4zhan3 Verb To expand, to extend, to develop 扩展到一千万亩 Kuo4zhan3 dao4 yi1qian1 wan4 mu3 Expand to ten million mu
1186 中文 法律 Fa3lv4 Noun Law 4
1187 中文 法规 Fa3gui1 Noun Laws, regulations
1188 中文 依法 Yi1fa3 Adverb According to law
1189 中文 非法 Fei1fa3 Adjective Illegal
1190 中文 守法 Shou3fa3 Verb To abide by the law
1191 中文 纪律 Ji4lv4 Noun Discipline
1192 中文 一律 Yi1lv4 Adjective Same, alike 一律对待 Yi1lv4 dui4dai4 Treat in the same way
1193 中文 一律 Yi1lv4 Adverb Without exception 应该一律平等 Ying1gai1 yi1lv4 ping2deng3 Should be equal
1194 中文 旋律 Xuan2lv4 Music Melody
1195 中文 定律 Ding4lv4 Academic Scientific law
1196 中文 翻译 Fan1yi4 Verb To translate, to interpret 4
1197 中文 Fan1 Verb To turn upside down 我把茶杯碰翻了 Wo3 ba3 cha2bei1 peng4 fan1 le I knocked the teacup over
1198 中文 Fan1 Verb To look through 翻参考书 Fan1 can1kao3shu1 Look through reference books
1199 中文 Fan1 Verb To cross, to get over 翻过山头 Tan1guo4 shan1tou2 Cross a mountaintop
1200 中文 翻身 Fan1shen1 Verb To turn body over
1201 中文 Yi4 Verb To interpret
1202 中文 译成 Yi4cheng2 Verb To translate to become
1203 中文 破译 Po4yi4 Verb To decode, to decipher
1204 中文 烦恼 Fan2nao3 Adjective Worried, vexed 4
1205 中文 Fan2 Verb To be tired of 这话我都听烦了 I’m tired of hearing these words
1206 中文 Fan2 Verb To bother (please) 烦您给他捎个信儿 May I trouble you to pass on a message to him?
1207 中文 烦躁 Fan2zao4 Adjective Agitated, irritable
1208 中文 耐烦 Nai4fan2 Adjective Patient (negative)
1209 中文 烦闷 Fan2men4 Adjective Unhappy, depressed
1210 中文 厌烦 Yan4fan2 Verb To be sick of, to be fed up with 他非常厌烦他现在做的工作 He is fed up with his current job
1211 中文 Nao3 Verb To upset, to irritate, to annoy 再说我可要恼了 Zai4shuo1 wo3ke3 yao4 nao3 le I’m going to be annoyed if you talk like that
1212 中文 恼火 Nao3huo3 Adjective Annoyed, irritated
1213 中文 苦恼 Ku3nao3 Adjective Worried, tormented, afflicted
1214 中文 懊恼 Ao4nao3 Adjective Upset, annoyed, vexed
1215 中文 Fan3 Adjective Inside-out, reverse, in opposite direction
1216 中文 Fan3 Adverb Contrarily
1217 中文 反正 Fan3zheng Adverb Used with 不管/无论 to indicate in any case, anyway 不管怎么样,反正工作不能停 No matter how, in any case cannot stop work
1218 中文 反正 Fan3zheng Adverb Since, as 反正路不远 Since it’s not far
1219 中文 反映 Fan3ying4 Verb To reflect, to mirror 反映新时代的特点 Fan3ying4 xin1 shi2dai4 de te4dian3 Mirror the features of our new age
1220 中文 反应 Fan3ying4 Noun Response, reaction
1221 中文 反复 Fan3fu4 Verb To back out 决不反复 I’ll never back out
1222 中文 反复 Fan3fu4 Adverb Repeatedly, again and again 反复解释 Fan3fu4 jie3shi4 Repeatedly explain
1223 中文 违反 Wei2fan3 Verb To violate, to infringe upon
1224 中文 相反 Xiang1fan3 Conjunction On the contrary
1225 中文 相反 Xiang1fan3 Adjective Opposite, contrary
1226 中文 方法 Fang1fa3 Noun Method, way, means 4
1227 中文 Fang1 Noun Square
1228 中文 Fang1 Noun Square, cubic 一方木材 Fi1fang1 mu4cai2 A cubic metre of lumber
1229 中文 Fang1 Counter Measure word for square things
1230 中文 方式 Fang1shi4 Noun Way, pattern, fashion, form 领导方式 Ling3dao3 fang1shi4 Form of leadership
1231 中文 方向 Fang1xiang4 Noun Orientation, direction 迷了方向 Mi2le fang1xiang4 Lose orientation 4
1232 中文 方案 Fang1an4 Noun Plan, programme, scheme
1233 中文 次方 Ci2fang1 Math Power of 二的四次方 The 4th power of 2
1234 中文 平方 Ping2fang1 Math Squared
1235 中文 立方 Li4fang1 Math Cubed
1236 中文 方程 Fang1cheng2 Math Equation
1237 中文 Xiang4 Verb To side with 穷人向穷人 Qiong2ren2 xiang4 qiong2ren2 Poor people side with each other
1238 中文 Xiang4 Preposition Towards, in the direction of
1239 中文 走向 Zou3xiang4 Noun The path, the alignment 海岸线走向 Hai3an4xian4 zou3xiang4 The path of the coastline
1240 中文 倾向 Qing1xiang4 Noun Tendency, inclination
1241 中文 倾向 Qing1xiang4 Verb To be inclined to
1242 中文 一向 Yi1xiang4 Adverb Lately
1243 中文 向往 Xiang4wang3 Verb To look forward to
1244 中文 向来 Xiang4lai2 Adverb Always, all along
1245 中文 房东 Fang2dong1 Noun Landlord 4
1246 中文 东——西—— Dong1…xi1… Conjunction Here and there (scattered) 东一个,西一个 Here got one, there got one
1247 中文 放弃 Fang4qi4 Verb To abandon, to give up on 4
1248 中文 Fang4 Verb To let go, to set free, to release, to let off
1249 中文 Fang4 Verb To show (film etc)
1250 中文 Fang4 Verb To enlongen, to enlarge
1251 中文 Fang4 Verb To moderate
1252 中文 Fang4 Verb To blossom
1253 中文 Fang4 Verb To place, to put
1254 中文 开放 Kai1fang4 Verb To blossom, to lift a restriction
1255 中文 解放 Jie3fang4 Verb To liberate
1256 中文 放暑假 Fang4shu3jia4 Verb To take summer vacation 4
1257 中文 放松 Fang4song1 Verb To relax, to loosen 放松肌肉 Fang4song1 ji1rou4 Relax muscles 4
1258 中文 放大 Fang4da4 Verb To enlarge, to amplify
1259 中文 释放 Shi4fang4 Verb To release, to set free
1260 中文 Qi4 Verb To throw away, to discard, to abandon
1261 中文 抛弃 Pao1qi4 Verb To abandon, to forsake, to cast aside
1262 中文 假设 Jia3she4 Noun Hypothesis
1263 中文 假装 Jia3zhuang1 Verb To pretend, to feign, to simulate
1264 中文 虚假 Xu1jia3 Adjective Dishonest, false
1265 中文 假定 Jia3ding4 Verb To assume, to suppose, to presume
1266 中文 Song1 Adjective Loose, slack
1267 中文 轻松 Qing1song1 Adjective Light, relaxed 轻松的工作 Qing1song1 de gong1zuo4 Light work
1268 中文 松树 Song1shu4 Life Pine tree
1269 中文 松鼠 Song1shu3 Life Squirrel
1270 中文 Fen4 Noun Attach behind 年/月/省 to form units for differentiation 上年份 Last year 4
1271 中文 Fen4 Counter Measure word for portions share 4
1272 中文 Fen4 Counter Measure word for copy of something 4
1273 中文 身份 Shen1fen Noun Identity, status
1274 中文 丰富 Feng1fu4 Adjective Rich, abundant, plentiful 4
1275 中文 丰富 Feng1fu4 Verb To enrich 丰富词汇 Feng1fu4 ci2hui4 Enrich vocabulary 4
1276 中文 丰满 Feng1man3 Adjective More than enough
1277 中文 否则 Fou3ze2 Conjunction Otherwise, or else 否则要迟到了 Otherwise will be late 4
1278 中文 否认 Fou3ren4 Verb To deny, to repudiate
1279 中文 Ze2 Noun Regulation
1280 中文 符合 Fu2he2 Verb To conform to, to accord with 符合要求 Fu2he2 yao1qiu2 Accord with the requirements 4
1281 中文 Fu2 Verb To tally (negative)
1282 中文 Fu2 Noun Symbol 音符 Yin1fu2 Note
1283 中文 合作 He2zuo4 Verb Cooperate
1284 中文 付款 Fu4kuan3 Verb To pay money
1285 中文 Fu4 Verb To hand over sth, to pay
1286 中文 Kuan3 Noun Sum of money
1287 中文 Fu4 Adjective Compound, complex
1288 中文 Fu4 Verb To reply, to asnwer
1289 中文 Fu4 Verb To resume, to recover
1290 中文 Fu4 Noun Revenge
1291 中文 恢复 Hui1fu4 Verb To resume, to renew 恢复正常 Hui1fu4 zheng4chang2 Resume to normal
1292 中文 恢复 Hui1fu4 Verb To recover, to regain 恢复知觉 Hui1fu4 zhi1jue2 Recover consciousness
1293 中文 恢复 Hui1fu4 Verb To restore, to reinstate 恢复名誉 Hui1fu4 ming2yu4 Restore reputation
1294 中文 复杂 Fu4za2 Adjective Complicated 4
1295 中文 Za2 Adjective Miscellaneous, mixed
1296 中文 杂志 Za2zhi4 Noun Magazine 4
1297 中文 杂技 Za2ji4 Sports Acrobatics
1298 中文 杂质 Za2zhi4 Noun Impurity
1299 中文 Fu4 Adjective Rich, wealthy 4
1300 中文 父亲 Fu4qin1 Noun Father 4
1301 中文 亲自 Qin1zi4 Adverb Personally, own self
1302 中文 亲切 Qin1qie4 Adjective Kind, intimate
1303 中文 亲戚 Qin1qi Noun Relative 4
1304 中文 亲爱 Qin1ai4 Adjective Beloved
1305 中文 Qin1 Adjective Close, intimate, dear
1306 中文 负责 Fu4ze2 Verb To be responsible for, to be in charge of 4
1307 中文 Fu4 Verb To bear, to shoulder 4
1308 中文 Fu4 Verb To lose (battle), to be defeated
1309 中文 Fu4 Math Negative, minus
1310 中文 负担 Fu4dan1 Noun Burden, load
1311 中文 欺负 Qi1fu Verb To bully, to take advantage of sb
1312 中文 Ze2 Noun Duty, responsibility
1313 中文 责任 Ze2ren4 Noun Responsibility, duty 4
1314 中文 谴责 Qian3ze2 Verb To condemn, to denounce, to censure
1315 中文 Ze2 Verb To punish
1316 中文 责怪 Ze2guai4 Verb To blame
1317 中文 改变 Gai3bian4 Verb To change, to alter 改变主意 Gai3bian4 zhu3yi4 Change one’s mind 4
1318 中文 Gai3 Verb To convert, to change, to alter, to polish, to rectify
1319 中文 改革 Gai3ge2 Noun Improvement, reformation 工具改革 Gong1ju4 gai3ge2 Improvement of tools
1320 中文 改革 Gai3ge2 Verb To revamp
1321 中文 改善 Gai3shan4 Verb To improve, to ameliorate 改善关系 Gai3shan4guan1xi Improve relations
1322 中文 改造 Gai3zao4 Verb To transform, to reform, to remake, to remould
1323 中文 修改 Xiu1gai3 Verb To revise, to modify, to amend 小修小改 Xiao3xiu1 xiao3gai3 Minor alterations 4
1324 中文 改编 Gai3bian1 Verb To adapt, to transcribe, to convert from one form to another, to rearrange 把小说改编成电影 Ba3 xiao3shuo1 gai3bian1 cheng2 dian4ying3 Adapt novel into film
1325 中文 改进 Gai3jin4 Noun Improvement
1326 中文 Bian4 Verb To become
1327 中文 干杯 Gan1bei1 Verb Cheers 4
1328 中文 Gan1 Verb To be concerned with, to have to do with 这是与我无干 Zhe4 shi4 yu3 wo3 wu2gan1 This has nothing to do with me
1329 中文 Gan1 Adverb Futily, purposelessly 别干等了 Bie2 gan1 deng3 le Don’t purposelessly wait
1330 中文 Gan1 Adverb Only, with nothing else 干靠这点儿钱 Gan1 kao4 zhe4 dian3r qian2 Depend only on this little money
1331 中文 Gan1 Verb To scold
1332 中文 若干 Ruo4gan1 Noun Several, a certain number 若干年 Ruo4gan1nian2 Several years
1333 中文 干燥 Gan1zao4 Adjective Dry, arid, uninteresting
1334 中文 干脆 Gan1cui4 Adjective Straightforward, clear-cut 干脆的说 Gan1cui4 de shuo1 Be frank
1335 中文 干脆 Gan1cui4 Adjective Simply, altogether 干脆一言不发 Gan1cui4 yi1yan2 bu4fa1 Simply refuse to talk
1336 中文 干涉 Gan1she4 Verb To interfere, to meddle
1337 中文 干酪 Gan1lao4 Noun Cheese
1338 中文 相干 Xiang1gan1 Verb To have sth to do with, to be concerned with 这是与你不相干 This has nothing to do with you
1339 中文 杯赛 Bei1sai4 Noun Trophy
1340 中文 感动 Gan3dong4 Verb To emotionally touch 4
1341 中文 感情 Gan3qing2 Noun Emotion, sentiment 4
1342 中文 感觉 Gan3jue2 Noun Sensation, feeling 4
1343 中文 感受 Gan3shou4 Verb To catch
1344 中文 敏感 Min3gan3 Adjective Sensitive, susceptible
1345 中文 感激 Gan3ji1 Verb To feel grateful, to be thankful
1346 中文 灵感 Ling2gan3 Noun Inspiration
1347 中文 感叹 Gan3tan4 Verb Sigh
1348 中文 自觉 Zi4jue2 Verb To be aware of (negative)
1349 中文 自觉 Zi4jue2 Adverb Consciously 这孩子做作业挺自觉 The child does homework without any urging
1350 中文 가게 Noun Store A
1351 한국어 가격 价格 Jia4ge2 Noun Price B
1352 한국어 가구 家具 Jia1ju4 Noun Furniture B
1353 한국어 가구 家口 Jia1kou3 Noun Family C
1354 한국어 가까워지다 Verb To get close to sb 난 너가 그녀와 가까워지길 바란다 I want you to get close to her B
1355 한국어 가까워지다 Verb To get close to
1356 한국어 ~ㄴ/은 Particle Adjective marker; Attach behind verb-adjectives to turn into full adjectives. If ends in 있, use 는 큰, 잘생긴 Big, handsome
1357 한국어 ~도 Particle Also; can replace subject / object markers
1358 한국어 하지만 Conjunction But; use at start of sentence only
1359 한국어 ~의 Particle Possessive marker; pronounced ‘에’
1360 한국어 ~ㄴ/는 Conjugation Diary form; do nothing else to it
1361 한국어 ~았/었다 Conjugation Past diary form; do nothing else to it
1362 한국어 ~겠다 Conjugation Future diary form; do nothing else to it
1363 한국어 ~에 Particle Location marker; attach behind place / time / period of time
1364 한국어 -게 Particle Adverb marker; attach behind verb-adjectives to turn into adverbs. 하 → 히
1365 한국어 ~지 않다 Conjugation Negative form; acts as a verb ending
1366 한국어 Conjugation Negation marker; attach before verb. If it is 하, place 를 안 right before 하
1367 한국어 ~ㄹ/을 (거예요) Conjugation Future form; attach to verb to indicate action happens in the future
1368 한국어 ~동안 Particle Duration marker; attach behind duration of time
1369 한국어 ~몇 Particle Several marker; attach behind noun (with space) to convert into multiple form. Can be placed before noun using 의
1370 한국어 ~들 Particle Dual marker; attach behind noun (with space) to convert into dual form. Can be placed before noun using 의
1371 한국어 ~만 Particle Only marker; attach behind noun to convert into only form. Don’t need subject / object marker
1372 한국어 ~에서 Particle From / at marker; attach behind to strictly indicate location / time of action. Don’t use with 있다
1373 한국어 ~까지 Particle Until / to marker; attach behind noun
1374 한국어 ~부터 Particle From marker; attach behind noun
1375 한국어 ~(으)로 Particle Using marker; attach behind noun to indicate that you are using it. Can also mean direction
1376 한국어 ~와/과 Particle And / with marker; attach behind first noun
1377 한국어 ~랑/이랑 Particle And / with marker; attach behind first noun
1378 한국어 ~하고 Particle And / with marker; attach behind first noun
1379 한국어 ~에게 Particle Indirect object marker, to marker; so like I give something to you (written)
1380 한국어 ~한테 Particle Indirect object marker, to marker; so like I give something to you (spoken)
1381 한국어 ~게 Particle Indirect object marker, to marker; so like I give something to you (honorific)
1382 한국어 ~에게서 Particle Indirect subject marker, from marker; so like I get something from you (person)
1383 한국어 ~한테서 Particle Indirect subject marker, from marker; so like I get something from you (person)
1384 한국어 ~게 Particle Indirect subject marker, from marker; so like I get something from you (anything)
1385 한국어 ~를/을 위해(서) Particle For marker; attach behind noun to say that you are doing the verb for the noun
1386 한국어 ~에 대해 Particle About marker; attach behind noun to say that you are doing the verb about the noun
1387 한국어 ~되다 Particle Passive marker; change 하다 to 되다 to convert verb into passive form. Use 에/에게 if done by sth else. 에 for non-person and 에게 otherwise
1388 한국어 ~받다 Particle Same as 되다 but for people
1389 한국어 ~아/어 Conjugation Attach to passive verb to allow it to exist in that state. 히 → 혀 / 이 → 여
1390 한국어 ~나다 Conjugation 내다 is the active form and 나다 is the passive form 끝내다 → 끝나다 To finish → to be finished
1391 한국어 나다 Auxiliary Comes up; used commonly with 기억 (memory) / 생각 (thought) / 냄새 (smell) 그것이 기억났다 Memory came up (I remember)
1392 한국어 ~적 Particle Relating to marker; attach behind certain nouns to convert into relating to form. Like a fake adjective
1393 한국어 ~적으로 Particle Adverb marker; attach behind certain nouns to convert into adverb form
1394 한국어 ~적이다 Particle Adjective marker; attach behind certain nouns to convert into proper adjective form 민주적인 Democratic
1395 한국어 ~스럽다 Particle With properties of marker; indicates that the noun has properties of the other noun. Can attach 게 behind to turn into adverb 사랑스럽다 Heart-like
1396 한국어 ~아/어지다 Particle Passive marker; attach behind the remaining verbs to convert into passive form 주다 → 주어지다 To give → to be given
1397 한국어 들다 Verb To carry, to hold sth 저는 돈을 들었어요 I carried my hand (I raised my hand)
1398 한국어 들다 Verb To enter, to go into sth 나는 동아리에 들었어 I joined a club
1399 한국어 다르다 Verb To be different; use with 와/과
1400 한국어 비슷하다 Verb To be similar; use with 와/과
1401 한국어 같다 Verb To be the same; use with 와/과
1402 한국어 쓰다 Verb To write
1403 한국어 쓰다 Verb To use
1404 한국어 쓰다 Verb To wear a hat
1405 한국어 걸리다 Verb To be hanging
1406 한국어 걸리다 Verb To be caught, to be stuck, to be trapped
1407 한국어 걸리다 Verb To take a certain amount of time
1408 한국어 걸리다 Verb To catch a cold, to fall sick
1409 한국어 ~고 Particle Afterwards marker; place after first clause 저는 자고 한국어를 공부했어요 I slept then studied Korean
1410 한국어 ~고 나서 Particle Afterwards marker; place after first clause to strictly mean afterwards
1411 한국어 ~고 Particle Connective marker; just used to connect clauses of similar ideas
1412 한국어 ~아/어서 Particle Afterwards marker; strictly refers to a series of events that can’t be skipped
1413 한국어 ~고 싶다 Auxiliary I want to 저는 한국어를 배우고 싶어요 I want to study korean
1414 한국어 ~고 있다 Particle Present progressive marker; convert into continuous form, can be used with 알다 / 살다 / 가지다 to mean currently knowing / living / possessing. Don’t use for humans 나는 음악을 듣고 있어 I am listening to music
1415 한국어 ~아/어 지다 Particle Target marker; converts adjectives into ‘become adjective’ 행북해지다 To become happy
1416 한국어 Adverb More; attach in front of adjective to mean ‘more’ 라면은 더 매워요 Ramen is more spicy
1417 한국어 Adverb More; attach in front of verb to mean ‘more’ 저는 더 공부할 거예요 I will more study
1418 한국어 ~보다 Particle Comparative marker; attach behind noun to compare to that 나는 아버지보다 더 잘 생겼어 I am more handsome than my father
1419 한국어 Adverb Less; attach in front of adjective to mean ‘less’
1420 한국어 Adverb Less; attach in front of verb to mean ‘less’
1421 한국어 가장 Adverb Superlative; attach before adjective or adverb 가족은 가장 중요해요 Family is the most important
1422 한국어 제일 Adverb Superlative; attach before adjective or adverb
1423 한국어 잘하다 Verb To do sth well, to be good at sth
1424 한국어 Adverb Well; attach before verbs 저는 잘 모르겠어요 I don't know well
1425 한국어 Adverb Not well; attach before verbs
1426 한국어 ~ㅂ/습니까 Question Question marker (formal)
1427 한국어 ~니 Question Question marker (informal) 시험을 잘 봤니? Did you write the exam well
1428 한국어 ~ㄴ/은가 Question Question marker (adjectives) 그 여자는 예쁜가? Is that girl beautiful
1429 한국어 ~아닌가 Question Question marker (isn’t it) 너무 북잡해, 아닌가? This is too complicated, isn’t it
1430 한국어 ~나 Question Question marker (use with 있다 / 없다) 밥이 있나? Is there rice
1431 한국어 Question Why; use as adverb, use with 이다 to mean ‘why is’ 어제 학교에 왜 안 갔어요? Why didn’t you go to school yesterday
1432 한국어 언제 Question When; use as adverb, use with 이다 to mean ‘when is’ 집에 언제 갔어? 걸혼식은 언제야? When did you go home? When is the wedding?
1433 한국어 어디 Question Where; use as adverb, use with 이다 to mean ‘where is’ 어디 가고 싶어요? Where do you want to go?
1434 한국어 누구 Question Who; use as pronoun (object) 그 사람은 누구야? Who is that person?
1435 한국어 누가 Question Who; use as pronoun (subject) 누가 내일 한국어를 공부할 거야? Who will study korean tomorrow?
1436 中文 谢绝 Xie4jue2 Verb To decline, to politely refuse
1437 中文 Gan3 Verb To dare, to be brave enough to do sth 4
1438 中文 敢于 Gan3yu2 Verb To dare to 敢于斗争 Gan3yu2 dou4zheng1 Dare to struggle
1439 中文 竟敢 Jing4gan3 Verb To have the audacity 你竟敢跟我讲这种话 How dare you say that to me
1440 中文 胆敢 Dan3gan3 Verb To dare to, to have the audacity
1441 中文 不敢当 Bu4gan3dang1 Interjection I don’t deserve this, you flatter me
1442 中文 果敢 Guo3gan3 Adjective Daring
1443 中文 Gan3 Verb To catch up with, to overtake 赶头班车 Gan3 tou2 ban1che1 Take the first bus 4
1444 中文 Gan3 Verb To hurry 赶回家 Gan3 hui2jia1 Hurry home 4
1445 中文 Gan3 Verb To drive 赶大车 Gan3 da4che1 Drive a cart 4
1446 中文 Gan3 Verb To drive away 把敌人赶走 Ba3 di2ren2 gan3zou3 Drive the enemy away 4
1447 中文 Gan3 Verb To encounter, to come across 赶上一场雨 Gan3shang4 yi1chang2yu3 Come across a shower 4
1448 中文 Gan3 Adverb Quickly, hurriedly
1449 中文 Gan3 Preposition Until, by 赶年下 Gan3nian2xia4 By next year 4
1450 中文 赶紧 Gan3jin3 Adverb Quickly, hastily, without losing time
1451 中文 赶快 Gan3kuai4 Adverb Quickly, hastily, at once
1452 中文 赶忙 Gan3mang2 Adverb Quickly, hastily, at once
1453 中文 赶上 Gan3shang4 Verb To keep up with, to keep pace with 赶上时代的发展 Gan3shang4 shi2dai4 de fa1zhan3 Keep up with the times
1454 中文 赶上 Gan3shang4 Verb To be in time for
1455 中文 赶上 Gan3shang4 Verb To encounter, to come across 赶上了大雨 Gan3shang4le da4yu3 Run into heavy rain
1456 中文 追赶 Zhui1gan3 Verb To run after, to chase, to pursue
1457 中文 Gang1 Adjective Firm, strong, unyielding 他的性情太钢 Ta1de xing4qing2 tai4gang1 His character very strong 4
1458 中文 Gang1 Adverb Just, exactly, precisely 这双鞋大小合适 Zhe4 shuang1 xie2 da4xiao3 gang1 he2shi4 This pair of shoes is just the right size 4
1459 中文 Gang1 Adverb Barely, only, just, not more than 刚到八点 Gan1 dao4 ba1dian3 It’s only 8 o clock 4
1460 中文 Gang1 Adverb Just a while ago 他刚走
1461 中文 刚好 Gang1hao3 Adverb No more, no less, just right, exactly 你们来得刚好 Ni3men2 lai2de gang1hao3 You came exactly on time
1462 中文 金刚 Jin1gang1 Academic Diamond
1463 中文 高峰 Gao1feng2 Noun Peak, summit
1464 中文 迅速 Xun4su4 Adjective Rapid, swift, speedy, prompt 动作迅速 Dong4zuo4 xun4su4 Swift action
1465 中文 公平 Gong1ping2 Adjective Fair, just, impartial
1466 中文 公民 Gong1min2 Noun Civil, citizen
1467 中文 公分 Gong1fen1 Math Centimetre
1468 中文 路口 Lu4kou3 Noun Intersection, junction
1469 中文 思路 Si1lu4 Noun Train of thought
1470 中文 一路 Yi1lu4 Adverb All the way, throughout the journey
1471 中文 一路 Yi1lu4 Noun The same kind 一路货 Yi1lu4huo4 One of a kind
1472 中文 一路 Yi1lu4 Noun The same way, the same route
1473 中文 胳膊 Ge1bo Body Arm 4
1474 中文 胳膊肘 Ge1bozhou3 Body Elbow
1475 中文 Ge4 Pronoun Every, all 各机关 Ge4 ji1guan1 All government offices 4
1476 中文 Ge4 Pronoun Various, different 各方代表 Ge4 fang1 dai4biao3 Representatives of different fields 4
1477 中文 Ge4 Adverb Variously, respectively 两侧各有一门 Liang3ce4 ge4 you3 yi1men2 Each side got one door 4
1478 中文 各种 Ge4zhong3 Adverb All kinds of
1479 中文 各自 Ge4zi4 Pronoun Everyone, each
1480 中文 各别 Ge4bie2 Adjective Distinct, different 各别对待 Treat differently
1481 中文 功夫 Gong1fu Noun Skill 4
1482 中文 Gong1 Noun Merit, achievement 他的功大于过 Ta1 de gong1 da4yu2 guo4 His achievements outweigh his errors
1483 中文 Gong1 Noun Result, effect, success
1484 中文 用功 Yong4gong1 Verb To study hard
1485 中文 用功 Yong4gong1 Adjective Diligent, studious
1486 中文 功劳 Gong1lao2 Noun Contribution, credit 他的功劳可不小啊 Ta1 de gong1lao2 ke3 bu4 xiao3 a Her contribution is not small
1487 中文 工程 Gong1cheng2 Academic Engineering
1488 中文 职工 Zhi2gong1 Noun Staff, office staff, workers
1489 中文 工资 Gong1zi1 Noun Wage, pay 4
1490 中文 Zi1 Verb To subsidise, to support 资敌 Zi1di2 Support the enemy
1491 中文 投资 Tou2zi1 Noun Investment
1492 中文 投资 Tou2zi1 Verb To invest
1493 中文 共同 Gong4tong2 Adjective Shared, common 有共同之处 You3 gong4tong2 zhi1chu4 Have sth in common 4
1494 中文 共同 Gong4tong2 Adverb Together, jointly
1495 中文 共和 Gong4he2 Noun Republic
1496 中文 总共 Zong3gong4 Adverb All in all, altogether
1497 中文 共识 Gong4shi2 Noun Common understanding, consensus
1498 中文 共产 Gong4chan3 Noun Communist
1499 中文 Tong2 Verb To be the same as
1500 中文 Tong2 Adjective Same, alike, similar
1501 中文 Tong2 Adverb Together, in common 同吃同住同劳动 Tong2chi1 tong2 zhu4 tong2lao2dong4 Eat together, live together, work together
1502 中文 Tong2 Preposition With
1503 中文 Tong2 Preposition Indicate recipient of action 他上午来同我告别 Ta1 shang4wu3 lai2 tong2 wo3 gao4bie2 He came to say bye to me
1504 中文 Tong2 Preposition Indicate comparison 同去年相比 As compared to last year
1505 中文 相比 Xiang1bi3 Verb To compare; use at the end of the phrase 跟先进单位相比 With the advanced units as comparison Important
1506 中文 同时 Tong2shi2 Adverb At the same time, simultaneously
1507 中文 同志 Tong2zhi4 Noun Comrade
1508 中文 相同 Xiang1tong2 Adjective Identical, the same
1509 中文 Gou4 Verb To reach 4
1510 中文 Gou4 Adverb Sufficiently 4
1511 中文 Gou4 Adjective Enough 4
1512 中文 足够 Zu2gou4 Adjective Enough, sufficient
1513 中文 够格 Gou4ge2 Verb To be qualified
1514 中文 购物 Gou4wu4 Verb To go shopping 4
1515 中文 Gou4 Verb To purchase
1516 中文 购买 Gou4mai3 Verb To purchase, to buy
1517 中文 采购 Cai3gou4 Verb To make purchases for organisation
1518 中文 订购 Ding4gou4 Verb To place an order for sth
1519 中文 Wu4 Noun Thing, matter
1520 中文 Wu4 Noun Content, substance
1521 中文 人物 Ren2wu4 Noun Figure, personage 知名人物 Zhi1ming2 ren2wu4 Famous figure
1522 中文 植物 Zhi2wu4 Noun Plants 4
1523 中文 货物 Huo4wu4 Noun Goods, commodity
1524 中文 宠物 Chong3wu4 Noun Pet
1525 中文 估计 Gu1ji4 Verb To estimate 过低估计 Guo4di1 gu1ji4 Underestimate 4
1526 中文 Gu1 Verb To estimate
1527 中文 评估 Ping2gu1 Verb To assess, to estimate
1528 中文 估算 Gu1suan4 Verb To estimate, to appraise
1529 中文 估价 Gu1jia4 Verb To evaluate, to appraise 这件家具请你估价 Please evaluate this piece of furniture
1530 中文 Ji4 Noun Idea, plan, ruse 他们一计不成 Ta1men2 yi1ji4 bu4cheng2 Their first plan failed
1531 中文 Ji4 Academic Meter 体温计 Ti3wen1ji4 Thermometer
1532 中文 Ji4 Verb To count 计入 Ji1ru4 Count in
1533 中文 Ji4 Verb To fuss about sth (negative) 不计个人得失 Bu4ji4 ge4ren2 de2 shi1 Don’t care about personal gains or losses
1534 中文 为——计—— Wei4…ji4 Preposition For the purpose of, in order to 为长远计 Wei4 chang2yuan3 ji4 For along the road
1535 中文 计划 Ji4hua4 Noun Plan, project, programme 4
1536 中文 设计 She4ji4 Verb To design, to plan 4
1537 中文 统计 Tong3ji4 Math Statistics
1538 中文 统计 Tong3ji4 Verb To count, to add up
1539 中文 计算 Ji4suan4 Verb To calculate
1540 中文 会计 Kuai4ji4 Academic Accounting
1541 中文 鼓励 Gu3li4 Verb To encourage, to urge 4
1542 中文 Gu3 Noun Drum
1543 中文 Gu3 Verb To strike, to beat 鼓琴 Gu3qin2
1544 中文 Gu3 Verb To bulge, to swell 钱包很鼓 Qian2bao1 hen3gu3 The purse is bulging
1545 中文 鼓舞 Gu3wu3 Verb To inspire, to encourage
1546 中文 鼓掌 Gu3zhang3 Verb To clap hands
1547 中文 鼓动 Gu3dong4 Verb To agitate, to arouse, to incite
1548 中文 Li4 Verb To encourage
1549 中文 激励 Ji1li4 Verb To inspire, to encourage
1550 中文 勉励 Mian3li4 Verb To encourage
1551 中文 Gu4 Noun Incident 事故 Shi4gu4 Accident
1552 中文 Gu4 Noun Reason 无故缺席 Wu2gu4 que1xi2 Absent for no reason
1553 中文 故乡 Gu4xiang1 Noun Birthplace, hometown
1554 中文 缘故 Yuan2gu4 Noun Motive 为了友谊的缘故 Wei4le you3yi4 de yuan2gu4 For the sake of friendship
1555 中文 故障 Gu4zhang4 Noun Problem, issue, malfunction 排除故障 Pai2chu2 gu4zhang4 Fix a breakdown
1556 中文 顾客 Gu4ke4 Noun Customer 4
1557 中文 Gu4 Verb To turn around and look at, to attend to 只顾自己 Zhi3gu4 zi4ji3 Only think of self
1558 中文 照顾 Zhao4gu Verb To give consideration to, to show consideration for 照顾多数 Zhao4gu duo1shu4 Consider the majority 4
1559 中文 顾问 Gu4wen4 Noun Consultant, adviser
1560 中文 客户 Ke4hu4 Noun Customer, client
1561 中文 客气 Ke4qi Adjective Polite
1562 中文 客气 Ke4qi Verb To be polite
1563 中文 Gua4 Verb To hang, to put up 把地图挂在墙上 Ba3 di4tu2 gua4 zai4 qiang2shang4 Hang the map on the wall 4
1564 中文 Gua4 Verb To hang up 你先别挂 Ni3 xian1 bie2gua4 Don’t hang up 4
1565 中文 Gua4 Verb To remain unsettled, to remain unresolved 这件事还挂着呢 Zhe4 jian4 shi4 hai2 gua4 zhe ne The matter is unresolved still 4
1566 中文 Gua4 Verb To call up, to dial up 4
1567 中文 Gua4 Verb To get caught on sth 他的衣服给钉子挂住了 Ta1de yi1fu gei3 ding1zi gua4 zhu4le Her dress got caught on a nail 4
1568 中文 Gua4 Verb To be concerned about sth 4
1569 中文 Gua4 Verb To be coated with sth 他脸上挂了一层尘土 Ta1 lian3shang4 gua4 le yi1 ceng2 chen2tu3 His face covered with a layer of dust 4
1570 中文 Gua4 Verb To sign up, to register 4
1571 中文 Gua4 Verb To stay online 4
1572 中文 Gua4 Counter Measure word for a string of sth 4
1573 中文 挂号 Gua4hao4 Verb To register name
1574 中文 悬挂 Xuan2gua4 Verb To suspend
1575 中文 挂断 Gua4duan4 Verb To hang up
1576 中文 关键 Guan1jian4 Noun Key, hinge, crux 问题的关键 Wen4ti2 de guan1 jian4 The crux of the problem 4
1577 中文 关键 Guan1jian4 Adjective Critical, key, decisive 4
1578 中文 Guan1 Noun Barrier, guarded passage
1579 中文 Guan1 Noun Connection 这是与我无关 Zhe4shi4 yu3 wo3 wu2 guan1 This has no relation to me
1580 中文 关切 Guan1qie4 Verb To be deeply concerned
1581 中文 Jian4 Music Key
1582 中文 键盘 Jian4pan2 Noun Keyboard
1583 中文 群众 Qun2zhong4 Noun The masses, population
1584 中文 当众 Dang1zhong4 Adverb In public
1585 中文 聚众 Ju4zhong4 Verb To form a crowd
1586 中文 管理 Guan3li3 Verb To manage, to administer, to be in charge of, to run, to control 4
1587 中文 Guan3 Counter Measure word for long tube-like things 一管毛笔 Yi1guan3 mao2bi3 A writing brush
1588 中文 管——叫—— Guan3…jiao4 Preposition Call sth as sth 大家管它叫小淘气 People call him ‘little rogue’
1589 中文 Guan3 Preposition From 管他要钱 Guan3ta1 yao4qian2 From him ask money
1590 中文 Guan3 Verb To provide, to guarantee
1591 中文 尽管 Jin3guan3 Adverb Feel free to, don’t hesitate to 你尽管拿吧 Ni3 jin3guan3 na2ba You’re welcome to take it 4
1592 中文 尽管 Jin3guan3 Conjunction Even though, despite 尽管身体不好 Jin3guan3 shen1ti3 bu4 hao3 Even though health not good 4
1593 中文 Guan3 Verb To look after
1594 中文 Li3 Noun Texture
1595 中文 Li3 Noun Truth, reason, logic
1596 中文 Li3 Noun Natural science
1597 中文 Li3 Verb To manage, to run
1598 中文 Li3 Verb To put in order, to tidy up
1599 中文 Li3 Verb To pay attention to (negative) 谁也不理谁 Shui2 bu4li3 shui2 Not on speaking terms
1600 中文 总理 Zong3li3 Noun Prime minister
1601 中文 理论 Li3lun4 Noun Theory, principle
1602 中文 理解 Li3ji3 Verb To understand, to comprehend 4
1603 中文 理想 Li3xiang3 Noun Ideal, dream, aspiration
1604 中文 理想 Li3xiang3 Adjective Ideal, perfect
1605 中文 Guang1 Noun Light 4
1606 中文 目光 Mu4guang1 Noun Eyesight
1607 中文 光荣 Guang1rong2 Noun Honour, glory, credit
1608 中文 光荣 Guang1rong2 Adjective Honourable, glorious
1609 中文 光明 Guang1ming2 Adjective Bright
1610 中文 光辉 Guang1hui1 Noun Glorious, magnificent
1611 中文 Guang1 Verb To be used up, to be all gone 4
1612 中文 Guang1 Verb To be naked, to be bare 4
1613 中文 Guang1 Adverb Just, alone, only 他光效不说话 Ta1 guang1 xiao4 bu4 shuo1hua4 She just smiled and said nothing 4
1614 中文 光彩 Guang1cai3 Noun Lustre, radiance
1615 中文 广播 Guang3bo1 Verb To broadcast 4
1616 中文 广 Guang3 Adjective Wide, broad, extensive, vast
1617 中文 广告 Guang3gao4 Noun Advertisement, commercial 4
1618 中文 广泛 Guang3fan4 Adjective Extensive, wide-ranging, widespread
1619 中文 推广 Tui1guang3 Verb To popularise, to spread
1620 中文 宽广 Kuan1guang3 Adjective Extensive, vast
1621 中文 Bo1 Verb To sow, to seed
1622 中文 传播 Chuan2bo1 Verb To disseminate, to propagate, to spread
1623 中文 Guang4 Verb To stroll, to roam 4
1624 中文 游逛 You2guang4 Verb To go sightseeing
1625 中文 闲逛 Xian2guang4 Verb To stroll on free time
1626 中文 Xian2 Noun Spare time, leisure
1627 中文 Xian2 Adjective Free, not busy, idle, unoccupied
1628 中文 Xian2 Adjective Not in use
1629 中文 休闲 Xiu1xian2 Verb To enjoy free time, to go on holiday
1630 中文 闲话 Xian2hua4 Noun Complaint, gossip
1631 中文 空闲 Kong4xian2 Noun Time, leisure
1632 中文 空闲 Kong4xian2 Adjective Idle, free
1633 中文 规定 Gui1ding4 Noun Regulation, rule, stipulation 4
1634 中文 规定 Gui1ding4 Verb To provide, to stipulate, to fix, to prescribe
1635 Python pd.read_csv() sepa str; defaults to ‘,’ Pandas Change the delimiter to use
1636 Python pd.read_csv() header int, list of ints; defaults to ‘infer’ Pandas Row numbers to use as column labels and start of data. Can also be used on MultiIndex
1637 Python pd.read_csv() names array; Pandas List of column names to use
1638 Python pd.read_csv() index_col int, str, sequence of int, sequence of str, False Pandas Column numbers to use as row labels. Can also be used on MultiIndex
1639 Python pd.read_csv() usecols list-like Pandas Return a subset of columns pd.read_csv( usecols = lambda x: x.upper in [‘COL1’, ’COL3’] )
1640 Python pd.read_csv() squeeze boolean; defaults to False Pandas If parsed data only has one column then return Series
1641 Python pd.read_csv() prefix str; defaults to None Pandas Prefix to add to column numbers when no header
1642 Python pd.read_csv() mangle_dupe_cols boolean; defaults to True Pandas Duplicate columns will be specified as numbers and not XY
1643 Python pd.read_csv() dtype dict; defaults to None Pandas Data type for data pd.read_csv( type = {‘a’: np.float64, ‘b’: np.int32} )
1644 Python pd.read_csv() converters dict; defaults to None Pandas Functions to use for converting values
1645 Python pd.read_csv() true_values list; defaults to None Pandas Values to consider as True
1646 Python pd.read_csv() false_values list; defaults to None Pandas Values to consider as False
1647 Python pd.read_csv() skiprows list-like, integer; defaults to None Pandas Skip row numbers pd.read_csv( skip rows = lambda x: x % 2 ≠ 0 )
1648 Python pd.read_csv() nrows int; Pandas Number of rows to read
1649 Python pd.read_csv() parse_dates boolean, list of ints, dict; default False Pandas Columns to try to parse into dates
1650 Python pd.read_csv() infer_datetime_format boolean; Pandas Tries to parse the dates
1651 Python pd.read_csv() thousands str; Pandas Thousands separator
1652 Python pd.read_csv() decimal str; Pandas Decimal separator
1653 Python pd.read_csv() error_bad_lines boolean; Pandas False means bad lines will be dropped from the df
1654 Python pd.read_csv() skip_bad_lines boolean; Pandas False means empty lines are kept
1655 Python pd.read_csv() warn_bad_lines boolean; Pandas If error is False and warn is True, a warning will be output for each bad line
1656 Python pd.to_numeric() default series; Pandas Converts into numeric
1657 Python pd.to_numeric() errors ‘coerce’; Pandas What to do with bad data
1658 Python pd.read_csv() dtype category Pandas Converts into category
1659 Python CategoricalDtype() default list; Pandas.api.types Creates categories that can be used to classify df. Mismatch will get NA dtype = CategoricalDtype([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’])
1660 Python CategoricalDtype() ordered boolean; Pandas.api.types Whether it is ordered or not
1661 Python Pandas Access the values of a categorised Series
1662 Python df.dtypes Pandas Get dtypes
1663 Python s.dtypes Pandas Get dtypes
1664 Python pd.read_csv() comment str; Pandas Indicates what commenter is used
1665 Python data.decode() utf8 Pandas To encode
1666 Python data.encode() latin-1 Pandas To encode
1667 Python pd.read_csv() chunksize int; Pandas Splits the df into chunks
1668 Python df.to_json() orient ‘index’, ‘records’, ‘columns’, ‘split’ Pandas Turn into json
1669 Python pd.read_excel() sheet_name Pandas
1670 Python with pd.ExcelFile(‘’) as xls: df = pd.read_excel(xls, ‘sheet1’) Pandas Read excel
1671 Python df.index.set_names() list; Pandas Set index
1672 Python pd.MultiIndex.from_product() list of lists; Pandas Used to set index pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[0, 1], ['a', 'b', 'c']])
1673 Python writer = pd.ExcelWriter(engine = ‘xlsxwriter); df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=‘’); Pandas Save multiple sheets
1674 Python pd.date_range() default str in date format; Pandas Create a list of dates, one day apart
1675 Python pd.date_range() periods int; Pandas Create a list of dates, one day apart
1676 Python pd.sort_index() Pandas Sort index, you can set level and axis
1677 Python pd.value_counts() Pandas
1678 Python pd.loc[lambda df:] Pandas
1679 Python df.get_loc() Pandas
1680 Python s.sample() n int; Pandas Random sample by int
1681 Python s.sample() frac float; Pandas Random sample by fraction
1682 Python s.sample() weights list of floats; Pandas Random sample with weights. Will be normalised automatically
1683 Python s.sample() axis 0 or 1 Pandas
1684 Python[] Pandas Selects better
1685 Python s.isin() list; Pandas Can be tuples to select from multi index
1686 Python df.isin() list; Pandas Can be tuples to select from multi index, can also be dict to match to certain cols
1687 Python s.where() criteria; Pandas Same as selecting, but with same shape as original (with NA)
1688 Python s.where() alternative; Pandas If it doesn’t satisfy, use the alternative, can use lambda df.where(df < 0, -df) Keep the entries less than zero, but if not, then replace with the negative value
1689 Python df.apply() lambda x,y: y=df[‘A’] Pandas Uses two columns at once
1690 Python df.query() str; Pandas Shorter version df.query('(a < b) & (b < c)') Important
1691 Python df.query() str; Pandas Can be used to select from multi index df.query('ilevel_0 == "red"') Important
1692 Python df.duplicated() default colname; Pandas Check whether something is duplicated
1693 Python df.duplicated() keep ‘last’, False Pandas Treat only the last one as False or treat all as True
1694 Python df.drop_duplicates() Pandas Drop duplicates lor
1695 Python np.arange() int; Numpy Create a list from 0 to n-1
1696 Python np.random.randn() int; Numpy Create a random list of length n
1697 Python df.set_index() colname; Pandas Converts a col into the index
1698 Python df.set_index() drop boolean; Pandas Whether you keep the indexed column or not
1699 Python df.reset_index() Pandas
1700 Python zip(*arrays) list of lists; Python Combines multiple lists into tuples
1701 Python slice(None) Pandas Use when selecting second index
1702 Python df.xs() Pandas df.xs('one', level='second', axis=1, drop_level=‘True')
1703 Python df.groupby() level int; Pandas
1704 Python pd.cut() bins int; Pandas Forms a category using intervals. Can define and use it later on
1705 Python pd.interval_range() start, end int; Pandas pd.interval_range(start=0, periods=5, freq=1.5)
1706 Python pd.interval_range() start, end int; Pandas pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timestamp('2017-01-01'), periods=4, freq='W')
1707 Python pd.interval_range() start, end int; Pandas pd.interval_range(start=pd.Timedelta('0 days'), periods=3, freq='9H')
1708 Python pd.concat() list of df; Pandas
1709 Python pd.concat() join ‘inner’, ‘outer’; Pandas
1710 Python pd.concat() ignore_index boolean; Pandas
1711 Python pd.concat() keys list; Pandas Acts as an external indexer to identify the constituent parts
1712 Python pd.concat() axis 0 or 1; Pandas
1713 Python pd.merge() how ‘inner’, ‘outer’, ‘left’, ‘right’; Pandas How to merge
1714 Python pd.merge() left_on Pandas
1715 Python pd.merge() right_on Pandas
1716 Python pd.merge() sort boolean; Pandas Sort by lexicographical order or not
1717 Python pd.merge() suffixes (‘’,’’) Pandas Add suffixes behind overlaps
1718 Python pd.merge() validate ‘one_to_one’, ‘one_to_many’, ‘many_to_one’, ‘many_to_many’; Pandas Check the nature of the overlaps
1719 Python pd.merge() indicator str; Pandas Adds a column which serves as the indicator or whether something is found in either left or right df
1720 Python df.join() default df; Pandas Just joins it to the right, based on index
1721 Python df.join() how Pandas How lor
1722 Python df.update() default df; Pandas Updates df based on index and columns, skipping Nas Important
1723 Python pd.merge_asof() tolerance pd.Timedelta Pandas Removes small fluctuations in times so that merging is done easier
1724 Python pd.pivot() index list; Pandas The side groupings
1725 Python pd.pivot() columns list; Pandas The top groupings
1726 Python pd.pivot() values list; Pandas The values
1727 Python df.stack() Pandas
1728 Python df.unstack() default int; Pandas Unstacks the multi index based on the level
1729 Python pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples() Pandas
1730 Python df.melt() id_vars list of colnames; Pandas Converts columns into separate rows
1731 Python pd.pivot_table() default df; Pandas Important
1732 Python pd.pivot_table() values list of colnames; Pandas Important
1733 Python pd.pivot_table() index list of colnames; Pandas Important
1734 Python pd.pivot_table() columns list of colnames; Pandas Important
1735 Python pd.pivot_table() aggfunc dict of colnames to functions; ‘count’, np.sum, np.std, ‘sum’, ‘mean’ Pandas Important
1736 Python pd.pivot_table() margins boolean; Pandas The summed up versions at the ends Important
1737 pd.pivot_table() fill_value str; Pandas Fill empty
1738 Python pd.crosstab() default series and series; Pandas Outputs a frequency table of two different columns
1739 Python pd.crosstab() normalize boolean, ‘columns’ Pandas Normalizes to proportions
1740 Python pd.get_dummies() series; Pandas Splits different entries in a series into separate columns
1741 Python s.explode() Pandas Converts a column containing lists into separate rows
1742 Python s.str.count() default str; Pandas Number of occurrences of string in the entries
1743 Python s.str.lower() Pandas
1744 Python s.str.upper() Pandas
1745 Python s.str.len() Pandas
1746 Python s.str.strip() Pandas
1747 Python s.str.lstrip() Pandas
1748 Python s.str.rstrip() Pandas
1749 Python s.str.replace() default regex and regex; Pandas
1750 Python s.str.split() default regex; Pandas
1751 Python s.str.get() default int; Pandas Get whichever object from a list
1752 Python default series; Pandas Elementwise concatenation
1753 Python na_rep str; Pandas Replace NAs with what
1754 Python s.str.extract() default regex; Pandas Re findall basically
1755 Python s.str.extract() expand boolean; Pandas True returns df, False returns series
1756 Python s.str.extractall() Pandas
1757 Python s.str.contains() default regex; Pandas
1758 Python s.str.match() default regex; Pandas
1759 Python s.str.get_dummies() sepa str; Pandas Splits entries by a separator and tallies up number of occurrences s.str.get_dummies(sep='|')
1760 Python s.str.startswith() Pandas
1761 Python s.str.endswith() Pandas
1762 Python df.cumsum() Pandas Cumsum
1763 Python df.fillna() default str; Pandas You can also fill it up with the mean value dff.fillna(dff.mean())
1764 Python df.fillna() method ‘pad’, ‘bfill’; Pandas ‘pad’ makes sure that NAs are filled in by the things above ‘bfill’ fills in from the bottom Important
1765 Python df.fillna() limit int; Pandas For ‘pad’, fills in that number of cells
1766 Python s.interpolate() Pandas Interpolates NA values using the values to its sides
1767 Python s.interpolate() method ‘akima’; Pandas ‘akima’ is used for smooth curve
1768 Python pd.cut() second list of ints; Pandas Creates bins for numeric data pd.cut(df.value, range(0, 105, 10), right=False) Important
1769 Python %s…% Python Placeholder
1770 Python df.sort_values() by colname; Pandas
1771 Python df.plot .area, .barh, .density, .hist, .line, .scatter, .pie, .bar, .box, .hexbin, .kde Matplotlib.pyplot
1772 Python stacked boolean; Matplotlib.pyplot Whether the bar plot is stacked or not
1773 Python df.plot() alpha float; Matplotlib.pyplot Transparency
1774 Python df.plot() bins int; Matplotlib.pyplot Number of bins
1775 Python plt.figure() Matplotlib.pyplot Sets up a blank sheet
1776 Python df.plot() cumulative boolean; Matplotlib.pyplot Cumsum
1777 Python df.plot() color ‘k’; Matplotlib.pyplot Colour
1778 Python df.boxplot() by colname; Matplotlib.pyplot Group by that column
1779 Python df.plot.hexbin() gridsize int; Matplotlib.pyplot Size of hexagons
1780 Python df.plot() figsize tuple of ints; Matplotlib.pyplot Size of figure
1781 Python df.plot() subplots boolean; Matplotlib.pyplot Whether there are multiple plots side by side
1782 Python scatter_matrix default df; pandas.plotting Makes comparison between pairs of variables
1783 Python df.plot.kde() Matplotlib.pyplot Density plot
1784 Python andrews_curves() default df; pandas.plotting Creates a set of curves used to form clusters
1785 Python parallel_coordinates() default df; pandas.plotting Discovers clusters in data
1786 Python lag_plot() default df; pandas.plotting Discovers time difference between times Important
1787 Python df.plot() secondary_y boolean; Matplotlib.pyplot Creates a second y-axis
1788 Python df.plot() sharex boolean; Matplotlib.pyplot In a subplots, whether they share the same y axis
1789 Python df.plot() layout tuple of ints; Matplotlib.pyplot In a subplots, the layout lor
1790 Python df.plot() ax axes to use; Matplotlib.pyplot
1791 Python fig, axes = plt.subplots() nrows and ncols int and int; Matplotlib.pyplot Sets up a blank sheet of subplots, accessible via list indexing
1792 Python df.plot() table boolean; Matplotlib.pyplot Whether to add table at the bottom
1793 Python df.pct_change() periods int; Pandas Calculates the percentage change between entries. Grouped changes use periods parameter
1794 Python s.rank() default 0 or 1; Pandas Ranking among the rest
1795 Python df.rolling() window int; Pandas Creates a rolling average
1796 中文 规模 Gui1mo2 Noun Scale, extent, scope
1797 中文 规模 Gui1mo2 Adjective Large-scale
1798 中文 规划 Gui1hua4 Noun Project, plan, programme
1799 中文 Ding4 Verb To decide on, to fix, to set, to set in stone
1800 中文 一定 Yi1ding4 Adjective Fixed, specified, definite 他一忙起来,吃饭睡觉都没有一定的时间了 When she gets busy, eat sleep all no regular time
1801 中文 一定 Yi1ding4 Adjective Certain, particular, given 在一定程度上 To a certain degree
1802 中文 一定 Yi1ding4 Adverb Necessarily, surely 两者没有一定的联系 The 2 not necessarily have association
1803 中文 稳定 Wen3ding4 Adjective Stable, steady, calm
1804 中文 肯定 Ken3ding4 Verb To affirm, to confirm, to approve 肯定成绩 Ken3ding4 cheng2ji4 Confirm one’s achievements 4
1805 中文 肯定 Ken3ding4 Adjective Affirmative, positive 肯定的判断 Ken3ding4 de pan4duan4 Positive assessment 4
1806 中文 确定 Que4ding4 Verb To define, to fix, to determine 确定时限 Que4ding4 shi2xian4 Fix a time frame 4
1807 中文 确定 Que4ding4 Adjective Absolute, definite 4
1808 中文 制定 Zhi4ding4 Verb To formulate, to draft out 制定计划 Zhi4ding4 ji4hu4 Fixate on a plan
1809 中文 国籍 Guo2ji2 Noun Nationality, citizenship 4
1810 中文 国际 Guo2ji4 Adjective International 4
1811 中文 祖国 Zu3guo2 Noun Homeland, home country
1812 中文 帝国 Di4guo2 Noun Empire
1813 中文 泰国 Tai4guo2 Name Thailand
1814 中文 Ji2 Noun Record, book
1815 中文 书籍 Shu1ji2 Noun Books, works, literature
1816 中文 Ji4 Noun Border, boundary, edge 水际 Shui3ji4 Edge of the water
1817 中文 Ji4 Noun Inter- (place after) 校际 Xiao4ji4 Interschool Important
1818 中文 之际 Zhi1ji4 Preposition At the time of 春夏之际 Chun1xia4 zhi1ji4 At the time between spring and summer
1819 中文 效果 Xiao4guo3 Noun Effect, result
1820 中文 果汁 Guo3zhi1 Noun Juice 4
1821 中文 果然 Guo3ran2 Adverb As expected, really
1822 中文 果然 Guo3ran2 Conjunction If really, if indeed 事情果然是那样 If things really are like that
1823 中文 后果 Hou4guo3 Noun Aftermath, consequence
1824 中文 芒果 Mang2guo3 Life Mango
1825 中文 坚果 Jian1guo3 Life Nut
1826 中文 Cheng2 Noun Rule, regulation, order, procedure, schedule
1827 中文 Cheng2 Noun Journey, stage of a journey 送她一程 Song4ta1 yi1cheng2 Accompany him part of the journey
1828 中文 程度 Cheng2du4 Noun Level, degree, extent
1829 中文 程序 Cheng2xu4 Noun Order, procedure, sequence 法律程序 Fa3lv4 cheng2xu4 Legal procedure
1830 中文 程序 Cheng2xu4 Noun Coding programme
1831 中文 课程 Ke4cheng2 Noun Course, curriculum
1832 中文 编程 Bian1cheng2 Noun Coding
1833 中文 海洋 Hai3yang2 Noun Ocean 4
1834 中文 Hai3 Noun Great number of things coming together
1835 中文 Hai3 Adverb Randomly, aimlessly
1836 中文 海峡 Hai3xia2 Noun Strait, channel
1837 中文 Yang2 Adjective Foreign 洋博士 Yang2bo2shi4 Foreign doctor
1838 中文 Yang2 Adjective Modern 洋办法 Yan2ban4fa3 Modern methods
1839 中文 汪洋 Wang1yang2 Adjective Expansive, wide (water)
1840 中文 洋葱 Yang2cong1 Life Onion
1841 中文 害羞 Hai4xiu1 Adjective Shy, bashful 4
1842 中文 Hai4 Noun Evil, harm
1843 中文 Hai4 Verb To harm, to impair, to cause trouble to, to murder
1844 中文 厉害 Li4hai Adjective Fierce, terrible (animal) 老虎比狮子还厉害 Tigers are fiercer than lions
1845 中文 厉害 Li4hai Adjective Strict, stern, harsh 他的样子很厉害 Ta1de yang4zi3 hen3 li4hai His appearance is very stern
1846 中文 厉害 Li4hai Adjective Intense, severe, terrible 他病得厉害 Ta1bing4 de li4hai He is seriously ill
1847 中文 厉害 Li4hai Colloquial Impressive, awesome
1848 中文 伤害 Shang1hai4 Verb To injure, to harm
1849 中文 危害 Wei1hai4 Verb To harm, to endanger
1850 中文 灾害 Zai1hai4 Noun Disaster, calamity
1851 中文 羞耻 Xiu1chi3 Adjective Shameful
1852 中文 寒假 Han2jia4 Noun Winter vacation 4
1853 中文 寒暄 Han2xuan1 Verb Exchange greetings
1854 中文 Zhai2 Colloquial Residence 宅男 Zhai2nan2 Nerd
1855 中文 装逼 Zhuang1bi1 Colloquial To act cool
1856 中文 二货 Er4huo4 Colloquial Idiot, fool, stupid person
1857 中文 Niu2 Colloquial Awesome
1858 中文 Zuo1 Colloquial To be over-dramatic
1859 中文 Meng2 Colloquial Cute 好萌啊 Very cute
1860 中文 男神 Nan2shen2 Colloquial Ideal man 他就是我的男神 He is my ideal man
1861 中文 靠谱 Kao4pu3 Colloquial Reasonable, reliable
1862 中文 吐槽 Tu4cao2 Colloquial To complain about
1863 中文 吃土 Chi1tu3 Colloquial Very poor
1864 中文 Han4 Noun Sweat 4
1865 中文 航班 Hang2ban1 Noun Scheduled flight 4
1866 中文 Hang2 Verb To navigate
1867 中文 Ban1 Noun Team, squad
1868 中文 Ban1 Noun Shift, duty
1869 中文 接班 Jie1ban1 Verb To start duty
1870 中文 好处 Hao3chu Noun Benefit, advantage 4
1871 中文 好玩 Hao3wan2 Colloquial Amusing, interesting
1872 中文 好说 Hao3shuo1 Colloquial Response to praises or thanks
1873 中文 好像 Hao3xiang4 Verb To look like, to seem like 4
1874 中文 良好 Liang2hao3 Adjective Favourable, good
1875 中文 Xiang4 Verb To resemble
1876 中文 号码 Hao4ma3 Noun Number 4
1877 中文 Hao4 Noun Name, mark, signal 问号 Wen4hao4 Question mark
1878 中文 Hao4 Noun Size
1879 中文 Hao4 Verb To leave a mark on sth 把你要的东西都号一号 Mark all your items
1880 中文 Hao4 Counter Measure word for kind or sort 这号人甭理他 Don’t bother with such a person
1881 中文 Hao4 Noun Order
1882 中文 Hao4 Music Brass-wind instrument
1883 中文 Ma3 Noun Sign representing a number 页码 Ye4ma3 Page number
1884 中文 起码 Qi3ma3 Adjective Minimum, elementary
1885 中文 编码 Bian1ma3 Noun Code
1886 中文 合格 He2ge2 Adjective Up to standard, qualified 合格的司机 Qualified driver 4
1887 中文 合适 He2shi4 Adjective Suitable, appropriate 你这样说不合适 It’s not right for you to do so 4
1888 中文 Shi4 Adjective Suitable, appropriate
1889 中文 Shi4 Adjective Comfortable
1890 中文 适应 Shi4ying4 Verb To adapt to, to adjust to, to conform to 适应需要 Fulfill the requirements 4
1891 中文 适当 Shi4dang4 Adjective Suitable, appropriate
1892 中文 盒子 He2zi Noun Box 4
1893 中文 Hou4 Noun Thickness 4
1894 中文 Hou4 Adjective Thick 4
1895 中文 Hou4 Adjective Deep, profound, rich 交情很厚 Profound friendship 4
1896 中文 浓厚 Nong2hou4 Adjective Dense, thick
1897 中文 雄厚 Xiong2hou4 Adjective Ample, rich, abundant, solid 国力雄厚 Have ample national strength
1898 中文 忠厚 Zhong1hou4 Adjective Honest, tolerant, sincere
1899 中文 后悔 Hou4hui3 Verb To regret, to repent 4
1900 中文 今后 Jin1hou4 Preposition From today onwards
1901 中文 背后 Bei4hou4 Adverb Behind sb back
1902 中文 悔恨 Hui3hen4 Verb To regret deeply
1903 中文 悔改 Hui3gai3 Verb To repent, to change one’s ways
1904 中文 懊悔 Ao4hui3 Noun Remorse, repentance
1905 中文 互联网 Hu4lian2wang3 Noun Internet 4
1906 中文 Hu4 Adverb Each other
1907 中文 苏联 Su1lian2 Name Soviet Union
1908 中文 网络 Wang3luo4 Verb Network
1909 中文 互相 Hu4xiang1 Adverb Each other 4
1910 中文 护士 Hu4shi4 Noun Nurse 4
1911 中文 怀疑 Huai2yi2 Verb To doubt, to suspect 4
1912 中文 怀疑 Huai2yi2 Noun Suspicion 4
1913 中文 怀 Huai2 Noun Bosom, mind, embrace
1914 中文 怀 Huai2 Verb To keep in mind, to harbour 怀着深厚的感情 Huai2zhe shen1hou4 de gan3qing2 Harbour deep feelings
1915 中文 怀 Huai2 Verb To yearn for sth, to miss 怀友 Huai2 you3 Think of a friend
1916 中文 怀念 Huai2nian4 Verb To cherish the memory
1917 中文 怀孕 Huai2yun4 Verb To be pregnant
1918 中文 疑惑 Yi2huo4 Verb To feel uncertain, to feel unconvinced
1919 中文 迟疑 Chi2yi2 Adjective Hesitative
1920 中文 疑虑 Yi2lv4 Noun Doubts
1921 中文 回忆 Hui2yi4 Verb To recall, to recollect
1922 中文 Hui2 Counter Measure word for number of occasions
1923 中文 回头 Hui2tou2 Colloquial Later 回头再谈 Hui2tou2 zai4tan2 We’ll talk again later
1924 中文 记忆 Ji4yi4 Noun Memory
1925 中文 记忆 Ji4yi4 Verb To remember
1926 中文 追忆 Zhui1yi4 Verb To retrospect, to look back and recall
1927 中文 活动 Huo2dong4 Noun Activity, manoeuvre 政治活动 Zheng4zhi4 huo2dong Political activities 4
1928 中文 活动 Huo2dong4 Verb To exercise, to move about 站起来活动 Stand up and move about 4
1929 中文 活动 Huo2dong4 Adjective Shaky, unsteady 椅子活动 The chair is unsteady 4
1930 中文 活动 Huo2dong4 Adjective Movable, mobile, flexible
1931 中文 Huo2 Verb To live
1932 中文 Huo2 Adjective Alive, living 在他活着的时候 During his lifetime
1933 中文 Huo2 Adjective Vivid, lively
1934 中文 Huo2 Noun Work, job, products
1935 中文 活泼 Huo2po Adjective Lively, vivacious, vivid 活泼的孩子 Lively children 4
1936 中文 灵活 Ling2huo2 Adjective Nimble, agile, quick
1937 中文 干活 Gan4huo2 Colloquial Do work
1938 中文 火箭 Huo3jian4 Noun Rocket
1939 中文 火柴 Huo3chai2 Noun Match
1940 中文 火焰 Huo3yan4 Noun Flame
1941 中文 获得 Huo4de2 Verb To obtain, to acquire, to win, to achieve, to gain 获得知识 Huo4de2 zhi1shi Acquire knowledge 4
1942 中文 Huo4 Verb To capture, to catch
1943 中文 基础 Ji1chu3 Noun Foundation, basis 物质基础 Zu4zhi4 ji1chu3 Material base 4
1944 中文 Ji1 Adjective Basic, key, primary
1945 中文 Ji1 Spell out
1946 中文 基于 Ji1yu2 Preposition Because of, in view of 基于生活 Ji1yu2 sheng1huo2 In view of life
1947 中文 Ken3 Spell out
1948 中文 Ji1 Noun Foundation, basis, origin
1949 中文 Wei2 Spell out
1950 中文 激烈 Ji1lie4 Adjective Intense, heated, fierce, acute 激烈的比赛 Intense competition
1951 中文 感激 Gan3ji1 Verb Feel grateful, feel thankful
1952 中文 刺激 Ci4ji1 Noun Stimulation, incentive 强刺激 Qiang2 ci4ji1 Strong stimulus
1953 中文 积极 Ji1ji2 Adjective Positive 作出积极贡献 Make positive contributions 4
1954 中文 积极 Ji1ji2 Adjective Active, energetic, vigorous 4
1955 中文 积累 Ji1lei3 Verb To accumulate 4
1956 中文 Ji1 Verb To accumulate, to store up
1957 中文 Ji2 Noun Extreme point
1958 中文 Ji2 Adverb Extremely
1959 中文 消极 Xiao1ji2 Adjective Negative
1960 中文 消极 Xiao1ji2 Adjective Passive, inactive, docile
1961 中文 即使 Ji2shi3 Conjunction Even if 4
1962 中文 Ji2 Adverb At present, in the immediate future
1963 中文 Ji2 Adverb At once, promptly 即插即用 Ji2cha1 ji2yong4 Plug and play
1964 中文 立即 Li4ji2 Adverb Immediately, at once, promptly
1965 中文 即将 Ji2jiang1 Adverb About to
1966 中文 随即 Sui2ji2 Adverb Soon after that, immediately afterwards 他随即出了门 He immediately went out
1967 中文 及时 Ji2shi2 Adjective In time, right time, on time 这场雪很及时 This snow came at the right time 4
1968 中文 及时 Ji2shi2 Adverb Promptly, without delay
1969 中文 Ji2 Verb To reach, to come up to
1970 中文 Ji2 Conjunction As well as, and
1971 中文 以及 Yi3ji2 Conjunction Along with, and, as well as
1972 中文 涉及 She4ji2 Verb To involve, to relate to, to touch upon
1973 中文 及其 Ji2qi2 Conjunction And its 死者及其家属 Si3zhe3 ji2qi2 jia1shu3 The decreased and his bereaved family Important
1974 中文 Ji2 Spell out
1975 中文 埃及 Ai1ji2 Name Egypt
1976 中文 Ai1 Spell out
1977 中文 Ji2 Verb To take into account
1978 中文 Ji4 Verb To mail, to send 4
1979 中文 Ji4 Verb To deposit, to place 我们寄希望于刚铎当局 We place hopes on the Gondor authorities 4
1980 中文 Ji4 Verb To depend on, to attach oneself to 寄住在阿姨家 Ji4 zhu4zai4 a1yi2 jia1 Live with aunt 4
1981 中文 寄托 Ji4tuo1 Verb To entrust sb with sth 把孩子寄托在邻居家里 Entrust child to the care of neighbour
1982 中文 寄予 Ji4yu3 Verb To place (hope etc) on 对青年一代寄予很大的希望 Place high hopes on the youth
1983 中文 技术 Ji4shu4 Noun Skill, technology 4
1984 中文 科技 Ke1ji4 Academic S&T
1985 中文 技巧 Ji4qiao3 Noun Skill, technique
1986 中文 杂技 Za2ji4 Sports Acrobatics
1987 中文 竞技 Jing4ji4 Verb To compete, to challenge
1988 中文 技改 Ji4gai3 Noun Innovation
1989 中文 艺术 Yi4shu4 Academic Art 4
1990 中文 艺术 Yi4shu4 Adjective Artistic
1991 中文 Shu4 Noun Tactic
1992 中文 手术 Shou3shu4 Noun Operation
1993 中文 魔术 Mo2shu4 Noun Magic
1994 中文 算术 Suan4shu4 Academic Arithmetic
1995 中文 既然 Ji4ran2 Conjunction Now that, since, as 既然如此 Ji4ran2 ru2ci3 Since it's like that 4
1996 中文 既——且/又/也—— Ji4 Conjunction Both… and… 极高且大 Both tall and big
1997 中文 Ji4 Adverb Already
1998 中文 既往 Ji4wang3 Adjective Past, previous 既往回忆 Past conferences
1999 中文 Ran2 Adjective Right, correct
2000 中文 Ran2 Affix Attach behind adverb or adjective
2001 中文 依然 Yi1ran2 Adverb As before, unchangedly 依然有效 Still remain valid 4
2002 中文 居然 Ju1ran2 Adverb Unexpectedly
2003 中文 竟然 Jing4ran2 Adverb Unexpectedly
2004 中文 显然 Xian3ran2 Adjective Obvious
2005 中文 必然 Bi4ran2 Adjective Inevitable
2006 中文 偶然 Ou3ran2 Adjective Accidental
2007 中文 偶然 Ou3ran2 Adverb Accidentally
2008 中文 固然 Gu4ran2 Conjunction To concede a counter point first
2009 中文 继续 Ji4xu4 Verb To continue 4
2010 中文 Ji4 Adverb Afterwards
2011 中文 继承 Ji4cheng2 Verb To inherit
2012 中文 继承 Ji4cheng2 Verb To carry on
2013 中文 相继 Xiang1ji4 Adverb In succession
2014 中文 Xu4 Verb To extend, to continue
2015 中文 Xu4 Verb To add, to supply more 赶快续水 Quickly add water
2016 中文 持续 Chi2xu4 Verb To sustain, to continue 保证经济的可持续发展 Ensure a sustainable economic development
2017 中文 连续 Lian2xu4 Adverb Successively, in a row 连续传球 Lian2xu4 chuan2qiu2 Consecutive passes 4
2018 中文 手续 Shou3xu4 Noun Procedures, formalities
2019 中文 陆续 Lu4xu4 Adverb In succession
2020 中文 断续 Duan4xu4 Adverb Intermittent
2021 中文 Hua4 Verb To delimit, to differentiate
2022 中文 Hua4 Verb To transfer, to assign 划款 Hua4kuan3 Transfer money
2023 中文 策划 Ce4hua4 Verb To formulate a plan
2024 中文 记者 Ji4zhe3 Noun Reporter, journalist 4
2025 中文 记录 Ji4lu4 Noun Minutes, notes, record
2026 中文 记住 Ji4zhu Verb To learn by heart
2027 中文 作者 Zuo4zhe3 Noun Writer 4
2028 中文 后者 Hou4zhe3 Noun The latter
2029 中文 患者 Huan4zhe3 Noun Patient, sufferer
2030 中文 增加 Zeng1jia1 Verb To increase, to raise, to add 增加工资 Get a pay raise 5
2031 中文 加以 Jia1yi3 Auxiliary Attach before disyllabic word to indicate that the action is directed towards sth mentioned earlier 有问题要及时加以解决 Problems must be solved in time Important
2032 中文 施加 Shi1jia1 Verb To exert 施加压力 Shi1jia1 ya1li4 To put pressure on
2033 中文 添加 Tian1jia1 Verb To add, to increase
2034 中文 附加 Fu4jia1 Verb To attach, to add
2035 中文 汽油 Qi4you2 Noun Petrol
2036 中文 酱油 Jiang4you2 Food Soy sauce
2037 中文 家具 Jia1ju4 Noun Furniture 4
2038 中文 专家 Zhuan1jia1 Noun Expert, specialist
2039 中文 具有 Ju4you3 Verb To possess sth
2040 中文 具体 Ju4ti3 Adjective Concrete, particular, specific
2041 中文 价值 Jia4zhi2 Noun Value
2042 中文 价值 Jia4zhi2 Verb To be worth, to be valued at
2043 中文 坚持 Jian1chi2 Verb To maintain, to adhere to, to persevere in, to uphold 坚持原则 Jian1chi2 yuan2ze2 Adhere to principle 4
2044 中文 Jian1 Noun Heavily fortified point, fortification
2045 中文 Jian1 Adjective Hard, solid, firm, strong 坚冰 Hard ice
2046 中文 Jian1 Adverb Firmly, flatly, resolutely
2047 中文 坚决 Jian1jue2 Adjective Firm, resolute, determined
2048 中文 Chi2 Verb To hold (abstract) 持相反意见 Hold a contrary opinion
2049 中文 Chi2 Verb To manage, to maintain, to control
2050 中文 支持 Zhi1chi2 Verb To tahan
2051 中文 支持 Zhi1chi2 Verb To support, to stand by 支持被压迫人民的斗争 Support the struggle of oppressed peoples
2052 中文 减肥 Jian3fei2 Verb To lose weight 4
2053 中文 Jian3 Math Minus
2054 中文 减轻 Jian3qing1 Verb To lighten, to ease, to alleviate
2055 中文 削减 Xue1jian3 Verb To cut down, to reduce, to slash
2056 中文 减弱 Jian3ruo4 Verb To weaken
2057 中文 缩减 Suo1jian3 Verb To reduce, to cut
2058 中文 肥皂 Fei2zao4 Noun Soap
2059 中文 肥沃 Fei2wo4 Adjective Fertile, rich
2060 中文 建议 Jian4yi4 Noun Proposal, suggestion 4
2061 中文 建议 Jian4yi4 Verb To propose, to suggest, to recommend
2062 中文 Jian4 Verb To build, to establish
2063 中文 建设 Jian4she4 Verb To build, to construct
2064 中文 建筑 Jian4zhu4 Noun Building, structure 古老的建筑 Ancient building
2065 中文 建筑 Jian4zhu4 Noun
2066 中文 建筑 Jian4zhu4 Verb To build, to construct
2067 中文 Yi4 Noun Opinion, view
2068 中文 Yi4 Verb To discuss, to talk over
2069 中文 协议 Xie2yi4 Noun Agreement
2070 中文 议论 Yi4lun4 Noun Comment, remark
2071 中文 将来 Jiang1lai2 Noun The future 4
2072 中文 Jiang1 Noun Check in chess
2073 中文 Jiang1 Preposition With, by means of 将酒消愁 Jiang1jiu3 xiao1chou2 By drinking try to forget sorrows Important
2074 中文 Jiang1 Preposition Same meaning as 把 将他请来 Jiang1ta1 qing3lai2 Invite him to come over
2075 中文 将军 Jiang1jun1 People General
2076 中文 将近 Jiang1jin4 Adverb Almost, nearly
2077 中文 奖金 Jiang3jin1 Noun Monetary reward 4
2078 中文 Jiang3 Noun Award, prize, reward
2079 中文 Jiang3 Verb To encourage, to praise
2080 中文 奖励 Jiang3li4 Verb To encourage, to reward
2081 中文 夸奖 Kua1jiang3 Verb To compliment, to commend
2082 中文 奖状 Jiang3zhuang4 Noun Certificate
2083 中文 奖牌 Jiang3pai2 Noun Medal
2084 中文 嘉奖 Jia1jiang3 Noun Commendation
2085 中文 金融 Jin1rong2 Academic Finance, banking
2086 中文 Shu3 Noun Classification 金属 Jin1shu3 Metals Important
2087 中文 Jiang4 Verb To descend, to drop, to lower
2088 中文 降落 Jiang4luo4 Verb To descend, to alight, to land 4
2089 中文 Luo4 Noun Whereabouts
2090 中文 落实 Luo4shi2 Verb To fix in advance, to ascertain, to make sure 落实事实 Luo4shi2 shi4shi2 Check out the facts
2091 中文 落实 Luo4shi2 Verb To carry out, to fulfill, to implement 落实责任
2092 中文 落实 Luo4shi2 Adjective Workable, practicable
2093 中文 Luo4 Noun Small area, short part
2094 中文 Luo4 Noun Settlement, place to gather
2095 中文 Jiao1 Noun Relationship, friend, acquaintance 4
2096 中文 Jiao1 Noun Transaction, deal, bargain 4
2097 中文 Jiao1 Verb To hand over, to give up, to deliver 交班 Jiao1ban1 Hand over duty 4
2098 中文 Jiao1 Verb To arrive, to set in 4
2099 中文 Jiao1 Verb To intersect, to cross 4
2100 中文 Jiao1 Adverb Simultaneously, together 4
2101 中文 交通 Jiao1tong1 Noun Traffic, communications 4
2102 中文 交流 Jiao1liu2 Verb Exchange, interchange 4
2103 中文 郊区 Jiao1qu1 Noun Suburban district 4
2104 中文 区域 Qu1yu4 Noun Region, district
2105 中文 区别 Qu1bie2 Verb To distinguish, to differentiate
2106 中文 骄傲 Jiao1ao4 Noun Pride 4
2107 中文 骄傲 Jiao1ao4 Verb To be proud 4
2108 中文 骄傲 Jiao1ao4 Adjective Arrogant, proud
2109 中文 骄横 Jiao1heng4 Adjective Arrogant, proud
2110 中文 傲慢 Ao4man4 Adjective Arrogant, proud
2111 中文 饺子 Jiao3zi Noun Dumpling 4
2112 中文 教授 Jiao4shou4 Noun Professor 4
2113 中文 教授 Jiao4shou4 Verb To instruct, to teach 4
2114 中文 教育 Jiao4yu4 Noun Education 4
2115 中文 宗教 Zong1jiao4 Noun Religion
2116 中文 教堂 Jiao4tang2 Place Church
2117 中文 Yu4 Verb To raise, to rear, to bring up 育华 Yu4hua1 Cultivate flowers
2118 中文 接受 Jie1shou4 Verb To accept 4
2119 中文 Jie1 Verb To connect, to join, to put together 接电线 Connect wires
2120 中文 Jie1 Verb To meet, to welcome
2121 中文 直接 Zhi2jie1 Adjective Direct, immediate 直接原因 Zhi2jie1 yuan2yin1 Direct cause 4
2122 中文 接触 Jie1chu4 Verb To come into contact with
2123 中文 享受 Xiang3shou4 Verb To enjoy 享受公费医疗 Enjoy public healthcare
2124 中文 遭受 Zao1shou4 Verb To suffer, to be subjected to
2125 中文 接着 Jie1zhe Adverb After that, and then 4
2126 中文 接着 Jie1zhe Verb To carry on, to follow suit 接着干 Carry on with work 4
2127 中文 V着V着 Zhe Auxiliary While one action is in progress, another is expected to happen 他想着想着笑了起来 She thought for a while and then laughed
2128 中文 Zhe Auxiliary Used when giving instructions 快着 Hurry!
2129 中文 随着 Sui2zhe Preposition Along with, in pace with 4
2130 中文 结果 Jie2guo3 Noun Result, outcome 4
2131 中文 Jie2 Noun Knot
2132 中文 Jie2 Verb To tie, to knit, to knot, to weave
2133 中文 Jie2 Verb To form, to forge, to cement
2134 中文 结构 Jie2gou4 Noun Structure, composition 经济结构 Economic structure
2135 中文 总结 Zong3jie2 Noun Summary
2136 中文 总结 Zong3jie2 Verb To summarise
2137 中文 结局 Jie2ju2 Noun Ending, final result
2138 中文 Jie2 Noun Node, knot, joint 4
2139 中文 Jie2 Noun Division, part 4
2140 中文 Jie2 Noun Festival 4
2141 中文 Jie2 Noun Item 4
2142 中文 Jie2 Counter Measure word for section, length 4
2143 中文 季节 Ji4jie2 Noun Season
2144 中文 调节 Tiao2jie2 Verb To regulate
2145 中文 细节 Xi4jie2 Noun Details, particulars
2146 中文 节奏 Jie2zou4 Music Rhythm, tempo
2147 中文 解释 Jie3shi4 Verb To explain, to interpret 解释新词 Explain a new word 4
2148 中文 Jie3 Verb To separate, to divide
2149 中文 Jie3 Verb To untie, to undo 解鞋带 Undo shoelace
2150 中文 Jie3 Verb To understand
2151 中文 解除 Jie3chu2 Verb To remove, to relieve, to get rid of 解除合同 Terminate a contract
2152 中文 Shi4 Verb To explain, to clear up
2153 中文 Shi4 Verb To be relieved of, to set free
2154 中文 Jin3 Adverb To greatest extent 尽早 As early as possible
2155 中文 紧张 Jin3zhang1 Adjective Nervous 4
2156 中文 紧张 Jin3zhang1 Adjective In short supply 4
2157 中文 Jin3 Verb To tighten
2158 中文 Jin3 Adjective Tight, taut, close
2159 中文 Jin3 Adjective Urgent, pressing
2160 中文 Jin3 Adjective Strict
2161 中文 紧密 Jin3mi4 Adjective Inseparable, close together 紧密联系 Close contact
2162 中文 紧紧 Jin3jin3 Adverb Closely, firmly
2163 中文 Zhang1 Verb To open, to spread, to stretch
2164 中文 Zhang1 Counter Measure word for bed desk paper leather etc.
2165 中文 主张 Zhu3zhang1 Noun Viewpoint, standpoint, position
2166 中文 主张 Zhu3zhang1 Verb To advocate, to stand for, to uphold
2167 中文 夸张 Kuo4zhang1 Verb To expand, to enlarge
2168 中文 夸张 Kua1zhang1 Verb To exaggerate, to overstate
2169 中文 禁止 Jin4zhi3 Verb To prohibit
2170 中文 Zhi3 Verb To stop
2171 中文 Zhi3 Preposition Until (place after)
2172 中文 为止 Wei2zhi3 Preposition Until (place after) 一直等到他回来为止 Wait until he returns
2173 中文 进行 Jin4xing2 Verb In progress, underway 手术进行了六个小时 The operation lasted 6 hours 4
2174 中文 进行 Jin4xing2 Verb To carry out, to conduct 4
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