Izz Hafeez

Aspiring Polymath


I'm an ambitious and disciplined learner. Apart from my unique set of IT experience, I spend my free time studying languages, arranging music, creating mathematical art and undertake data science projects.



I've earned a certificate in Python in early 2017 and it is my primary language.

During my time as a Programming Head, I crafted a lesson plan and taught Python to other clubmembers. I also participated in the NOI.

During my time as a Data Analytics Specialist, I was involved in maintaining and developing an optimisation model based in Python. I also utilised Python for my other Data Science tasks.

During my free time, I started numerous Data Science projects as well as reusable packages to assist in that process.















R is a language for statistical computing and graphics. And it's fast in manipulating data. I have undergone a Data Science course taught in R, picking up quite a few standard libraries. For my Capstone project, I created a model that predicted how much I would like a particular song, based on my iTunes data that I have carefully compiled.

The other time I used R was during my NS. In my vocation, I learnt to operate and maintain R scripts meant for cleaning data. Also, I was tasked to internalise the inner workings of certain codes and translate them from R to Python. That is my most memorable usage of R.

But other than that, I've made a couple of independent visualisations and small projects and that's pretty much it.

Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script allows me to create Web Applications as well as perform other functions on the Google Cloud Platform.

Following a couple of tutorials, I started creating my own Telegram bots. Based in Google Apps Script, I can either let the Telegram bot send occasional messages to me, or accept inputs to either add or retrieve data from my database (Google Sheets).

I also enable my code to send me bug-report emails, as well as regularly accept data from APIs and sites.

Since Google Apps Script is based in JavaScript anyway, I can simultaneously learn the JavaScript syntax. I see this as an absolute win!


I have had a long history of HTML but it is only recently that I get back to it. In particular, apart from designing this website from scratch, I designed a Data Governance Portal for MOM. So that's quite useful for the organisation I guess.

I also designed my card game using HTML and CSS.


The older designs of my website used to contain alot of JavaScript because I was confident that my animations and site functionalities were good. However, they tended to fail alot on other browsers and were atrociously slow on phone. As such, I had to migrate everything to CSS, as a more elegant solution to what I tried to achieve.


SQL deals with the loading and unloading of data from databases. Although I did practice a bit using SQLAlchemy, I only truly started writing SQL scripts when creating Power BI dashboards and SSIS packages. It's not a fun language to debug.


Ruby on Rails is another database structure, and I primarily saw it during the DRO project. Occasionally, when the software failed, I had to go deep into the code and change one or two things. While doing so, I have learnt to read and understand Ruby code. I even bought a Ruby on Rails book to understand it.

But I took one step further. Making a copy of the code, I managed to reverse engineer it, making minor edits to let me see what's happening behind the scenes. Though I didn't go much into it, it was still an interesting experience.


C++ was one of the first languages I learnt, even before Python. Following the contents of a book, as well as online resources, I managed to get my C++ to a readable level. Even though I managed to make a couple of simple games and functions, I haven't practised C++ enough to raise my skill level to 4.

On a side note, I've also learnt RobotC in the past, in preparation for the VEX Robotics competition, but I don't practice that anymore. Learnt a bit of Arduino as well.


Apart from learning JavaScript via Google Apps Script, I also utilised it heavily during the early stages of developing this website. I also referred to my JavaScript book often, making notes along the way.


The most I've done with Java is read a couple of chapters of a Java Programming book, understanding the syntax and methodology. However, I have had a little trouble setting up my compiler and IDE so I will leave my learning of Java to my university years.


Malay is my Mother Tongue, but due to some encounters with bullying in the past, I've grown away from my roots and hated the subject. Inevitably, my ability deteriorated in Primary 4, which led to even more bullying. I wish the circumstances were different.


My Chinese learning journey began during the second year of JC. At first I was learning from Duolingo, but ever since I finished that course, I began to challenge myself more. I began to aim big, aim for standardised test. From spending hours revising, to analysing news articles, I have been treating my studies a little too intensely (I could spend 30 hours studying and not feel tired).

And so in September 2019, I took and passed the HSK 3 test. And in March 2021, I took and passed the HSK 5 test. But I want to achieve more. I want to achieve the highest level. But seeing as though the standards are going to be revamped, that won't happen for a long time.


French was the first foreign language that I learnt (in 2015). After finishing the Duolingo course in 2019, I began taking my French more seriously, buying grammar textbooks and storybooks. I also downloaded the HelloTalk app, which allowed me to interact with native French speakers, which definitely helped my French quite a bit


Owing to my prior knowledge in French, I found Spanish quite easy to learn, starting the Duolingo course in 2018. Along the way, I also picked up a couple of workbooks and practice material, but I have yet to complete them.


The spark for learning Japanese only came when Netflix introduced Anime onto its platform. After just watching a few episodes, I became invested in its grammar and its efficiency. As such, in 2020, I started learning Japanese. Unfortunately, I have nothing to show for my current ability. I'm working towards the JLPT N4 test, but as long as I can't get a booking done, I can't accomplish my goals in this language. I plan to go all the way, after all.


Similar to Japanese, I started learning Korean only when I got properly introduced to the culture. From K-pop to K-drama to Korea itself, I got interested in the culture. I even signed up for a Korean language class at Sejong, before deciding that it's best for me to just self-study using other online resources. I am working towards the TOPIK 1 test and plan to get into the second tier. But this whole COVID thing is slowing down my progress.


Desmos is a graphing calculator software that could rival Texas Instruments. I started using it in 2017, making simple Physics simulations and diagrams. I then moved on to creating mathematical art. I took part in the Designing with TI Graphing Calculators competition, winning a Silver award in 2017 and a Gold award in 2018.

2019 was when I returned to Desmos, coming up with various research projects and experimenting on different functions and operations. Posting the more visually appealing ones onto my Instagram, I took pride in whatever I created. Overall, this has earned me 450 followers.

Here are some of the topics I've researched, all to improve the quality of my graphs:

  • Perlin Noise
  • Computer Graphics
  • 3D Projection
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Fourier Analysis
  • Numerical Methods
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Vector Fields
  • Multivariate Calculus
  • Bezier Curves

For some of my work, please visit the "CREATIONS" section of the site.


Musescore is a music notation software that allows users to create music sheets and arrangements. I started using it in 2019, creating arrangements of old popular songs like "What I've Done" and "Rewrite the Stars". But then I moved on to creating recent songs, like "Speechless" and "On My Way", usually publishing my scores within 3 hours of song release.

But later on in my music journey, I started creating mashups and arrangements involving several parts. Although those didn't get as much attention as my other creations, I was still quite proud of what I achieved.

After all that was done, I moved on to creating original compositions. As I am quite bad at lyrics, all I have are brief structures and melodies. I plan to pursue this further when I enter university, if time persists.

For some of my work, please visit the "CREATIONS" section of the site.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a tool that everyone would have encountered at least once in their lives. And indeed, Microsoft Office became a vital part of my work during my NS and MOM lives.

The main product that I use is Excel. Apart from serving as the source file for many scripts and programmes, I also use Excel for its various functions: Pivot Tables, VBA scripts, and Visualisations.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets serves as the host to all my notes and online resources. It is the database for my Python scripts and Web Applications.

Using the unique query/filter functions, pivot tables, custom APIs, and even the Google Translate function, I was able to come up with some complex logics and data structures to assist in the development of my Web Applications.


Jupyter notebook is the main Python IDE used for Data Science. It allows the execution of Python code chunk-by-chunk and it is very easy to use. Since my NS life was that of Data Science, I ended up using Jupyter most frequently.

I've also started producing Data Science reports and visualisations using R in Jupyter.


I have used countless API during my programming journey. Professionally, I have used Google's Distance Matrix many times to query travel times between any two given points in Singapore. In reality, this particular API has caused much pain for me in the past, since Google decided charging people for its usage in mid-2019. This had caused my co-workers and I to find new solutions and workarounds to ensure that work is not completely halted.

But besides that, all I have are good experiences in APIs. They have been a tremendous help in my data extraction and data science projects. For example:

Datamuse - a powerful word-finding engine

Google Search - a handy way to use Google's search engine

YouTube Data - allows users to manage their YouTube accounts

Apple Music - gives details on latest music and more

Apart from that still, I have treated many other websites as APIs, utilising my web scraping packages to ride on their search functions.

Telegram Bots

I have made quite alot of Telegram Bots during my off-work hours. All of them serve to serve to make my life easier, be it facilitating my learning process, or being a convenient search engine.

For creating my personal notes on subjects, I very much prefer to make my own Telegram Bots from scratch rather than use traditional apps. Reason being, I'd like more control about how I learn, and add some personal flair to the functionality of the app. Also, since all my notes are found on the same Telegram platform, it is more convenient. It's also nice that my bots can pester me 24/7 for the kind of "Spaced memorisation".


Sublime was kind of an impulse buy. In 2019, I was looking for an all-in-one programming platform, for practicing my different languages. And then I saw that the DRO project used Sublime quite frequently for its Python and Ruby code, so I ended up buying Sublime. Never knew about Visual Studio until quite recently. But yeah, I'm quite familiar with Sublime's controls and stuff. Especially the CTRL-D function which I love so much.


Tableau is one of the leading data visualisation tools. I was introduced to it in mid 2019, when I attended the Tableau Day Out event at Marina Bay Sands. Getting to know the functionality, and various projects possible with Tableau. All that. But then I got the opportunity to perform a UAT based in Tableau and I find it quite nice to use.

Then came 2020, when Tableau was installed on my work machines. I played around with it for around a month, following tutorials and making my own dashboards using data I had on hand. But then, my juniors came and I was sucked into other tasks. Nevertheless, I was still a reliable mentor to the person who actually ended up using it. I provided feedback, came up with suggestions and worked out some dashboard logic with him. Furthermore, I guided him in creating the dashboard for the DECAMS project, often having to alter my code because of his findings.

I was also part of the committee that judged SCDF submissions into the Data Arcade Tournament 2020, a government-wide competition revolving around storytelling using Tableau. Using our knowledge on Tableau, we managed to come up with ranking criteria for the submissions for final judgement by senior officers.

After my NS, I continued to play around with Tableau, but not much, as I had other projects planned.

Google Cloud Platform

I have used Google Cloud Platform for 2 main purposes.

The first was during my NS years, where I had to manage and maintain the Google Distance Matrix API, which calculates travel times between two points on Earth. There were MANY complications regarding the use of this API, for Google started charging for its usage some time in 2019. I had to familiarise myself with the Cloud Platform, setting limits and managing keys, all to ensure that the codes continued to work.

The second was during my adventures in Web Applications and Telegram Bots. As mentioned in other sections, I host my Telegram Bots on the Google Cloud, with Google Sheets serving as my database. Google Cloud helps me monitor my usages and execution errors so I'm grateful for that. I've also produced one non-Telegram Web Application so there's that.


I've only had the opportunity to use Photoshop Desktop once in my life. However, as for the mobile version, that's a different story. Although it has much fewer features than the desktop version, most of the essential tools are still intact. Using a mixture of Photoshop Mix, Photoshop Fix and Photoshop Lightroom, I've edited tonnes of photos during my JC years. Some were simple lighting fixes to pictures used in Project Work. Others were meme generation. But the main bulk of my Photoshop adventures were comedic edits (of my friends, for example), refining my photoshop abilities as a result.

Power BI

Power BI is Microsoft's alternative to Tableau. Even though its visualisation tools are inferior to Tableau, it excels in data manipulation. I only started using Power BI during my time in MOM, creating some simple visualisations and dashboards. And I also read through a bit of the documentation, learning DAX and Power Query M languages to an understandable level. But that's pretty much it.

Sharepoint Site Creator

Like Power BI, I've only been introduced to Sharepoint Site Creator during my time in MOM. This made up a significant portion of my work, as I had to design a Data Governance portal, serving as a go-to site for employees for their data questions. The controls are partly based in HTML/CSS and partly User Interface for the content itself.

As I've already learnt HTML and CSS in the past, the main takeaway I had from this experience was Communication skills. In this task, I developed my summary skills and managed to design Infographics to better convey the meaning and explanations behind the portal. This was definitely out of my comfort zone but I'm glad that I was able to patch this part of me.


QGIS is a geographic information system application that I haven't used personally. But what I have done is assist the person actually using it. I have helped him spot mistakes and areas for improvement. Using my knowledge on data visualisation, I helped him research the best type of visualisation to use etc.

On my own, I also did some of my own research. But I couldn't get it to work on my personal Mac so there's that.

ER Studio

ER Studio is used when designing SSIS packages. I've gone through a couple of training sessions regarding this and have had one experience using it. Still very confused about the interface so I'd say my ability is 1.2.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio seems to be the better option over Sublime. But I never knew about its existence until 2021. Similarly to ER Studio, I've only had one experience using it, as well as a couple of days experimenting with it. But since I'm still quite unfamiliar, I'd say my ability is 1.2.


Blender is a 3D modelling tool. I've used it for like a week. But my Mac can't really handle it so I stopped using it. I watched quite a lot of YouTube tutorials, though.

Amazon Web Services

Went for training but still not familiar.


Went for training but still not familiar.

Technical Skills
Data Science

I served my NS in the DSAI branch of my department. As a result, I was involved in many Data Science projects, gaining much exposure to real-life applications of the field as well as making tangible contributions to society.

I've played critical roles in many steps of the Data Science process: mining, scraping, cleaning, modelling, visualisation and analytics. Owing to my 2 years of meaningful experiences, I've become multidisciplinary in this aspect.

Below are some of my skills in data science.


Data Cleaning is the process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from a record set, table, or database and refers to identifying incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or irrelevant parts of the data and then replacing, modifying, or deleting the dirty or coarse data.

This was my BIGGEST role during my NS years and the number of janitorial tasks I had to do was countless. Data that came in had many problems:

They often were of widely different formats. I'm okay with the different naming conventions of the JSON/CSV/XLSX files. But the problem lay in the UNSTRUCTURED PDF and TXT files, especially when there were EMPTY FIELDS. Whenever there was an empty field, the copied text would completely ignore the field. Not leave it as empty. COMPLETELY IGNORE. That made extraction very challenging. So the pain was just to use some complicated Regex rules to extract essential data out.

The excel files were sometimes awkwardly formatted. I don't know what the creators were thinking, but alot of times, the data was weirdly merged, such that nothing aligned with each other at all. What's more, there was an excel file where the data was stored over 3000 sheets, and NOTHING ever started on the same line. So that was also painful.

I had to deal with alot of RAW TEXT FILES. This came with the whole set of spelling errors and wrong word usage. I don't know how many times I had to come up with Regex logic to harmonise the data.

Another pain I had to endure was when the data was unlabelled. No clue what the data fields represented and no clue what the possible values were. These were often data sent by external vendors, so I couldn't even send emails to them to ask. But that was just something I had to slowly figure out, by creating some visuals, pivot tables and tree diagrams.

A very small pain was just to deal with missing data, filling it with either a default value, or an aggregated one. Not so painful, thankfully.


Data Analytics is taking analyzed data and working on it in a meaningful and useful way to make well-versed business decisions. This was my job title for my NS.

Indeed, this describes my jobscope quite well, as I have played a vital role in Singapore's ambulance performance. Particularly, I have been tasked on numerous occasions to select potential locations for future Fire Bases. This included the NPPs, Community Centres, public utilities as well as void decks. This was a fun task because I could use my visualisations and reports to make informed decisions. Also, there was loads of fun in exploring Singapore through Google Street View.


Data Scraping is the process of importing information from a website into a spreadsheet or local file saved on your computer.

This was one of my favourite parts of Data Science, for I got to employ my pattern-recognition skills to the fullest. I've used Data Scraping to extract locations of Community Centres and NPPs, in order to propose new locations for ambulance placement.


Data Visualisation is the graphical representation of information and data. By using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps, data visualisation tools provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

This was also an integral part of the data science process. Besides being used for data science reports, I used them for decision-making. Using various Geospatial visualisation tools, I was able to spot gaps in ambulance coverage, allowing me to choose a location best suited to host ambulances.

Quite a fun process overall.


Mathematical Modelling is the development of a mathematical model, which in turn is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language. Again, I used it heavily during my NS.

My main use for mathematical modelling is to understand the data better, drafting some theories as to why the data and trends are as such. Coming from a triple mathematics background, I have an excess of mathematical concepts laying dormant in my brain. As such, I tried to apply them as much as possible. For example, I have used the Chi Square test on numerous occasions to quickly find relations between fields. Also, I've used various Numerical Methods techniques to find approximations for some complex equations.


Data Mining is a process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems.

For alot of projects during my NS years, I served as the frontline of the Data Science process, as I was the one to do up a preliminary investigation of the data, as well as come up with some useful metrics. For example, I did up the initial report for the following projects:

  • Finding fraudulent transactions within the Finance Department
  • Designing an Inventory Management System for the Logistics Department
  • Designing an IPPT dashboard to track the passing rates and investigate why the passing rates were low.


Business Intelligence leverages software and services to transform data into actionable insights that inform an organization’s strategic and tactical business decisions.

Similar to Data Analytics, I have used my visualisations and reports to better understand why the data is as such. For example, during my DECAMS project, I was tasked to find out the possible reasons why Fire Alarms gave out False Alarms. This was a month-long project but I think the insights the team provided were sufficient, albeit trivial.


In terms of courses, I've done 2:

HarvardX Data Science - a course teaching Machine Learning based in R programming language

IBM Deep Learning with Tensorflow - a course teaching Tensorflow based in Python

But of course, I've done quite a lot of independent projects as well. Specifically, I have also created an RNN model for music creation and a couple of recommender engines.


Database Management, allows a person to organize, store and retrieve data from a computer. Database Management can also describe, the data storage, operations and security practices of a Database Administrator (DBA), throughout the life cycle of the data.

Professionally, I haven't done much in the realm of database management, apart from some training sessions and some guided practice.

But outside of work, I think my Google Cloud adventures more than makes up for it. From my Python extraction/upload functions, to my dynamically-coded Google Sheets data structures, to my final-frontier Telegram Bots, I'm quite familiar with this.


Since young, I've excelled at Maths, achieving the Best in Mathematics" level award in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012. I've also won numerous awards during my schooling life, winning a Silver in SMO for 2011, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018, and many other competitions of varying difficulty. I even took a triple mathematics combination in Junior College.

But I think the accomplishment I most cherish is my Gold Award for the Designing with TI Graphing Calculators competition in 2018. The competition judged submissions based on their ability to blend Art and Mathematics to fulfil a particular theme. The theme for mine was "Towards a Smart Nation".

After that, I was set on a path to create math. In 2019, I launched my Instagram page, a page dedicated to creating art on Desmos Graphing Calculator. The graphs created started off with simple polar and parametric equations, but I quickly developed intense techniques such as 3D projection that further enhance the quality of my work. As of now, I've gained 450 followers and actively involve myself in the online math community.

Here are some of my interests in Math, and some others if interested.


I've developed quite alot of graphing techniques over the years and have produced some cool graphs. But I guess that's not a "Technical Skill". I think the skills I picked up were of analysing the behaviours of certain curves and functions. I think I have a good enough intuition to understand how a certain equation will behave near 0 and near infinity for example. Maybe even the difficult differential equations. I can kind of picture them in my head, owing to my Desmos adventures.


Apart from the concepts picked up from education, my time as a Data Analytics Specialist has taught me many things in the world of statistics, stochastic processes and big data. And I've got alot of practice in it as well.


Numerical Analysis is the area of mathematics and computer science that creates, analyzes, and implements algorithms for solving numerically the problems of continuous mathematics.

This permeates quite alot of my life. Nothing in particular comes to mind, but the ideas behind it, and the methods under it have definitely seen action in my line of work.


This is purely for fun haha. Sometimes when I see an interesting Calculus question, I'll try it. But I think now my solving skills have deteriorated.


I started learning the piano when I was 5, and managed to obtain Grade 5 for both Theory and Practical by 12. But after that, my hands started to shake and I had to stop.

But I was never out of music, for I immediately ended up in Choir, in which I was in the First Bass section. I was quite good initially, but started to get worse as my health deteriorated during my senior years of Secondary School. Nevertheless, I still managed to win awards in competitions and concerts before my departure, so that was fun.

I also learned to play the guitar in 2014, but that was quite short-lived

But in 2019, I rose back to the music scene, posting my covers and arrangements onto Musescore (a music sharing platform), and YouTube. So far, I've gained a combined following of over 1300 and it's still rising. Now, even though I've slowed down in terms of releasing music scores, I have turned to improvising on my piano and creating original compositions.

Here's what I've done in the music scene.


I'm very invested in music theory, and I've researched quite a lot of advanced topics related to it. But indeed, having a good theory foundation does not make me a good musician. Hence, I try to use the concepts I've picked up as much as possible in my creations, but I always feel that there's more to learn and explore.


Music Transcription is the practice of notating a piece which was previously unnotated.

Specifically, I listen to songs and try to produce sheet music. So far, I think I've transcribed more than 100 songs, so I think I have a good enough foundation on it. I can visibly see that the quality of my scores has improved over the years, and they're still improving, as I get more feedback from my partners at Jellynote.

This remains to be the bulk of my views and popularity.


While transcriptions make up the majority of my popular works, I dedicated most of my time to creating Mashups, which are fusions of disparate musical elements and ideas.

Particularly, I produce mashups of popular songs, such as my NDP medley, meme mashups and chord-progression mashups.

This is my biggest passion in music, drawing connections between seemingly disparate songs and tunes. Revamping them just by adding a simple undermelody.


This is a fun past-time. Creating original compositions. They're not so good though.


Professional Experience
02'21 - 06'21MOM Temporary Staff

I managed to get a Temp Staff position, rather than an Internship position, due to my prior IT experience in SCDF. My job scope encompassed:

1. Writing Minutes - This involved summarising the contents of a series of meetings. This was particularly difficult because there were many terms and acronyms I was unfamiliar with. Nonetheless, I was able to produce adequately succinct minutes.

2. Sharepoint Development - This involved designing a Data Governance portal for use by all MOMers. Not only were adequate HTML/CSS skills required, I also had to develop on my communication skills, so that the readers would be able to understand the content fully.

3. My other work involved assisting other developers with their work mostly. This involved creating Power BI dashboards, SSIS packages and monthly Access reports.

02'19 - 01'21SCDF Data Analytics Specialist

I was hand-picked to be a part of the DSAI branch of the TFTD in SCDF, a position only granted to 3 people in 2019.

My tasks were wide-ranging and all-encompassing, and I was involved in countless Data Science projects. Apart from the ★ DRO project ★ (which is mentioned in another section), here are some of my other notable tasks during this 2-year period:

  • Determined the viability of the NLTK package for data cleaning.
  • Replicated a vendor-built recommendation engine in order to find faults within it.
  • Automated some auditing systems which and dealt with data from multiple files
  • Translated some janitorial scripts from R to Python.
  • Attended the Tableau Data Day Out 2019 event as well as other trainings such as a Microsoft Azure session by IBM, along with the AI workshop by RP.
  • Led a team of 4 to complete the month-long DECAMS project, which sought to understand what caused Fire Alarms to produce false alarms.
  • Trained newcomers in programming.
  • Conducted exploratory analysis on IPPT data to provide insights as to why certain demographics of people were failing their IPPT test.
  • Conducted preliminary investigations on transaction data from the Finance Department, which aimed to spot fraudulent data and other anomalous entries.
  • Assisted the development of an Inventory Management System to be used by the Logistics Department.
  • Part of the team that evaluated and graded SCDF's Tableau report submissions into the Data Arcade Tournament 2020.
  • Conducted a Tableau UAT, in which we had to test the functionalities of a Tableau dashboard.
  • Assisted in the creation of myResponser visualisations, used to provide monthly reports on the app's performance.
  • Assisted in the development of the department webpage.
06'17 - 05'18VRMC Programming Head

I was chosen for this role by the preceding committee for my prior knowledge of Python. I must admit, I didn't perform my duties that well as a programming head, but I tried my best nonetheless. I learned from my mistakes, of course. What I've done in my position:

Within a month of attaining my role, I was heavily involved in the VEX Robotics competition. This meant learning a new language (RobotC) within a short period of time, making notes for it, as well as teaching it to the others. It was a painful process, as the Mid-Year Exams were also nearby. There was also the "Autonomous" portion of the competition, in which I tried but failed to produce a working piece of code. But I still had fun nonetheless. It was a good experience, after all.

In Term 3, I was in charge of preparing a Python course for the other clubmembers. Every time I look back at it, it is with great cringe and disappointment, for I failed in imparting any knowledge whatsoever. I had spent quite a great deal of time preparing proper training material. But ultimately it came down to my lack of ability in explaining the material itself. As a result, I wasted quite alot of time. It is my greatest failure in programming thus far. But I'm glad that during my NS, I was able to hone my communication skills, and provide better explanations for complex topics.

That was it for the programming-intensive roles, apart from the research sessions during the off-peak periods. Also, the robotics competition that the club helped to facilitate.

However, my contributions came in once again during the March camp. I came up with 3 of the camp activities, adding in my own puzzles to the camp. As well as a Kahoot quiz at the end. I thought it was quite fun, but idk haha.

NUSDouble Major in Computer Science and Mathematics

I seek to hone my programming skills.

VJCTriple Mathematics

I consistently obtained the top 20 results for both Physics and Mathematics, as well as top 3 for Further Mathematics. However, although I've produced some good essays (>34 score), my General Paper remained poor, as well as my Economics. Never had the motivation to study something I didn't find interesting. That's pretty much it.

VSTriple Science

I've won quite alot of Mathematics awards for the schools, particularly the SMO, where I won two Silvers and two Bronzes.

EPPSStandard PSLE subjects

I consistently scored very high marks for my Maths, and I scored the highest cohort mark for Maths in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012. I even scored full marks for 3 of my final year exams.

[SILVER]SMO 2011, 2014, 2016, 2017 & 2018

SMO is an annual national-level mathematics competition. It tests the ability to solve complex questions far outside the curriculum. The questions I excelled at were geometry and calculus.

[GOLD]Designing with TI Graphing Calculators competition 2018
This competition tests the ability to produce a work of art using nothing but mathematical equations. With a total equation count of 1158, my artwork won the gold award, and for that I'm proud of myself. Here's what it looks like on Desmos.
[BEST]Mathematics Subject Award 2008, 2010, 2011 & 2012

With the exception of 2011, I've scored 99% and above for all my end-of-year Maths examinations. Even in 2009, I scored 99, but apparently there was someone who got a 100 so I was quite upset.

[OTHERS]Other achievements
[HIGH DISTINCTION]AMC 2018 [HIGH DISTINCTION]UNSW Mathematics 2011 & 2012 [DISTINCTION]Euclid Contest 2017 & 2018 [DISTINCTION]UWL Music Performance (LCM) Ensemble Level 4 [DISTINCTION]UNSW Science 2010 & 2012 [EXCELLENCE]Australian National Chemistry Quiz 2016 [SILVER]Designing with TI Graphing Calculators competition 2017 [BRONZE]SMO 2013 & 2015 [BRONZE]SEAMO 2017 [SECOND ROUND]Instagram Mathematical Olympiad 2020 [SECOND ROUND]Criminal Behavioural Analysis Competition 2017 [BEST]Best Trainee for the 52nd Admin Support Course 2019 [MERIT]CB Paul Science Quiz 2016 [MERIT]ABRSM Grade 5 Music Theory [PASSED]ABRSM Grade 5 Piano [PARTICIPATION]Numbers Squad 2011 [PARTICIPATION]Singapore Physics Olympiad 2017 [PARTICIPATION]SMS Essay Competition 2018 [PARTICIPATION]National Olympiad for Informatics 2018 [PARTICIPATION]SIMC 2018 [PARTICIPATION]Business Analytics Case Competition 2018 [PARTICIPATION]Idea Hacks 2017 [PARTICIPATION]Our People Our Music 2014
Confucius InstituteHSK 5

The HSK is the internationally-accepted Chinese proficiency test. It tests Listening, Reading and Writing skills, to which I scored 211 out of 300 in March 2021.

IBMDeep Learning with Tensorflow

I finished this Data Science course in late 2020. It taught in detail the different Deep Learning models and their respective pros, cons, and considerations. The course was taught using Tensorflow, which is one of Python's machine learning packages.

Confucius InstituteHSK 3

The HSK is the internationally-accepted Chinese proficiency test. It tests Listening, Reading and Writing skills, to which I scored 279 out of 300 in September 2019.

HarvardXData Science

I finished this 9-part certification in end 2019, amidst my NS. It taught the fundamentals of Data Science, from the modelling, to the cleaning, to the visualisation, and finally the machine learning. The course was held in the R language, and I was able to appreciate the %>% pipeline operator as well as R's vectors. Creating my capstone project was fun too.

University of MichiganPython for Everybody

I took this 5-part certification in 2017, while waiting to enrol in JC. It taught me the basics of Python, going all the way to interactions with SQL, JSON, as well as all the Web Scraping functions. I don't quite remember what my capstone project was haha. Regardless, it was one of the reasons why I was chosen to become the Programming Head of VRMC.



I started off mesmerised by stars, galaxies and other cosmic entities when reading my encyclopedias. But nowadays, my attention is geared towards the calculations behind those phenomena. So there's the more advanced topics like Celestial Mechanics, MHD, General Relativity and Observational Astronomy. I recommend the following YouTube channels:

Anton Petrov - daily news updates in astronomy

Astrum - weekly 10-minute documentaries

SEA - monthly 30-minute documentaries


Apart from exploring Google Maps for geographical peculiarities, I indulge in challenging online quizzes to refine my geographical knowledge. Also, before subscriptions were needed, I regularly played the Geoguessr game, which rewards investigative skills. Of course, I also enjoy learning concepts such as Urban Geography and Climatology. That said, I recommend the following YouTube channels:

Atlas Pro - biweekly documentaries

ibx2cat - interesting geography facts

GeoWizard - expert in the Geoguessr game


I am a highly diligent language learner, currently studying Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French and Spanish with the intention of taking all the proficiency tests in the future. I am a big fan of hardcore linguistics as well, learning about even more languages from a more analytical point of view. I recommend the following YouTube channels:

Ecolinguist - language comparison & exchange

Artifexian - linguistics & conlangs

Langfocus - language case-studies


I have produced quite a lot of music, producing arrangements and compositions, and even being featured and credited several times. I have also picked up some complex music theory ideas as well, learning from the experts as much as possible. I recommend the following YouTube channels:

MusicalBasics - original piano compositions

David Bennett Piano - music case-studies

12tone - music case-studies


Coming from a Triple Science and Triple Maths background, it is natural that I'm interested in the sciences. I like learning and applying new formulas to help me analyse the world around me. I recommend the following YouTube channels:

Zach Star - interesting applications of maths

Real Engineering - engineering project showcase

3Blue1Brown - advanced maths concepts made simple



Here are some of my transcriptions and arrangements on YouTube, along with the download links for the score sheets.